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Could someone help me make "u" work ACL

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function ACLChat(player,_,...) 
    if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup ( "Mafia" ) ) then 
    local mensaje= table.concat({...}, " ") 
    local name = getPlayerName(player) 
    local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) 
for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
    if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)), aclGetGroup ( "Mafia" ) ) then 
outputChatBox("[Clan]: "..name..": "..mensaje,v,r,g,b) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function() 
    if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Mafia" ) ) then 
        bindKey(source, "u", "down", "chatbox", "aclchat") 

I need if you can make this work since I can't find a way to make it work I found it right here to the script this in this community I found it I would like that when you price the u in then you can talk and clan appears and so placably you can talk but privately as you would do with the letter t but this by ACL private way if someone helps me solve this I would appreciate it

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--// Setting delay value.
local DELAY = 1000

--// Store players delay in memory server.
local cooldown = {}

--// Get player account name.
local function getPlayerAccountName(player)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(player)
    return getAccountName(account)

--// Verify if player is in ACL group.
local function isPlayerHasAcl(player, acl)
    local group = aclGetGroup(acl)
    local accountName = getPlayerAccountName(player)
    return isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, group)

--// Add event handler for player chat clan.
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function(message, type)
    --// Check if it's a normal message.
    if type ~= 0 then
        return false 

    --// Check if the message is empty.
    if message == "" or message == " " then
        return false 

    --// Protect player from spamming.
    local now = getTickCount()
    if cooldown[source] and now - cooldown[source] < DELAY then
        return outputChatBox("Please wait a moment before sending another message.", source, 255, 0, 0) 

    --// Check if the player is in ACL group.
    local playerName = getPlayerName(source)
    if not isPlayerHasAcl(source, "Console") then
        return false 

    --// Added player to cooldown.
    cooldown[source] = now

    --// Send message to all players in ACL group.
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source)
    for i = 1, #players do
        local player = players[i]
        if isPlayerHasAcl(player, "Console") then
            outputChatBox("[Clan]: "..playerName..": "..message, player, r, g, b)

    --// Cancel MTA default message.

--// Add event handler for player quit and delete memory value.
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function()
    if cooldown[source] then
        cooldown[source] = nil

Hey, what's up? I made a simple example of a chat, showing how you can create a clan-specific chat using the 't' key (the default chat key in MTA).

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  On 01/02/2025 at 01:26, zFelpszada said:
--// Setting delay value.
local DELAY = 1000

--// Store players delay in memory server.
local cooldown = {}

--// Get player account name.
local function getPlayerAccountName(player)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(player)
    return getAccountName(account)

--// Verify if player is in ACL group.
local function isPlayerHasAcl(player, acl)
    local group = aclGetGroup(acl)
    local accountName = getPlayerAccountName(player)
    return isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, group)

--// Add event handler for player chat clan.
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function(message, type)
    --// Check if it's a normal message.
    if type ~= 0 then
        return false 

    --// Check if the message is empty.
    if message == "" or message == " " then
        return false 

    --// Protect player from spamming.
    local now = getTickCount()
    if cooldown[source] and now - cooldown[source] < DELAY then
        return outputChatBox("Please wait a moment before sending another message.", source, 255, 0, 0) 

    --// Check if the player is in ACL group.
    local playerName = getPlayerName(source)
    if not isPlayerHasAcl(source, "Console") then
        return false 

    --// Added player to cooldown.
    cooldown[source] = now

    --// Send message to all players in ACL group.
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source)
    for i = 1, #players do
        local player = players[i]
        if isPlayerHasAcl(player, "Console") then
            outputChatBox("[Clan]: "..playerName..": "..message, player, r, g, b)

    --// Cancel MTA default message.

--// Add event handler for player quit and delete memory value.
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function()
    if cooldown[source] then
        cooldown[source] = nil

Oye, ¿qué pasa? Hice un ejemplo simple de un chat, mostrando cómo se puede crear un chat específico del clan usando la tecla 't' (la tecla de chat predeterminada en MTA).


good morning onestly it's okay what you've done anyway I don't understand much about these things I only find scripts and see if I can edit it but this one the one I sent mainly is fine but I can't make it work I already tried to create 1 bindKey(source, "u", "down", "chatbox", "aclchat") on the side of the client client but I'm still unsuccessful I've been days without sleeping trying to solve this I would thank you If you could create it for me you don't know I'm trying to find people who accept transfer so I don't know what country you are from but if you are interested since you know how to create script I could pay you the only way transfer but help me with this and if you are interested in what I am telling you here in Argentina we manage with transfer you could pass me your contact is that I am needing simple things for my server totally free It's not very successful but I'm trying to get everything on the right track and thank you very much for being so generous in giving me examples 

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  On 01/02/2025 at 11:52, Version said:

good morning onestly it's okay what you've done anyway I don't understand much about these things I only find scripts and see if I can edit it but this one the one I sent mainly is fine but I can't make it work I already tried to create 1 bindKey(source, "u", "down", "chatbox", "aclchat") on the side of the client client but I'm still unsuccessful I've been days without sleeping trying to solve this I would thank you If you could create it for me you don't know I'm trying to find people who accept transfer so I don't know what country you are from but if you are interested since you know how to create script I could pay you the only way transfer but help me with this and if you are interested in what I am telling you here in Argentina we manage with transfer you could pass me your contact is that I am needing simple things for my server totally free It's not very successful but I'm trying to get everything on the right track and thank you very much for being so generous in giving me examples 

--// Setting ACL group.
local ACL = "Mafia"

--// Setting delay value.
local DELAY = 1000

--// Store players delay in memory server.
local cooldown = {}

--// Get player account name.
local function getPlayerAccountName(player)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(player)
    return getAccountName(account)

--// Verify if player is in ACL group.
local function isPlayerHasAcl(player, acl)
    local group = aclGetGroup(acl)
    local accountName = getPlayerAccountName(player)
    return isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, group)

--// Clan chat.
local function clan(player, _, ...) 
    --// Protect player from spamming.
    local now = getTickCount()
    if cooldown[player] and now - cooldown[player] < DELAY then
        return outputChatBox("Please wait a moment before sending another message.", player, 255, 0, 0) 

    --// Set player delay.
    cooldown[player] = now

    --// Verify if player is in ACL group.
    if not isPlayerHasAcl(player, ACL) then
        return false 

    --// Concatenate message.
    local message = table.concat({...}, " ")
    if not message or message == "" then
        return false 

    --// Show message to all players in the same ACL group.
    local name = getPlayerName(player) 
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player)
    for i = 1, #players do
        local target = players[i]
        if isPlayerHasAcl(target, ACL) then
            outputChatBox("[Clan]: "..name..": "..message, target, r, g, b)
    return true
addCommandHandler("clan", clan)

--// Bind key to player on resource start.
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    for i = 1, #players do
        local player = players[i]
        bindKey(player, "u", "down", "chatbox", "clan")

--// Bind key to player on player login.
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() 
    bindKey(source, "u", "down", "chatbox", "clan") 

Hey, what's up? Honestly, I don't see any reason to implement this on the client-side. The best option is to do it on the server-side, ensuring server security against cheaters, better synchronization for all players, and other benefits. I made some improvements to your initial code.

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  On 01/02/2025 at 20:16, zFelpszada said:
--// Setting ACL group.
local ACL = "Mafia"

--// Setting delay value.
local DELAY = 1000

--// Store players delay in memory server.
local cooldown = {}

--// Get player account name.
local function getPlayerAccountName(player)
    local account = getPlayerAccount(player)
    return getAccountName(account)

--// Verify if player is in ACL group.
local function isPlayerHasAcl(player, acl)
    local group = aclGetGroup(acl)
    local accountName = getPlayerAccountName(player)
    return isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, group)

--// Clan chat.
local function clan(player, _, ...) 
    --// Protect player from spamming.
    local now = getTickCount()
    if cooldown[player] and now - cooldown[player] < DELAY then
        return outputChatBox("Please wait a moment before sending another message.", player, 255, 0, 0) 

    --// Set player delay.
    cooldown[player] = now

    --// Verify if player is in ACL group.
    if not isPlayerHasAcl(player, ACL) then
        return false 

    --// Concatenate message.
    local message = table.concat({...}, " ")
    if not message or message == "" then
        return false 

    --// Show message to all players in the same ACL group.
    local name = getPlayerName(player) 
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player)
    for i = 1, #players do
        local target = players[i]
        if isPlayerHasAcl(target, ACL) then
            outputChatBox("[Clan]: "..name..": "..message, target, r, g, b)
    return true
addCommandHandler("clan", clan)

--// Bind key to player on resource start.
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    local players = getElementsByType("player")
    for i = 1, #players do
        local player = players[i]
        bindKey(player, "u", "down", "chatbox", "clan")

--// Bind key to player on player login.
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() 
    bindKey(source, "u", "down", "chatbox", "clan") 

Hey, what's up? Honestly, I don't see any reason to implement this on the client-side. The best option is to do it on the server-side, ensuring server security against cheaters, better synchronization for all players, and other benefits. I made some improvements to your initial code.


Thank you very much friend for everything I thank you very much there I sent you Soli on discord Piece with G my discord and ends with t

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