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Break problem


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Hello, there is a small problem: the code does not break out of the cycle when I write the word break, here is the code (But what is before the break is executed, only after the break does not end the cycle)


function gethere(player, cmd, ID)
	if getElementData(player, "Player.AdminLevel") > 1 then
		local players = getElementsByType ( "player" )
		if tonumber(ID) then
			for i, p in ipairs(players) do
				if getElementData(p, "Player.ID") == tonumber(ID) then
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
					setElementPosition(p, x, y, z)
					outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff Rossz ID-t adtál meg.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
			outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff /gethere [ID]", player, 255, 255, 255, true)				
addCommandHandler("gethere", gethere, false, false)


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1 hour ago, Firespider said:

Hello, there is a small problem: the code does not break out of the cycle when I write the word break, here is the code (But what is before the break is executed, only after the break does not end the cycle)

When use the keyword break, it jumps from:

			for i, p in ipairs(players) do
				if getElementData(p, "Player.ID") == tonumber(ID) then
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
					setElementPosition(p, x, y, z)
					break -- FROM HERE
					outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff Rossz ID-t adtál meg.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
			-- TO HERE


The following code prints: A, D

for i=1, 10 do
  if true then

Run here to test: https://onecompiler.com/lua/42zdspdkb


Not sure what exactly the problem is that you are facing, but in your current code you could also use the return keyword to immediately stop the function.

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6 minutes ago, Firespider said:

But that returns a name, doesn't it?

No, it returns a player<element> or nil

function getPlayerFromPartialName(name)
    local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil
    if name then
        for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
            local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower()
            if name_:find(name, 1, true) then
                return player

local name = "IIYAMA"
local player = getPlayerFromPartialName ( name )
if player then
	-- Found
	-- Not found


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1 hour ago, Firespider said:

Yes, but does it need a name argument? However, I would like to solve it with ID

It does indeed


In that case, could you explain the following with some more context?

3 hours ago, Firespider said:

problem is that the players have an ID, but the system only detects the individual ID

It is unclear what an `individual ID` is in the current context.


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So I have the problem that every player gets an ID with setElementData when, for example, ID 1 appears based on the primary row of the SQL table But when the command is entered on the server, the system only works with a player with a specific ID, e.g. we can TP the player with a specific ID, etc.



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2 hours ago, Firespider said:

So I have the problem that every player gets an ID with setElementData when, for example, ID 1 appears based on the primary row of the SQL table But when the command is entered on the server, the system only works with a player with a specific ID, e.g. we can TP the player with a specific ID, etc.



So you mean the user case when no ID is assigned to a new player?

Based on what criteria are you assigning the ID?

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This is how I add the ID to the player

addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root,
function ()	
	local serial = getPlayerSerial(source)
	local player = source
	local dq = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM characters WHERE serial=?", serial)
	local result = dbPoll(dq, 250) -- Ne korlátozd az eredmények számát

	if result and #result > 0 then
	    -- Az adatbázisban a munkát tároló oszlop neve
	    local name = tostring(result[1]["name"])
		local WhitoutSpace = string.gsub(name, " ", "_")
		local id = result[1]["ID"]
		pos = fromJSON(result[1]["pos"])
		local skin = result[1]["skinID"]
		local money = result[1]["Money"]
		setPlayerMoney(player, money)
		setElementData(player, "Player.ID", id)
		local data = getElementData(player, "Player.ID")
	    setPlayerName(player, WhitoutSpace)
		setElementModel(player, skin)
		setElementPosition(player, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3])



Edited by Firespider
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8 hours ago, Firespider said:

At each entry, you set a SetElementData for the value of the ID table

And at what point do you save the character?

After filling in info of some sort?


8 hours ago, Firespider said:
local dq = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM characters WHERE serial=?", serial)

Are you using SQLite or MySQL?

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25 minutes ago, Firespider said:



In that case you can try to work with the following building blocks. (untested)


local userName = "root"
local password = "root"
local host = ""
local db = dbConnect( "mysql", host, userName, password,
    "multi_statements=1"  -- optional

-- ...

local player -- = ???
local serial = 1234567890
if db then
    dbQuery(onRegisterPlayer, {player}, db, [[
        INSERT INTO characters (serial) VALUES (?) 
    ]], serial)

-- ...

---@param queryHandle userdata
---@param player userdata
function onRegisterPlayer(queryHandle, player)
    if not isElement(player) then return end
    local multipleResults = true -- return the id of the inserted row
    local result = dbPoll(queryHandle, -1, multipleResults)
    if not result then
        --- Something went wrong
        error("Failed to register player")
    iprint("Table", result[1])
    iprint("Affected rows", result[2])
    iprint("Last insert id", result[3])


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23 minutes ago, Firespider said:

Could you explain what this code does?

It inserts a row into the database and returns the generated primary key.

But most of it are just examples for you to apply in to your own code. (also not tested, I haven't combined insert + update with the multipleResults statement myself)


If something is unclear, please be specific in which part or function you do not understand. Then I will explain how that part/function works.


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1 minute ago, Firespider said:

but it always says 3 times that I entered the wrong ID

On 27/11/2024 at 21:41, Firespider said:
if tonumber(ID) then

You should move this condition before the loop

and if it fails,

do the outputChatBox + return statement.




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function tp(player, cmd, ID)
	if getElementData(player, "Player.AdminLevel") > 1 then
		local players = getElementsByType ( "player" )
		if tonumber(ID) then
			for i, p in ipairs(players) do
                print(getElementData(p, "Player.ID"))
				if getElementData(p, "Player.ID") == tonumber(ID) then
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p)
					setElementPosition(player, x, y, z)
					outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff Rossz ID-t adtál meg.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)	


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12 minutes ago, Firespider said:
function tp(player, cmd, ID)
	if getElementData(player, "Player.AdminLevel") > 1 then
		local players = getElementsByType ( "player" )
		if tonumber(ID) then
			for i, p in ipairs(players) do
                print(getElementData(p, "Player.ID"))
				if getElementData(p, "Player.ID") == tonumber(ID) then
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p)
					setElementPosition(player, x, y, z)
					outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff Rossz ID-t adtál meg.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)	



---@param ID number
---@return player | nil
function findPlayerByID(ID)
	local players = getElementsByType ( "player" )
	for i, p in ipairs(players) do
		if getElementData(p, "Player.ID") == ID then
			return p

---@param player element
---@param cmd string
---@param rawID string | nil
function tp(player, cmd, rawID)
	-- Admin level check
	if getElementData(player, "Player.AdminLevel") <= 1 then return end
	local ID = tonumber(rawID)
	if type(ID) ~= "number" then
		outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff /gethere [ID]", player, 255, 255, 255, true)

	local targetPlayer = findPlayerByID(ID)
	if not targetPlayer then
		outputChatBox("#000000<#910e07Wise#ffffffRolePlay#000000> #ffffff Rossz ID-t adtál meg.", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
	setElementPosition(player, x, y, z)


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