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[SELL] Full CEF RP gamemode


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Hey, I'm selling full CEF gamemode!

It features:

- Vehicles system

- Gang system

- Trading

- Season pass like in fortnite 

- +300 new building models

- Inventory 

- 6 jobs

- Advanced admin system

- Everything written in custom CEF framework

- Stable 100 fps

- Advanced anticheat, for 2 months NOBODY was able to cheat

- Missions system (very advanced and easy to add)


DM me for price, discord: @borsuczyna



Edited by borsuczyna
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Gamemode contains:

- THE BEST anticheat on mta + secured sside, no one managed to cheat, the only thing you can do is fly around the map, server side is 100% secured, e.g. at work the player sends that he entered marker 3213781237812 instead of sending that he wants money from work
- +300 models of buildings in the san andreas style, all original which NO ONE has!!
- 6 coop jobs (one for up to 8 players)
- the entire server is written in CEF, which makes it easy to edit, e.g. changing the colors of the entire server with 1 line
- advanced factions, creating ranks, changing rank permissions (just like on discord)
- advanced organizations, creating ranks, changing rank permissions (just like on discord)
- advanced custom tuning system for ALL vehicles, e.g. you can buy a spoiler for a walton, moonbeam, etc.
- missions that are very easy to add new ones
- season pass like in fortnite, e.g. custom spoilers, masks, etc.
- 2 live events
- discord bot written in c#, has reminders about the daily reward
- scooter effects on the back of the vehicle
- cosmetics system
- exchanges
- advanced fisherman
- advanced equipment
- crafting system, e.g. crafting fishing rods from steel cables
- advanced admin system
- gang system
- constant 100 fps even on the worst computer, best optimization in the whole mta
- WONDERFULLY written code, easy to edit, compliant with programming standards, asynchronous functions!
- house system
- house furnishing system
- furniture shop
- mechanic

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