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How to use properly the dxCreateRenderTarget?


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Hi guys, I'm wondering how to use this dxCreateRenderTarget in a proper way. So i have this script:
I'm trying to make a fade animation, when the window comes up and down, but nothing appears. Anyone can help me how to use this?

local window = {}

window.windowWidth = 600
window.headerHeight = 600
window.renderTarget.mainHeader = dxCreateRenderTarget(window.windowWidth, window.headerHeight, true)

function window.drawHeader()
  	dxSetRenderTarget(window.renderTarget.mainHeader, true)
	dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor(10, 10, 10, math_min(window.colors.alpha, 100)))

    dxDrawImage(window.headerX, window.headerY, window.windowWidth, window.headerHeight, textures.header_bg, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(30, 30, 30, math.min(window.colors.alpha, 250)), false)

function window.drawHeaderInfos()
	-- ofc there is more data, but its not relevant 
	dxDrawText(vsText, vsTextX, vsTextY, vsTextX, vsTextY, tocolor(230, 230, 230, window.colors.alpha), window.fonts.size, window.fonts.fontSize)

local function updateScoreboard()
    local now = getTickCount()
    local elapsedTime = now - window.fadeStartTime
    local progress = math_min(elapsedTime / window.fadeDuration, 1)
    window.currentAlpha = interpolateBetween(
        window.fadeStartAlpha, 0, 0,
        window.targetAlpha, 0, 0,
        progress, "Linear")
    window.colors.alpha = math_floor(window.currentAlpha)
	if window.renderTarget.mainHeader then
		dxDrawImage(window.headerX, window.headerY, window.windowWidth, window.headerHeight, window.renderTarget.mainHeader)
    if progress == 1 and not window.isVisible and window.currentAlpha == 0 then
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateScoreboard)
		window.isHandlerAdded = false 

local function toggleScoreboard(state)
    window.isVisible = state
    window.targetAlpha = state and 255 or 0
    window.fadeStartTime = getTickCount()
    window.fadeStartAlpha = window.currentAlpha
	if not window.isHandlerAdded then
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateScoreboard)
        window.isHandlerAdded = true 

bindKey("H", "down", function()

bindKey("H", "up", function()


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In dxDrawRectangle you are using screenWidth and screenHeight, which are probably the dimensions of the screen, but your render target has a size defined by window.windowWidth and window.headerHeight. You are using math_min(window.colors.alpha, 100) and math.min(window.colors.alpha, 250) in different parts of your rendering. you are trying to render the window header to a dxRenderTarget. When calling dxSetRenderTarget you are projecting at the correct size and when a projected window appears, it is being called within onClientRender correctly. Don't forget to call dxSetRenderTarget() at the end of the window.drawHeader() function. Fix your code.


janela = {} 

janela.windowWidth = 600 
janela.headerHeight = 600 
janela.renderTarget = { mainHeader = dxCreateRenderTarget(janela.windowWidth, janela.headerHeight, true) }
janela.cores = { alfa = 0 }
janela.currentAlpha = 0
janela.fadeDuration = 1000
janela.isVisible = false
janela.isHandlerAdded = false

function lxfunction1() 
    dxSetRenderTarget(janela.renderTarget.mainHeader, true) 
    dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, janela.windowWidth, janela.headerHeight, tocolor(10, 10, 10, math.min(janela.cores.alfa, 100)))
    dxDrawImage(0, 0, janela.windowWidth, janela.headerHeight, "path_to_texture.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(30, 30, 30, math.min(janela.cores.alfa, 250)))


function lxfunction2() 
    local now = getTickCount() 
    local elapsedTime = now - janela.fadeStartTime
    local progress = math.min(elapsedTime / janela.fadeDuration, 1)  

    janela.currentAlpha = interpolateBetween(janela.fadeStartAlpha, 0, 0, janela.targetAlpha, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    janela.cores.alfa = math.floor(janela.currentAlpha)

    if janela.renderTarget.mainHeader then 
        dxDrawImage(janela.headerX, janela.headerY, janela.windowWidth, janela.headerHeight, janela.renderTarget.mainHeader)

    if progress == 1 and not janela.isVisible and janela.currentAlpha == 0 then 
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lxfunction2) 
        janela.isHandlerAdded = false

function lxfunction3(state) 
    janela.isVisible = state  
    janela.targetAlpha = state and 255 or 0 
    janela.fadeStartTime = getTickCount() 
    janela.fadeStartAlpha = janela.currentAlpha    

    if not janela.isHandlerAdded then 
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lxfunction2) 
        janela.isHandlerAdded = true

bindKey("H", "down", function() 

bindKey("H", "up", function() 


Edited by Laxante101
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Thank your for your reply. By the way, dxDrawRectangle should cover the full size of the screen. The other part, including dxDrawImage and everything inside window.drawHeaderInfos(), should be drawn using dxSetRenderTarget. I want the entire header to use dxSetRenderTarget.

That's why I asked what the proper way to use it. If there are multiple hud elements (functions) one after the other, for example

and pls don't rename "window" to "janela" bcs its hard to read that way :D

Edited by Hiding
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2 hours ago, Hiding said:

Obrigado pela sua resposta. A propósito, dxDrawRectangle deve cobrir o tamanho total da tela. A outra parte, incluindo dxDrawImage e tudo dentro de window.drawHeaderInfos(), deve ser desenhada usando dxSetRenderTarget. Quero que o cabeçalho inteiro use dxSetRenderTarget.

É por isso que perguntei qual a maneira correta de usá-lo. Se houver vários elementos hud (funções) um após o outro, por exemplo,

e por favor, não renomeie "window" para "janela" porque é difícil de ler dessa forma:D

Sorry man, my browser's translator automatically translates and sends it wrong.🤣

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