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Run server event for each player separately

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Hello everyone, again I'm asking help, hope u can do it :)


I'm creating system of interiors and what I want: two (or more) players using the marker to enter, and server does calculations for all of them throw one event. Here code I have:


addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    bindKey("lalt", "down", function(key, state)
        local isReadyForUseMarker = getElementData(localPlayer, "player.activeMarker")
        if isElement(isReadyForUseMarker) and (getElementType(isReadyForUseMarker) == "marker" or getElementType(isReadyForUseMarker) == "pickup") then
            triggerServerEvent("teleportByMarker", localPlayer)

Server for teleport:

addEvent("teleportByMarker", true)
addEventHandler("teleportByMarker", root, function()
    if not client then
    local marker = getElementData(client, "player.activeMarker")
    if isElement(marker) and (getElementType(marker) == "marker" or getElementType(marker) == "pickup") then
        local x = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationX")
        local y = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationY")
        local z = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationZ")
        local world = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationWorld")
        local rotation = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationRotation")
        local dimension = getElementData(marker, "teleport.destinationDimension")
        if x and y and z and world and dimension and rotation then
            player = client
            setElementData(player, "player.activeMarker", false)
            fadeCamera(player, false)            
            toggleAllControls(player, false)
            setElementFrozen(player, true)
            setTimer(function ()
                triggerClientEvent(player, "toggleServerHud", player)
            end, 900, 1)
            setTimer(function ()                
                setElementInterior(player, world, x, y, z)
                setElementRotation(player, 0, 0, rotation)
                setElementDimension(player, dimension)                
            end, 1500, 1)
            setTimer(function ()
                fadeCamera(player, true)
                setTimer(function ()
                    triggerClientEvent(player, "toggleServerHud", player)
                    setElementFrozen(player, false)
                    toggleAllControls(player, true) 
                end, 900, 1)                               
            end, 1500, 1)
            outputDebugString('Not full list of arguments for TP!')
        outputDebugString('Triggered event for TP, but player has no data about marker.')

It works great for one player, but if many players try to enter at the same time, it breaks and do the code only for one player.

How can I parallel this code for all players, which want to enter?

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23 minutes ago, DarkStalker30 said:
        if x and y and z and world and dimension and rotation then
            player = client
            setElementData(player, "player.activeMarker", false)


        if x and y and z and world and dimension and rotation then
            local player = client -- < HERE
            setElementData(player, "player.activeMarker", false)

Make `player` a local variable. Else all players will share the variable `player` for the (delayed) timer functions.


You can also pass the predefined `client` variable like this:

setTimer(function (player)

end, 1500, 1, client)


  • Thanks 1
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