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Ammunation DX panel (dxLibrary)


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Quiero compartir con ustedes un nuevo sistema de Ammunation bastante minimalista y un código bien estructurado. También estoy usando la nueva biblioteca (dxLibrary) que está mucho mejor optimizada.
IMPORTANTE: Debes utilizar la exports de Clawsuit dxLibrary, de lo contrario no será compatible, dejaré dos enlaces
Links dxLibrary (2 opciones):
1- https://www.mediafire.com/file/mht0o4c6gh1icww/dxLibrary.zip/file
2- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary
Recuerden renombrar el script y colocar de nombre (dxLibrary) para que funcione correctamente, y deben iniciar primero el script dxLibrary antes que el AmmunationDX o de lo contrario no funcionara correctamente.

I want to share with you a new, fairly minimalist ammunition system and a well-structured code. I'm also using the new library (dxLibrary) which is much better optimized.
IMPORTANT: You must use Clawsuit dxLibrary export, otherwise it will not be supported, I will leave two links

Links dxLibrary (2 options):
1- https://www.mediafire.com/file/mht0o4c6gh1icww/dxLibrary.zip/file
2- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary
Remember to rename the script and name it (dxLibrary) for it to work correctly, and you must first start the dxLibrary script before AmmunationDX or else it will not work correctly.

download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18924

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