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logs 'mysql:lazyQuery' [string "?"] // OWLGaming

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Hello there, i need help with "log" resource in GM: OwlGaming ( the owner stopped doing maintenance on the gm but i understand that there are many people who know about support for it. )

the error is this:

[2024-06-29 14:42:17] ERROR: logs\s_logs.lua:117: call: failed to call 'mysql:lazyQuery' [string "?"]

the extract of resource in line "117" is this:

    local query = "INSERT INTO `owl_logs` VALUES ('"..timeString.."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(actionStr) .."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(sourceStr).."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(affectedStr).."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(data).."')"
 line 117 >>>>>   exports.mysql:lazyQuery(query, function(result, error)
        if not result then
            outputDebugString("Error al insertar en owl_logs: " .. tostring(err))
            outputDebugString("Datos insertados correctamente en owl_logs.")
    return true

anyone can help me please?
My ds: hiroelbrigido

Edited by xkr4nxz
apply the especific line (117)
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