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Tram ride


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Hi, I would like the tram to stop at the given coordinates for 5 seconds and then continue to the next ones, it works at the first stop, but then it stops after the coordinates

tram = createVehicle(x,y,z)

local stops ={
    {x = -2265.1001, y = 701.59998, z = 48.3}, 
    {x = -2264.8, y = 1030.9, z = 82.7}, 
    {x = -1986.2, y = 1287.3, z = 6}, 
    {x = -1668.9, y = 1252.6, z = 6}, 
    {x = -1581.3, y = 981.09998, z = 6},
    {x = -1779.6, y = 929.09998, z = 23.7}, 
    {x = -2006.3, y = 882, z = 44.3}, 
    {x = -1601.1, y = 840.59998, z = 6.5}, 
    {x = -1681.8, y = 734.09998, z = 20.4},
    {x = -1869.3, y = 608.40002, z = 34.1},
    {x = -2006.6, y = 154.2, z = 26.5}, 
    {x = -2234.7, y = -70.1, z = 34.2}

local currentStop = 0
local nextStop = 1
local isStopped = false

function moveTramToNextStop()
    if not isElement(tram) then return end
    local currentX, currentY, currentZ = getElementPosition(tram)
    local nextX, nextY, nextZ = stops[nextStop].x, stops[nextStop].y, stops[nextStop].z
    local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(currentX, currentY, currentZ, nextX, nextY, nextZ)
    local speed = 0.2 
    if distance < speed then
        if not isStopped then
            isStopped = true
                isStopped = false
                currentStop = nextStop
                nextStop = (nextStop % #stops) + 1
            end, 5000, 1)
        isStopped = false
        local ratio = speed / distance
        local newX = currentX + (nextX - currentX) * ratio
        local newY = currentY + (nextY - currentY) * ratio
        local newZ = currentZ + (nextZ - currentZ) * ratio
        setElementPosition(tram, newX, newY, newZ)

setTimer(moveTramToNextStop, 50, 0)


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