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Problems with dimensions and setPedWearingJetpack


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So I'm new into learning scripting if this script looks awful, that's why.

What I'm trying to do is have a marker in dimension 11 and when the player joins the marker the player can't use a jetpack (it works but it stays working even outside the marker) and the weapons disabled, which works fine.

Also with the dimensions, the marker only shows on dimension 11 but works in all dimensions, how could I make the marker only trigger on dimension 11?


function createTheMarker ()
  hMarker = createMarker (-10,-10,0, "cylinder", 55, 255, 12, 0, 100, getRootElement())
  setElementDimension (hMarker, 11)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), createTheMarker)

function markerHit (hitPlayer, matchingDimension)
  if (source == hMarker) then
      if (getElementType (hitPlayer) == "player") then
		  if  ( getElementDimension ( source ) == 11 ) then
             if ( not isPedWearingJetpack ( hitPlayer ) ) then
		 --create a check if player is using jetpack inside marker
	  	setTimer ( function(markerHit)
			  setPedWearingJetpack ( hitPlayer, false )
	          end, 1000, 0 )
              outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Jetpacks are not allowed, cheater.", hitPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true )
addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), markerHit)

function markerHit (hitPlayer, matchingDimension)
  if (source == hMarker) then
    if (getElementType (hitPlayer) == "player") then
		if (getElementDimension (hitPlayer, 11)) then
	  setPedWearingJetpack ( hitPlayer, false )
	  setPedWeaponSlot(hitPlayer, 0)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "fire", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "next_weapon", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "previous_weapon", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "aim_weapon", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "vehicle_fire", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "vehicle_secondarry_fire", false)
      toggleControl (hitPlayer, "vehicle_fire", false)
    elseif (getElementType (hitPlayer) == "vehicle") then
      destroyElement (hitPlayer)
addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), markerHit)

function markerLeave (leavePlayer, matchingDimension)
  if (source == hMarker) then
    if (getElementType (leavePlayer) == "player") then
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "fire", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "next_weapon", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "previous_weapon", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "aim_weapon", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "vehicle_fire", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "vehicle_secondarry_fire", true)
      toggleControl (leavePlayer, "vehicle_fire", true)
addEventHandler ("onMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), markerLeave)

If someone could explain what I'm doing wrong, I'd greatly appreciate it!

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2 hours ago, Ryan167 said:

how could I make the marker only trigger on dimension 11?

If the parameter matchingDimension contains the value true, the marker is hit in the same dimension.

2 hours ago, Ryan167 said:

What I'm trying to do is have a marker in dimension 11 and when the player joins the marker the player can't use a jetpack (it works but it stays working even outside the marker) and the weapons disabled, which works fine.

Instead of setting a timer. Which currently is being created infinity > crashing the server at a given point.

Do the following:

When giving a jetpack, check if the player is inside of the marker. Based on that, give the Jetpack yes / no.

-- Making the marker find able inside of another resource
local antiJetpack = createElement ( "antiJetpackType", "antiJetpackID" )

local marker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 )

setElementParent(marker, antiJetpack)

(Other resource)

local parent = getElementByID ("antiJetpackID")
if not parent then return end  

local marker = getElementChildren ( parent )[1]

local status =  isElementWithinMarker ( thePlayer, marker )




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