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How to avoid cheaters and rippers

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Hello everybody! I have a problem related to people trying to steal my game client files (models, vehicles, etc.). I use RSA key encoding to prevent downloading raw DFF/TXD/COL files to clients. But some hackers got some soft and they can restore the model polygons via reading its vertices from RAM and VRAM (rip).
So my question is how can I track other client`s software to block players with rippers?

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1 hour ago, aRRRtem said:

So my question is how can I track other client`s software to block players with rippers?

I believe you should first understand the underlying problem.


1 hour ago, aRRRtem said:

steal my game client files

They are not stealing your files. You are sending those files to them. When they host your files, this is where they are using your files without permission.



where they use your files without permission

This is where I recommend to solve your problem. They are using your files because they are appealing to be used. If you make them less appealing, for example by adding branding to them, this will become advertisement for your server (in their server).

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