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Make arrow marker visible


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20 hours ago, Hiding said:

I would like to ask that is there any way for, let's say an arrow marker, to be visible behind another object? So that it's always visible, even if there's another object in front of it??

From what i know a marker is always visible. A marker is not visible if u set the alpha to 0 or you make the marker visible to a certain element or you change the marker dimension.

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1 hour ago, Hiding said:

I know, my question was whether if there's an object in front of it, you can't see it, because that object obscures it. I want it to be visible even if there's an object front of it that obscures it.

Well if you have a checkpoint marker and there is not a big building around you will see a big part of the marker but if you use any other marker your object alpha should be as low as possible to see the marker.

Edited by FlorinSzasz
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Thanks for your answer, I know these thinks :) Let me write it down again, my question concerns how the arrow marker can be visible behind an object, the objects has 255 alpha, meaning it's not transparent, so I want my arrow marker to be visible even if there's an object front of it that obscures it.

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