Wasilij0814 Posted January 16, 2024 Share Posted January 16, 2024 (edited) Hi guys i need help for this problem solving [04:39:49] WARNING: [Titan]/exg_dashboard/exServer.lua:45: dbPoll failed; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups' at line 1 The script: local connection = exports.mta_connection:getConnection() local groups = {} local groupCount = 0 local playerGroups = {} function loadPlayerGroupsCallback(queryHandler, thePlayer) if isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then setElementData(thePlayer, "char:factionPayment", 0) playerGroups[thePlayer] = {} end local i = 0 local result, numAffectedRows, errorMsg = dbPoll(queryHandler, -1) if numAffectedRows > 0 then for result, row in pairs (result) do setElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i, row["groupID"], true) setElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i .. "_leader", row["isLeader"], true) setElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i .. "_rank", row["rank"], true) setElementData(thePlayer, "char:dutySkin_groupId_"..row["groupID"], row["dutySkin"]) table.insert(playerGroups[thePlayer], {row["groupID"], row["rank"]}) local currPay = getElementData(thePlayer, "char:factionPayment") or 0 local thisPay = getGroupRankPay(row["groupID"], row["rank"]) or 0 setElementData(thePlayer, "char:factionPayment", currPay+thisPay) --outputChatBox(getElementData(thePlayer, "char:name") or getPlayerName(thePlayer), root, 255, 255, 255) --outputChatBox("groupid: " .. row["groupID"] .. " leader: " .. row["isLeader"] .. " rank: " .. row["rank"]) i = i + 1 end end if isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then setElementData(thePlayer, "groupCount", i, true) end dbFree(queryHandler) end addCommandHandler("showfactions", function (playerSource) if tonumber(getElementData(playerSource, "acc:admin")) >= 6 then local getPool = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT * FROM groups"), -1) if getPool then outputChatBox(" ", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("Frakciók:", playerSource, 25, 181, 254, true) for i,v in ipairs(getPool) do outputChatBox("ID: #1b96fe"..v['groupID'].. " #ffffffNeve: #1b96fe".. v['name'], playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end) function loadPlayerGroups(thePlayer) if not isElement(thePlayer) then return end local count = getElementData(thePlayer, "groupCount") or false if count then for i=0, count-1 do removeElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i) removeElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i .. "_leader") removeElementData(thePlayer, "group_" .. i .. "_rank") end end charID = getElementData(thePlayer, "char:id") if charID then local query = dbQuery(loadPlayerGroupsCallback, {thePlayer}, connection, "SELECT * FROM groupattach WHERE characterID = ?", charID) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, function() loadPlayerGroups(source) end) function reloadGroupDatasForPlayer(qh, player, sourcePlayer, sourceGroups, playerID, groupID) if isElement(player) then loadPlayerGroups(player) end if isElement(sourcePlayer) then requestGroupData(sourcePlayer, sourceGroups, playerID, groupID) end dbFree(qh) end addEvent("modifyRankForPlayer", true) addEventHandler("modifyRankForPlayer", getRootElement(), function (playerID, currRank, groupID, state, player, sourceGroups) if playerID and currRank and groupID and state then if state == "up" then if currRank < 15 then dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, {player, source, sourceGroups, playerID, groupID}, connection, "UPDATE groupattach SET rank = ? WHERE groupID = ? AND characterID = ?", currRank + 1, groupID, playerID) end elseif state == "down" then if currRank > 1 then dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, {player, source, sourceGroups, playerID, groupID}, connection, "UPDATE groupattach SET rank = ? WHERE groupID = ? AND characterID = ?", currRank - 1, groupID, playerID) end end end end ) addEvent("deletePlayerFromGroup", true) addEventHandler("deletePlayerFromGroup", getRootElement(), function (playerID, groupID, player, sourceGroups) if playerID and groupID then dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, {player, source, sourceGroups}, connection, "DELETE FROM groupattach WHERE groupID = ? AND characterID = ?", groupID, playerID) loadPlayerGroups(player) end end ) addEvent("invitePlayer", true) addEventHandler("invitePlayer", getRootElement(), function (playerID, groupID, player, sourceGroups) if playerID and groupID then dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, {player, source, sourceGroups}, connection, "INSERT INTO groupattach (groupID, characterID) VALUES (?,?)", groupID, playerID) end end ) local groups = {} local groupCount = 0 addEvent("renameRank", true) addEventHandler("renameRank", getRootElement(), function (rankId, rankName, groupId) dbQuery( function (qh) groups[groupId]["rank_" .. tonumber(rankId)] = rankName triggerClientEvent("renameGroupRank", getRootElement(), "rank_" .. tonumber(rankId), rankName, groupId) dbFree(qh) end, connection, "UPDATE groups SET rank_" .. tonumber(rankId) .. " = ? WHERE groupID = ?", rankName, groupId) end ) addEvent("setRankPayment", true) addEventHandler("setRankPayment", getRootElement(), function (rankId, payment, groupId) dbQuery( function (qh) groups[groupId]["rank_" .. tonumber(rankId) .. "_pay"] = payment triggerClientEvent("renameGroupRank", getRootElement(), "rank_" .. tonumber(rankId) .. "_pay", payment, groupId) dbFree(qh) end, connection, "UPDATE groups SET rank_" .. tonumber(rankId) .. "_pay = ? WHERE groupID = ?", payment, groupId) end ) function requestGroupData(source, groups, playerID, groupID) local members = {} local vehicles = {} dbQuery( function (qh, client) local result = dbPoll(qh, 0) if not result then outputDebugString("MySQL error") return end for k, row in ipairs(result) do if row["characterName"] then local group = row["groupId"] if not members[group] then members[group] = {} end table.insert(members[group], row) end end dbFree(qh) triggerClientEvent(client, "sendGroupMembers", client, members, playerID, groupID) end, {source}, connection, "SELECT groupattach.groupID as groupId, groupattach.rank as rank, groupattach.isLeader as isLeader, groupattach.dutySkin as dutySkin, characters.charname as characterName, characters.id as id FROM groupattach LEFT JOIN characters ON characters.id=groupattach.characterID WHERE groupattach.groupID in (" .. table.concat(groups, ",") .. ") ORDER BY groupattach.groupID, groupattach.rank, characters.charname", groupId) end function getGroupBalance(groupId) if tonumber(groupId) then if groups[tonumber(groupId)] then return tonumber(groups[tonumber(groupId)]["balance"]) else return false end else return false end end function setGroupBalance(groupId, balance) if tonumber(groupId) and tonumber(balance) then if groups[tonumber(groupId)] then local query = dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, connection, "UPDATE groups SET balance = ? WHERE groupID = ?", tonumber(balance), tonumber(groupId)) groups[tonumber(groupId)]["balance"] = tonumber(balance) dbFree(query) loadGroups() else return false end else return false end end addEvent("setGroupBalance", true) addEventHandler("setGroupBalance", root, setGroupBalance) function giveGroupBalance(groupId, balance) if tonumber(groupId) and tonumber(balance) then if groups[tonumber(groupId)] then balance = getGroupBalance(tonumber(groupId))+tonumber(balance) local query = dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, connection, "UPDATE groups SET balance = ? WHERE groupID = ?", tonumber(balance), tonumber(groupId)) groups[tonumber(groupId)]["balance"] = tonumber(balance) dbFree(query) loadGroups() else return false end else return false end end function getGroupRankPay(groupId, groupRank) if tonumber(groupId) and groupRank then if groups[tonumber(groupId)] then return groups[tonumber(groupId)]["rank_" .. groupRank .. "_pay"] or false else return false end else return false end end addEvent("requestGroupData", true ) addEventHandler("requestGroupData", getRootElement(), function (groups) requestGroupData(source, groups) end ) addEvent("requestGroups", true ) addEventHandler("requestGroups", getRootElement(), function () triggerClientEvent(source, "sendGroups", source, groups) end) function loadGroups() local query = dbQuery(loadGroupsCallback, {playerSource}, connection, "SELECT * FROM groups") for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do loadPlayerGroups(v) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadGroups) function loadGroupsCallback(queryHandler, thePlayer) local result, numAffectedRows, errorMsg = dbPoll(queryHandler, 0) if numAffectedRows > 0 then local i = 1 for _, row in pairs ( result ) do local id = row["groupID"] groups[id] = {} groups[id]["groupID"] = id groups[id]["name"] = row["name"] groups[id]["type"] = row["type"] groups[id]["balance"] = row["balance"] groups[id]["description"] = row["description"] groups[id]["rank_1"] = row["rank_1"] groups[id]["rank_2"] = row["rank_2"] groups[id]["rank_3"] = row["rank_3"] groups[id]["rank_4"] = row["rank_4"] groups[id]["rank_5"] = row["rank_5"] groups[id]["rank_6"] = row["rank_6"] groups[id]["rank_7"] = row["rank_7"] groups[id]["rank_8"] = row["rank_8"] groups[id]["rank_9"] = row["rank_9"] groups[id]["rank_10"] = row["rank_10"] groups[id]["rank_11"] = row["rank_11"] groups[id]["rank_12"] = row["rank_12"] groups[id]["rank_13"] = row["rank_13"] groups[id]["rank_14"] = row["rank_14"] groups[id]["rank_15"] = row["rank_15"] groups[id]["rank_1_pay"] = row["rank_1_pay"] groups[id]["rank_2_pay"] = row["rank_2_pay"] groups[id]["rank_3_pay"] = row["rank_3_pay"] groups[id]["rank_4_pay"] = row["rank_4_pay"] groups[id]["rank_5_pay"] = row["rank_5_pay"] groups[id]["rank_6_pay"] = row["rank_6_pay"] groups[id]["rank_7_pay"] = row["rank_7_pay"] groups[id]["rank_8_pay"] = row["rank_8_pay"] groups[id]["rank_9_pay"] = row["rank_9_pay"] groups[id]["rank_10_pay"] = row["rank_10_pay"] groups[id]["rank_11_pay"] = row["rank_11_pay"] groups[id]["rank_12_pay"] = row["rank_12_pay"] groups[id]["rank_13_pay"] = row["rank_13_pay"] groups[id]["rank_14_pay"] = row["rank_14_pay"] groups[id]["rank_15_pay"] = row["rank_15_pay"] i = i + 1 end groupCount = i outputDebugString(groupCount-1 .. " group(s) loaded") end end function isPlayerInFaction(element, groupId) if isElement(element) and getElementType(element) == "player" and getElementData(element, "loggedin") then local groupCount = getElementData(element, "groupCount") if groupCount > 0 then for key = 0, groupCount do if getElementData(element, "group_"..key) == tonumber(groupId) then return true end end else return false end else return false end end function isPlayerLeaderInFaction(element, groupId) if isPlayerInFaction(element, groupId) then local groupCount = getElementData(element, "groupCount") if groupCount > 0 then for key = 0, groupCount do if getElementData(element, "group_"..key) == tonumber(groupId) and getElementData(element, "group_"..key.."_leader") == 1 then return true end end else return false end else return false end end function getPlayerRankInFaction(element, groupId) if isPlayerInFaction(element, groupId) then return getElementData(element, "group_"..(groupId-1).."_rank") else return -1 end end function getFactionName(groupId) if groups[groupID] then return groups[groupId]["name"] else return "" end end function getPlayerPayment(player) local allPayServer = 0 for key, value in ipairs(playerGroups[player]) do if groups[value[1]]["type"] ~= (5 or 6) then if getGroupBalance(value[1]) >= getGroupRankPay(value[1], value[2]) then allPayServer = allPayServer + getGroupRankPay(value[1], value[2]) setGroupBalance(value[1], getGroupBalance(value[1]) - getGroupRankPay(value[1], value[2])) end end end outputChatBox("Fizetés: #00aeef"..allPayServer.."$", player, 255, 255 ,255, true) outputChatBox("------------------------------------------------", player, 255, 255 ,255, true) outputChatBox(" ", player) setTimer( function() setElementData(player, "char:money", getElementData(player, "char:money") + allPayServer) end, 200, 1) return allPayServer end addEvent("getPlayerPayment", true) addEventHandler("getPlayerPayment", root, getPlayerPayment) addCommandHandler("makefaction", function(player, cmd, type, ...) if player:getData("acc:admin") < 6 then return end if not (...) or (...) == "" or (...) == " " or not tonumber(type) then outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffff/makefaction [Típus] [Név]", player, 255, 135, 0, true) outputChatBox("#ffffff1 - Rendvédelem, 2 - Egészségügy, 3 - Önkormányzat, 4 - Egyéb, 5 - Banda, 6 - Maffia", player, 255, 135, 0, true) else local groupName = table.concat({...}, " ") local qh = dbQuery(loadGroups, connection, "INSERT INTO groups (name, type) VALUES (?, ?)", groupName, tonumber(type)) if qh then dbFree(qh) exports.mta_admin:outputAdminMessage("#00aeef"..player:getData("char:anick").." #fffffflétrehozott egy frakciót #0094ff(Név: "..groupName.." | ID: "..type..")") else outputChatBox("Nem sikerült létrehozni. Keress fel egy fejlesztőt.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end end) addCommandHandler("setfactionleader", function(player, cmd, target, groupId) if player:getData("acc:admin") < 6 then return end if not tonumber(groupId) then outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffff/setfactionleader [Név / ID] [Frakció ID]", player, 255, 135, 0, true) else groupId = tonumber(groupId) target, targetName = exports.mta_main:findPlayer(player, target) if target and target:getData("loggedin") then if groups[groupId] then loadGroups() local qh = dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, connection, "UPDATE groupattach SET isLeader=1 WHERE groupID=? AND characterID=?", groupId, target:getData("char:id")) if qh then exports.mta_admin:outputAdminMessage("#00aeef"..player:getData("char:anick").." #ffffffleader jogot adott #00aeef"..targetName:gsub("_", " ").."#ffffff-nak/nek #0094ff(Frakció: "..groupId..")") dbFree(qh) end else outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffffHibás frakció ID.", player, 255, 135, 0, true) end end end end) addCommandHandler("setfaction", function(player, cmd, target, groupId) if player:getData("acc:admin") < 6 then return end if not tonumber(groupId) then outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffff/setfaction [Név / ID] [Frakció ID]", player, 255, 135, 0, true) else groupId = tonumber(groupId) target, targetName = exports.mta_main:findPlayer(player, target) if target and target:getData("loggedin") then if groups[groupId] then loadGroups() local qh = dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, connection, "INSERT INTO groupattach (groupID, characterID) VALUES (?,?)", groupId, target:getData("char:id")) loadGroups() if qh then exports.mta_admin:outputAdminMessage("#1b96fe"..player:getData("char:anick").." #fffffffrakcióba tette #1b96fe"..targetName:gsub("_", " ").."#ffffff-t #0094ff(Frakció: "..groupId..")") dbFree(qh) end else outputChatBox("#dc143c[Extend Roleplay]: #ffffffHibás frakció ID.", player, 255, 135, 0, true) end end end end) addCommandHandler("removefaction", function(player, cmd, target, groupId) if player:getData("acc:admin") < 6 then return end if not tonumber(groupId) then outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffff/removefaction [Név / ID] [Frakció ID]", player, 255, 135, 0, true) else groupId = tonumber(groupId) target, targetName = exports.mta_main:findPlayer(player, target) if target and target:getData("loggedin") then if groups[groupId] and isPlayerInFaction(player, groupId) then --loadGroups() local qh = dbQuery(reloadGroupDatasForPlayer, connection, "DELETE FROM groupattach WHERE groupID = ? AND characterID = ?", groupId, target:getData("char:id")) loadGroups() if qh then exports.mta_admin:outputAdminMessage("#1b96fe"..player:getData("char:anick").." #ffffffkirúgta a frakcióból #1b96fe"..targetName:gsub("_", " ").."#ffffff-t #0094ff(Frakció: "..groupId..")") dbFree(qh) end else outputChatBox("#00aeef[EvolutionGaming]: #ffffffHibás frakció ID.", player, 255, 135, 0, true) end end end end) addCommandHandler("changelock", function(player, cmd) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle and vehicle:getData("veh:faction") > 0 then local group = vehicle:getData("veh:faction") if isPlayerInFaction(player, group) then if isPlayerLeaderInFaction(player, group) then exports["mta_item"]:giveItem(player, 34, vehicle:getData("veh:id"), 1, 0) end end end end) --duty skin addEvent("onUpdateModel", true) addEventHandler("onUpdateModel", getRootElement(), function (modelId) if tonumber(modelId) then setElementModel(source, tonumber(modelId)) --setElementData(source, "char:skin", tonumber(modelId)) end end ) addEvent("updateDutySkin", true) addEventHandler("updateDutySkin", getRootElement(), function (groupID, skin) if groupID and skin then local dbID = getElementData(source, "char:id") if dbID then dbExec(connection, "UPDATE groupattach SET dutySkin = ? WHERE groupID = ? AND characterID = ?", tonumber(skin), tonumber(groupID), tonumber(dbID)) setElementData(source, "char:dutySkin_groupId_"..tostring(groupID), tonumber(skin)) if groups[groupID]["type"] == (5 or 6) then setElementData(source, "char:skin", tonumber(skin)) dbExec(connection, "UPDATE characters SET skin='" .. skin .. "' WHERE id='" .. getElementData(source, "char:id") .. "'") setElementModel(source, tonumber(skin)) end end end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent("updateVehicleSlots", true) addEventHandler("updateVehicleSlots", root, function(newValue) if tonumber(newValue) then dbExec(connection, "UPDATE characters SET carSlot=? WHERE id=?", tonumber(newValue), getElementData(source, "char:id")) end end) addEvent("updateInteriorSlots", true) addEventHandler("updateInteriorSlots", root, function(newValue) if tonumber(newValue) then dbExec(connection, "UPDATE characters SET houseSlot=? WHERE id=?", tonumber(newValue), getElementData(source, "char:id")) end end) addEvent("setPedNextFightStyle", true) addEventHandler("setPedNextFightStyle", root, function(newValue) setPedFightingStyle(source, newValue) end) addEvent("setPedNextWalkingStyle", true) addEventHandler("setPedNextWalkingStyle", root, function(newValue) setPedWalkingStyle(source, newValue) end) Edited January 17, 2024 by xLive fix formatting Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted January 17, 2024 Moderators Share Posted January 17, 2024 On 16/01/2024 at 04:44, Wasilij0814 said: Hi guys i need help for this problem solving Quote GROUPS (R); added in 8.0.2 (reserved) https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysqld-version-reference/en/keywords-8-0.html groups is a reserved keyword in MySQL: 8.0.2 Change: SELECT * FROM groups to SELECT * FROM `groups` You probably will have to fix the other queries as well. Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted January 21, 2024 Moderators Share Posted January 21, 2024 @Wasilij0814 You might want to leave a reply, even if you were not able to solve your issue with my response. Link to comment
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