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[HELP] Scoreboard


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Hi Everyone. 

I want to change the status of the player by changing her team.

This is my code:

function setTeam()
    if getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("theTeam") then
    setElementData( source,"status", "theTeam")
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setTeam)


What is the problem?
Thank you for your help

Edited by Commonist
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If I understand well you want to create a new column "team" and update it when a player change his team.

The idea that come to my mind is to create a custom event "onPlayerChangeTeam" by overriding the setPlayerTeam function.

addEvent("onPlayerChangeTeam", false)

_setPlayerTeam = setPlayerTeam -- we save the original function

-- override
setPlayerTeam = function(thePlayer, theTeam)
    _setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, theTeam)
    triggerEvent("onPlayerChangeTeam", thePlayer, theTeam) -- a new event "onPlayerChangeTeam" 

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeTeam", root, function(theTeam)
    -- function to update the column 
     setElementData(source,"status", "theTeam")

Untested code

But it depends on what you are trying to do. This idea is that, when the setPlayerTeam function is used in your code, the scoreboard is updated but I maybe missunderstand what you want



Edited by Mkl
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