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[HELP] Trigger server event


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Hello guys..

Uuhm yeah, so my english is not the best, but i hope u will understand what i want to..

So im making a register / login script to my server.

I want to do, when a player pressed in the user, password and emal, click to 'Register' button, a Server Event start and check the sql the username is free nad other things, then register the player etc u know..


The problem is, my server says "The event is not added to server side". https://prnt.sc/meNm5mQqnBSd


What is the problem? Thanks for your help!


Client side:

function regClick()
	local checkC = isMouseWithinRangeOf(screenWidth/2 - 145, screenWidth/15, 780, 40) -- start x, width, start y, height
	if checkC then
      triggerServerEvent("player_regin", root, user, pass, mail)


Server side (the event):

addEvent("player_regin", true)
addEventHandler("player_regin", root, function(user, pass, mail)

   outputChatBox ( user" "..pass.." "..mail, player, 255, 0, 0,)




  <script src = "Join/Checkplayer.lua" type = "server"/>
  <script src = "Join/Connect.lua" type = "server"/>
  <script src = "Join/Register.lua" type = "client"/>
  <script src = "Join/Login.lua" type = "client"/>
  <file src="Join/images/snev.png" />
  <file src="Join/images/icon_fhnev.png" />
  <file src="Join/images/icon_jelszo.png" />
  <file src="Join/images/icon_email.png" />


I found it sorry, can delet or something :( Im idiot. :D 

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24 minutes ago, Father0625 said:
outputChatBox ( user" "..pass.." "..mail, player, 255, 0, 0,)

Not sure if it is related, but there are missing some .. after the variable user:

outputChatBox ( user .. " " .. pass .. " " .. mail, player, 255, 0, 0,)


24 minutes ago, Father0625 said:

Server side (the event):

This code is located in Checkplayer.lua or Connect.lua?

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