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Login Panel MYSQL problem


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Hello, I would like to make the system check that the player has entered a good password. But for some reason this line of code is not good.

server side: 

addEvent("attemptLogin", true)
addEventHandler("attemptLogin", resourceRoot, function(username, pass)
    local serial = getPlayerSerial(client)
    dq = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE serial=?", serial)
    result = dbPoll(dq, 500)
    if (#result > 0) then
        if (result[1]["username"] == username) then
            if (result[2]["password"] == pass) then
                outputChatBox("Nem Sikerült")

client side:

function Login()
if Data[1][1] ~= "" or Data[1][2] ~= "" then
        triggerServerEvent("attemptLogin", resourceRoot, Data[1][1], hash("sha512", Data[1][2]))

Error code:


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1 hour ago, Firespider said:

But for some reason this line of code is not good.


You might want to check if there is actually is data and what the data structure is.

iprint("Validating variable Data:", inspect(Data)) -- debug in /debugscript 3

if not Data then return LogAlert("EmptyRectangle") end -- something is really wrong

local loginCredentials = Data[1]
if not loginCredentials then return LogAlert("EmptyRectangle") end -- no loginCredentials

local username = loginCredentials[1] 
local pass = loginCredentials[2] 
if (username ~= "" or pass ~= "") then return LogAlert("EmptyRectangle") end -- no user name of password

triggerServerEvent("attemptLogin", resourceRoot, username, hash("sha512", pass))



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26 minutes ago, Firespider said:
Thanks, but I've already created the data, so the problem won't be there. At least I think so

Also do you have data in db? Also u can try to loop through result and see if something comes from db. Also when u send the data from client to server check on server side if something comes



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On 08/08/2023 at 18:27, Firespider said:

Thanks, but I've already created the data, so the problem won't be there. At least I think so

In that case it might be handy if we know at which line + file the error is occurring.

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9 hours ago, Firespider said:
if result[2]["password"] == pass then

if result[2]["password"] == pass then

And if you do:

if result[1]["password"] == pass then

Since normally you want to get the username and password from the same row.


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42 minutes ago, Firespider said:

but the system indicates that the password is not correct and I enter it correctly

In that case you might want to view those in the debug console and check how they differ.

iprint(result[1]["password"], pass)


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