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if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then
outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." tried to ban you.", player, 255, 0, 0)
local banner = getPlayerSerial(source)
outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." has been banned. [Reason: attempting to ban a staff member]", root, 255, 0, 0)
setTimer ( function () addBan ( nil, nil, banner , root, "You were banned for attempting to ban a staff member") end, 500, 1) return false end
local reason = data or ""
local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional)
local bUseSerial = additional2
local isAnonAdmin = getElementData(source, "AnonAdmin")

I want the first line of code, if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then

be changed to, if getPlayerAccount(player) == "wilmertrobert" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "joan26" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "papotico02" then

but at the moment of doing it it does not work or an error appears

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If you take a closer look at the first line, the part that retrieves the name looks like this:


While in the new line, it looks like this:


getPlayerAccount function returns an account, which is a separate MTA data type, so comparing it to a string will always evaluate to false. You need to use getAccountName like the original line does, but to avoid retrieving the name multiple times, it's better to store it in a variable:

local name = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))

if name == "SomeStaffName" or name == "SomeOtherStaffName" or name == "YetAnotherStaffName" then
	-- code to execute if the name matches

Even better, you can put the names as keys into the table and do the lookup:

-- outside the function
local StaffNames = {
	SomeStaffName = true,
	["Some Other Staff Name"] = true, -- both forms are valid but this one allows spaces and other symbols that cannot be used with the other form
	YetAnotherStaffName = true

-- inside the function
local name = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))

if StaffNames[name] then
	-- code to execute if the name matches

But a script that bans someone for attempting to ban someone else looks like a script that may have unintended consequences.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It seems that you want to modify the first line of code to check if the player's account name is one of the specified names ("wilmertrobert," "joan26," or "papotico02") instead of checking if the player belongs to the "Console" ACL group. The code snippet provided is in Lua (used in some game frameworks like MTA:SA).

To achieve the desired change, you can modify the first line like this:

if getPlayerAccount(player) == "wilmertrobert" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "joan26" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "papotico02" then

This line will now check if the player's account name is one of the specified names, and if it matches, the following code block will be executed.

Here's the complete code with the change:

local player = -- the player object you want to check
local data = -- some data you might want to use for the ban reason
local additional = -- additional information (maybe ban duration)
local additional2 = -- additional information (maybe use serial)

if getPlayerAccount(player) == "wilmertrobert" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "joan26" or getPlayerAccount(player) == "papotico02" then
    outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." tried to ban you.", player, 255, 0, 0)
    local banner = getPlayerSerial(source)
    outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." has been banned. [Reason: attempting to ban a staff member]", root, 255, 0, 0)
    setTimer ( function () addBan ( nil, nil, banner , root, "You were banned for attempting to ban a staff member") end, 500, 1)
    return false

local reason = data or ""
local seconds = tonumber(additional) and tonumber(additional) > 0 and tonumber(additional)
local bUseSerial = additional2
local isAnonAdmin = getElementData(source, "AnonAdmin")

Remember to replace the player, data, additional, and additional2 variables with appropriate values depending on your context.

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