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Neon system using a DX panel | Sistema neon MTA


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Sistema Neon usando un panel DX, recuerda descargar la dxLibrary para que funcione correctamente, este sistema está súper bien optimizado y bastante probado.
Advertencia: Este sistema usa un exports llamado dxLibrary el cual debe ser ejecutado primero para que el panel funcione correctamente, todo el sistema es descompilado para verificación
Descarga las exports aquí, tienes 2 opciones 1- Descárgala de la página oficial de la dxLibrary pero una vez descargada debes renombrar el Script a "dxLibrary" ambos enlaces sirven para descargar la biblioteca dx, usa la que más te convenga:
1- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary (renombrar el script a "dxLibrary")
2- https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgdheud81rwoy0c/dxLibrary.zip/file (opción 2 por si el primer link no sirve)

Neon system using a DX panel, remember to download the dxLibrary to make it work correctly, this system is super well optimized and quite tested.
Warning: This system uses an exports called dxLibrary which must be executed first for the panel to work correctly, the whole system is decompiled for verification
Download the exports here, you have 2 options 1- Download it from the official page of the dxLibrary but once downloaded you must rename the Script to "dxLibrary" both links are used to download the dx library, use the one that suits you best:
1- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary (rename the script to "dxLibrary")
2- https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgdheud81rwoy0c/dxLibrary.zip/file (option 2 in case the first link does not work)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much, I will continue making contributions with the dxLibrary system, well-optimized systems and very well done.

22 hours ago, #RooTs said:

very nice job.

By the way, I added a new version because the isPedInVehicle was in a bad position, if you used the dxLibrary and clicked on another panel it would send you the message that you were inside a vehicle, I corrected it by placing it inside the buttons of the Neon panel

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