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(HELP) How to install a Login Panel in GM Downtown

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Hello everyone, 
very good, I know that perhaps what I am going to request is something basic,
but I hope someone with knowledge or who can help me comments on this topic.

What happens is that I am creating a new server with GM DOWNTOWN, 
which I have already edited enough to my liking, radar, jobs, hud, etc...

What happens is that I want to install a LOGINPANEL apart from the one it has,
and I thought that deleting it and installing another one would work.

But it happens that:

At the moment of installing it,
it appears in the game but the username and password do not matter,
you can enter, and that is not all,
but you enter but not to choose your characters, etc.

I would like to request help please for:
-Find a Login panel that can be used in this GM
-Create a login panel connected to this GM
-How to connect any login panel to this GM and make it work.

Thank you so much.
ATTE: MontanaDeus
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