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Need fast help (special case of banning).........

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I am new user here, and I think I can put it here in the 'Help Area', please accept my apolozise if I posted it wrong.

I am an admin a server (not mine) and a person keeping breaking our server rule (like bad words, disrespect the admins and more) and his name is called 'e'. I mute him, its me to be muted "limpeh-behsi" and same as kick, ban and so on. How can I ban/kick/mute him?? is there any way to do the "list players' so I can kick/ban him by the list number??

Thanks for your help :)

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How can I ban/kick/mute him?? is there any way to do the "list players' so I can kick/ban him by the list number??

You'll need to use remote admin, mta doesnt provide a way of dealing with people by IDs.

There are script that support IDs, and GUS also does support IDs.. (as i helped to make GUS i must know better)

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unfortunatly theres no way of blocking certain words from appearing in the chat, but it is possible to have a script react to people saying words you dont like by warning/kicking/banning people who say them. overall people dont like censorship however.

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I know they don't like it but

1. I tried muting them if they say those words, they still can accept it, no complain so far

2. I found that this can make the server more 'peaceful' , you know, some people really like to say f**k you or something make other people angry.

Thanks and I'' try it :)

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