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Hello! I have another problem I want to solve, if we press the arrow on the right, it goes to the other car, but for some reason it doesn't go to the fourth one.
bindKey("arrow_r", "Down", function()
destroyElement (Veh1)
if (car == 1) then
local Veh2 = createVehicle(411, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550)
bindKey("arrow_r", "Down", function()
destroyElement (Veh2)
car = 1+1
if (car == 2) then
local Veh3 = createVehicle(478, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550)
bindKey("arrow_r", "Down", function()
destroyElement (Veh3)
car = 1+2

if (car == 3) then
createVehicle(240, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550)


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You should carefully rethink your code design -- this may work for 1 or 2 car options, but as you add the 3rd, 4th, 5th etc, it gets really complicated unnecessarily. Instead, consider reusing existing code with iterations through a table and extracting parts of the code into their own functions.

Here's a much more flexible version of your code, which does not rely on adding numbers to variable names, writing a cascade of if blocks and bind handlers within bind handlers, etc.

local models = {
  411, 478, 240 -- add as many models here as you want, and the code will work without any other changes

local displayVehicle, index -- declaring variables as local ahead of time allows to get the speed benefits of `local` while having variables accessible thoughout the current script file (not accessible in other scripts of the same resource though)

local function updateDisplayVehicle()
  if (isElement(displayVehicle)) then -- to prevent generating errors when the vehicle doesn't exist
    destroyElement(displayVehicle) -- delete the existing vehicle if it exists
  local vehModel = models[index] -- get the vehicle model corresponding to the current index
  displayVehicle = createVehicle(vehModel, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550) -- spawns a vehicle with the correct vehicle model

local function tryChangeIndex(newIndex)
  if (models[newIndex]) then -- if the given index is valid (i.e. table `models` contains a value for that index)
    index = newIndex -- set current index to the given index
    updateDisplayVehicle() -- and update the currently spawned vehicle

local function nextVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index + 1)
bindKey("arrow_r", "down", nextVehicle)

local function previousVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index - 1)
bindKey("arrow_l", "down", previousVehicle)

I've tried to provide comments that should help you understand what I'm doing in the code. I hope this helps.

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I have a problem, it's like a car shop and it's supposed to put the very first car down, but I don't know where the beginning of the whole thing starts, so to speak, because English is not my native language and I might have misread something. So, so to speak, which is the very first function that should be used in this situation. Thanks in advance for your answer!
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local models = {
  411, 478, 240 -- add as many models here as you want, and the code will work without any other changes

local displayVehicle, index -- declaring variables as local ahead of time allows to get the speed benefits of `local` while having variables accessible thoughout the current script file (not accessible in other scripts of the same resource though)

local function updateDisplayVehicle()
  if (isElement(displayVehicle)) then -- to prevent generating errors when the vehicle doesn't exist
    destroyElement(displayVehicle) -- delete the existing vehicle if it exists
  local vehModel = models[index] -- get the vehicle model corresponding to the current index
  displayVehicle = createVehicle(vehModel, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550) -- spawns a vehicle with the correct vehicle model


local function tryChangeIndex(newIndex)
  if (models[newIndex]) then -- if the given index is valid (i.e. table `models` contains a value for that index)
    index = newIndex -- set current index to the given index
    updateDisplayVehicle() -- and update the currently spawned vehicle

local function nextVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index + 1)
bindKey("arrow_r", "down", nextVehicle)

local function previousVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index - 1)
bindKey("arrow_l", "down", previousVehicle)


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local models = {
  411, 478, 240 -- add as many models here as you want, and the code will work without any other changes

local displayVehicle, index -- declaring variables as local ahead of time allows to get the speed benefits of `local` while having variables accessible thoughout the current script file (not accessible in other scripts of the same resource though)

local function updateDisplayVehicle()
  if (isElement(displayVehicle)) then -- to prevent generating errors when the vehicle doesn't exist
    destroyElement(displayVehicle) -- delete the existing vehicle if it exists
  local vehModel = models[index] -- get the vehicle model corresponding to the current index
  displayVehicle = createVehicle(vehModel, 2154.45996, -1153.21362, 23.87550) -- spawns a vehicle with the correct vehicle model


local function tryChangeIndex(newIndex)
  if not models[newIndex] then
	if newIndex < 1 then
		newIndex = #models
		newIndex = 1
  index = newIndex

local function nextVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index + 1)
bindKey("arrow_r", "down", nextVehicle)

local function previousVehicle()
  tryChangeIndex(index - 1)
bindKey("arrow_l", "down", previousVehicle)


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