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why Admin-system wont work


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Hi when i try to open the staff-manager gui it will show me the gui but without any buttons, idk why it showing me that i changed the admin-system resource like 3-4 times and it still shows me the same error,and i dont know how to fix it,here is the error it giving me in the console when i start the admin-system resource:


admin/staff_manager/staff_manager_s.lua:3: call: failed to call 'integration:getStaffTitles' [string "?"]

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First of all, admin/staff_manager is not part of the default set of resources for MTA, so next time, tell us exactly what sort of resource you're using, where you got it from, a link to the documentation/user guide if you read it yourself beforehand)

Also, please tell us what you've already tried doing to resolve your issue. So far, the error message suggests there's an issue with the resource 'integration' -- is it started? Does it have any errors when it starts? Have you tried restarting it?

Edited by Addlibs
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yeah i restarted the resource and it tells me that in console, and when i am in game on my server i can open the staff manager gui but it wont show any buttons..


1 minute ago, Addlibs said:

First of all, admin/staff_manager is not part of the default set of resources for MTA, so next time, tell us exactly what sort of resource you're using, where you got it from, a link to the documentation/user guide if you read it yourself beforehand)

Also, please tell us what you've already tried doing to resolve your issue. So far, the error message suggests there's an issue with the resource 'integration' -- is it started? Does it have any errors when it starts? Have you tried restarting it?


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