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Play multiple sounds (Sound function)


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Hi there im working on a bit of code but i need a bit of guidance on this idea.

To keep things as short and simple, I was thinking of a way to play multiple sounds using a single function - "multi_sounds" instead of having to make another function for each of the sounds.

So all you'll need to do in this case is type /win cops or /win robbers and bob's your uncle.

I just need the barebones of how it should be done, so i can continue from there. I just can't figure out where to start.

We got client and server:



function cops()
 local sound = playSound("sirens.mp3")
  setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
  setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)
addEvent("playcops", true)
addEventHandler("playcops", getRootElement(), cops)

function robbers()
 local sound = playSound("gangsters.mp3")
  setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
  setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)
addEvent("playrobbers", true)
addEventHandler("playrobbers", getRootElement(), robbers)


function multi_sounds ( player )

 --triggerClientEvent(player, "playcops", player)
 triggerClientEvent(player, "playrobbers", player)
addCommandHandler("win", multi_sounds)



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hi you can try this but i didn't test it

addEvent("playWinSound", true)
addEventHandler("playWinSound", root,
       local sound = playSound(soundFile) --play the sound file that comes as a parameter
       setSoundVolume(sound, 1)
       setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100)

function multi_sounds(player, commandName, soundType)
   if not (soundType) then return outputChatBox("You must be enter sound type.", player) end --if the player has not entered the soundType, exit immediately
   if(soundType == "cops") then --if soundType is "cops" enter here
      triggerClientEvent(player, "playWinSound", player, "sirens.mp3")
   elseif(soundType == "robbers") then --if soundType is "robbers" enter here
      triggerClientEvent(player, "playWinSound", player, "gangsters.mp3")
addCommandHandler("win", multi_sounds)
Edited by Burak5312
  • Thanks 1
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