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[Looking For] City-theme mappers

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Thanks for deciding to read my post, first time I have ever tried MTA was in 2009.

Skipping forward few years, I started trying out Map Editor and at first it was quite difficult task, but I had idea to make

my own city theme map.

It's been six years since my first map and I currently have four fully finished (stunt) map projects: Unbeatable Citiezens, Mountainview of Paradise, Gamble city and Mountainview of Paradise II. 

My present projects such as Las Venturas Expansion for and Beatable Citiezens II are roughly finished.


Aerial view of 2 of maps


What am I searching for?

  • Helping hand in current project Beatable II;
  • City Theme mapper;
  • Decorate maps with traffic lights, food stalls, markets, nature and etc.
  • Mapper to work together with


Beatable II - City theme based map adapted to stuntage gamemode

Beatable II testing video

map screenshots


Las Venturas Expansion - Here is my latest project, main idea is to connect Countryside with Las Venturas add additional city in side of Las Venturas

Las Venturas expansion


everyone gladly welcome at:

Gang War Project Discord

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