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Pairs Loop

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Hello, i'm having troube doing a pairs loop on a table. I'm doing the following

local test = {}

for i = 0, 9, 1 do
    test[i] = 4

for i, v in pairs(test) do

Which prints the following

[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 1
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 2
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 3
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 4
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 5
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 6
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 7
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 8
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 9
[2022-07-02 11:46:19] INFO: 0
The first element inserted into the table is the last in the loop, any explanation?
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7 hours ago, Modafinil said:

The first element inserted into the table is the last in the loop, any explanation?

First of all it is important to understand that tables(arrays) in Lua do not start at index 0, they start at index 1.

  • The pairs function does not always loop in order. (unreliable for looping in order)
  • The ipairs function does, but does not start at 0, it just skips it.

So if you want a loop starting at 0, the basic for loop is the best option to be honest.



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