HenryC Posted May 27, 2022 Share Posted May 27, 2022 executeSQLCreateTable ("huntertimes","map TEXT,name TEXT,serial TEXT,country TEXT,country2 TEXT,date TEXT,time INT") local HunterTable = {} local function getTopPos(time,map) local rank = executeSQLQuery("SELECT count(*)+1 as rank FROM huntertimes WHERE time < "..time.." and map='"..map.."' LIMIT 1") return rank[1].rank end local function msToTimeStr(ms) local centiseconds = tostring(math.floor(math.fmod(ms,1000)/10)) if #centiseconds == 1 then centiseconds = '0' .. centiseconds end local s = math.floor(ms/1000) local seconds = tostring(math.fmod(s,60)) if #seconds == 1 then seconds = '0'..seconds end return tostring(math.floor(s/60))..':'.. seconds ..':'..centiseconds end local function getDate() local time = getRealTime() local m = time.month+1 local d = time.monthday if tonumber(d) < 8 then d = "0"..d end if tonumber(m) < 8 then m = "0"..m end return d.."."..m.."."..tostring(tonumber(time.year)+1900) end function HexToRGB(hex) local hex = hex:gsub("#","") return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6)) end local function rDarkColor(str) local hexpos = string.find(str,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x") if hexpos then local hex = string.sub(str,hexpos,hexpos+6) local r,g,b = HexToRGB(hex) if 60 > r and 60 > g and 60 > b then str = string.gsub(str,hex,"") end hexpos2 = string.find(str,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",4) if hexpos2 then local hex2 = string.sub(str,hexpos2,hexpos2+6) local r2,g2,b2 = HexToRGB(hex2) if 60 > r2 and 60 > g2 and 60 > b2 then str = string.gsub(str,hex2,"") end end end return str end local function createLocalTopTable(player,map) local table = {false} local accountname = getPlayerSerial(player) local t = executeSQLQuery("SELECT time,name,date,country2 FROM huntertimes WHERE serial='"..accountname.."' AND map='"..map.."' LIMIT 1") if t[1] then table = {msToTimeStr(t[1].time),rDarkColor(t[1].name),t[1].date,t[1].country2,getTopPos(t[1].time,map)} end return table end local function createTopTable(map) local table = {} local amount = 0 local te = {"--Empty--","","",""} local t = executeSQLQuery("SELECT time,name,date,country2 FROM huntertimes WHERE map='"..map.."' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 8") local hm = executeSQLQuery("SELECT count(*) as count FROM huntertimes WHERE map='"..map.."' LIMIT 1") amount = hm[1].count local i = 0 while i ~= 8 do i = i + 1 if t[i] then table[i] = {msToTimeStr(t[i].time),rDarkColor(t[i].name),t[i].date,t[i].country2} else table[i] = te end end table[12] = {type,string.sub(map.."("..amount.." tops)",1,44)} return table end addEvent("onClientWantRanking",true) addEventHandler("onClientWantRanking",root, function(player) local map = string.gsub(getElementData(player,"Map"),"[(')]+","") local ranking = createTopTable(map) ranking[11] = createLocalTopTable(player,map) triggerClientEvent(player,"onServerSendRanking",player,ranking) end) addEvent("onRaceStateChanging",true) addEventHandler("onRaceStateChanging", root, function(new,old) if new == "LoadingMap" then setTimer(function() HunterTable = {} end,1000,1) setTimer(function() local map = string.gsub(getMapName(),"[(')]+","") local ranking = createTopTable(map) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v,"state") and getElementData(v,"state") == "alive" then local t = ranking t[11] = createLocalTopTable(v,map) triggerClientEvent(v,"onServerSendRanking",v,t) end end end,8000,1) end end) local block = {}; function removeBlock(player) block[player] = nil; end function addTT(time,source) if not block[source] then block[source] = true; setTimer(removeBlock,20000,1,source); local map = string.gsub(getElementData(source,"Map"),"[(')]+","") local pos = getTopPos(time,map) if not string.find(map,"Hunter") then outputChatBox("#BF4343*[Map] #ffffff "..map,root,255,255,255,true) if pos == 1 then outputChatBox("#BF4343*[Hunter]#ffffff "..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff has made the #00ff00WORLD RECORD #ffffffwith time "..msToTimeStr(time),root,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#BF4343*[Hunter]#ffffff "..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff has got the hunter #BF4343["..msToTimeStr(time).."]#ffffff and pos. #BF4343["..pos.."]",root,255,255,255,true) end end local accountname = getPlayerSerial(source) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT time FROM huntertimes WHERE serial='"..accountname.."' AND map='"..map.."' LIMIT 1") if not result[1] then executeSQLInsert ("huntertimes", "'"..map.."','"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(source),"[(')]+","").."','"..accountname.."','"..tostring(getElementData(source,"country") or "Europe").."','"..tostring(getElementData(source,"Country") or "EU").."','"..getDate().."',"..time.."") else if result[1].time > time then executeSQLUpdate("huntertimes","time = "..time..",name = '"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(source),"[(')]+","").."'","serial='"..accountname.."' AND map='"..map.."'") end end local ranking = createTopTable(map) ranking[11] = createLocalTopTable(source,map) triggerClientEvent(source,"onServerSendRanking",source,ranking) triggerClientEvent(source,"onServerSendRanking2",source,ranking) end end Error on line 94 = local map = string.gsub(getElementData(player,"Map"),"[(')]+","") error Link to comment
Moderators Citizen Posted May 29, 2022 Moderators Share Posted May 29, 2022 - You use getElementData "Map" but where do you setElementData "Map" ? The element data doesn't exist when it is called and you get false instead of the map's name. - Don't escape strings yourself with gsub, use "?" placeholders instead. It will prevents bad things like SQL Injections for you. Example: local playerName = getPlayerName(source) executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM players WHERE name=?", playerName) - At line 144 I see you use getElementData "country" and "Country" are you sure about the names ? Why do you have 2 versions of the country data ? Looks like bad practice and looks confusing - [perf] Why do you need to trigger onServerSendRanking AND onServerSendRanking2 ?? They are the exact same calls, just use onServerSendRanking on both client handlers triggerClientEvent(source,"onServerSendRanking",source,ranking) triggerClientEvent(source,"onServerSendRanking2",source,ranking) - [perf] Don't use getElementData for the same data twice where you can call it once: if getElementData(v,"state") and getElementData(v,"state") == "alive" then Do this instead: local state = getElementData(v, "state") if state and state == "alive" then - [bug] Should be `< 10` here on both lines because you want that "8" or "9" turns into "08" or "09" respectively - Don't use reserved keywords for your variable names. Here table is a reserved keyword: Link to comment
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