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Colshape getElementsWithinColshape doesn't work

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Hello everyone, I have the following problem. I create a ColCube and attach it to a container. Then I put another container on top of it. This one has 2 doors attached. Now the ColCube of the first container should locate the upper one with getElemntsWithin and say that there is a container above and the lower one is not selected. But only the upper one is free.


self is the container ingame object

function Container:constructor(zRotation, defaultDimension)
    self.activated = false
    self.defaultDimension = defaultDimension
    self.colshape = nil
    self.containerStartPosition = self:getPosition()
    self.zRotation = tonumber(zRotation)
    self.rightBorder = Object(3062, 0, 0, 0)
    self.leftBorder = Object(3062, 0, 0, 0)

    self.alreadyRotated = false
    self.checkColliderWidth = 3
    self.checkColliderSize = 7.05
    self.rightBorder:attach(self, 0, 3.4, -0.1)
    self.leftBorder:attach(self, -0.1, -3.5, -0.1)
    engineSetModelLODDistance(3062, 400)

function Container:setCorrectCheckCollider() -- Zum erstellen des CubeShape
    local attachFactor = self:getAttachFactor()
    self.colliderCheckCube = createColRectangle(0, 0, self.checkColliderWidth, self.checkColliderSize)
    if not (self:isRotatedToXAxis()) then
        local containerCheckColliderSize = self.colliderCheckCube:getSize()
        self.colliderCheckCube:setSize(containerCheckColliderSize.y, containerCheckColliderSize.x)
    self.colliderCheckCube:attach(self, -1.5 + self:getOffsetCenterXAxis(self.checkColliderWidth), 3.5 + (self.checkColliderSize * attachFactor), 1.5)

function Container:isFree()
    if(self.colliderCheckCube) then
        local elements = self.colliderCheckCube:getElementsWithin("object")
        outputChatBox("#elements: "..#elements)
        if(#elements > 0) then
            for _, object in ipairs(elements) do
                outputChatBox("elements: "..object:getModel())
                if not (object == self or object == self.leftBorder or object == self.rightBorder or object:getModel() == 3798) then
                    return false
            return true
            return true
        return false

Strangely, the isFree function often returns an object that is not in the container. Most of the time, however, the colshape does not recognize any objects in itself, although there clearly are some.



Have someone an idea?

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