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[HELP] getServerIp return default value


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I'm having problems trying to use getServerIp() and it returns the default, because the function it's requesting is apparently starting before fetchRemote gets the IP, I tested it in a separate resource and it works fine, but I wanted to use everything in just one resource.


Example like this return the default


function getServerIp()
    return SERVER_IP

function (response)
	if response ~= "ERROR" then
		SERVER_IP = response:match("<body>Current IP Address: (.-)</body>") or ""

function ipTesting()
	if connection then
	--local serverIp = getServerConfigSetting("serverip") // I don't understand why it doesn't return the real IP when the ip in mtaserver is set to auto (it would be less stressful getServerConfigSetting("serverip") to return the IP of the server even though it is set to auto)
	local serverIp = getServerIp()
	if serverIp then
            print(serverIp) --[[ Result ]]--


When I add a SetTimer to wait for fetchRemote to return the value I get the server IP without any problems

Does anyone know of a way to resolve this? I specifically need to receive the IP when starting the resource and I was only able to do it through an external resource, I wanted to do everything in just one file, help me


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21 hours ago, Neto Silva said:

Does anyone know of a way to resolve this?

For the resource servertimesync, I am using this method to solve that problem.


1. I am using the function getServerTime to get the time, if available.

local timeNow = exports.servertimesync:getServerTime()


2. If it not available, then I am also listening to the event "onServerTimeInitialized", which is triggered when the data is available.

addEventHandler( "onServerTimeInitialized", root, function() end )



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