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[Question] GUI Absolute and Relatives


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Hello I'am working on a gui system with absolute values:


customKnopfErstellen = function(x, y, breite, laenge, ueberschrift, relative, parent)
	local knopfUntergrundOben = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y, breite, 1, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
	local knopfUntergrundRechts = guiCreateStaticImage(x+breite-1, y, 1, laenge, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
	local knopfUntergrundUnten = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y+laenge-1, breite, 1, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
	local knopfUntergrundLinks = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y, 1, laenge, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
	local knopfObergrund = guiCreateStaticImage(x+1, y+1, breite-2, laenge-2, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
	local label = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, breite-2, laenge-2, ueberschrift, relative, knopfObergrund)
	guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small")
	guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false)
	guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label, "center", false)
	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
	guiSetProperty(knopfObergrund, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfFarbe.." tr:"..knopfFarbe.." bl:"..knopfFarbe.." br:"..knopfFarbe)
	addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", label, function(mx, my)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
		guiLabelSetColor(label, 135, 135, 135)
	end, false)
	addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", label, function()
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
		guiLabelSetColor(label, 255, 255, 255)
	end, false)
	return label	
standartKnopfErstellen = guiCreateButton
guiCreateButton = customKnopfErstellen

But how to make it when the values from guiCreateButton are relative values? How to convert them to absolute values that this script works? thank you :)

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hmm im not sure if i understand your issue. So you create a button with relative values and then you want to retrieve his absolute position ?

Anyway, you can use guiGetPosition() to retrieve the absolute position of your button but care the position will be relative to his parent.

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  • Scripting Moderators
13 hours ago, Dope88 said:

Hello, yes I know but i want to convert them in this script to absolute values

The "relative" is calculated according to "parent". For example

local labelA = guiCreateLabel(100,100,400,200,"",false)
local labelB = guiCreateLabel(0.1,0.2,0.5,0.5,"",true,labelB)

for labelB, it's

x = 0.1 * 400
y = 0.2 * 200
width = 0.5 * 400
height = 0.5 * 200

In this way, we can know that:

x = relativeX * parentWidth
y = relativeY * parentHeight
width = relativeWidth * parentWidth
height = relativeHeight * parentHeight

If there's no parent, parentWidth and parentHeight will be screenWidth and screenHeight.

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14 hours ago, thisdp said:

The "relative" is calculated according to "parent". For example

local labelA = guiCreateLabel(100,100,400,200,"",false)
local labelB = guiCreateLabel(0.1,0.2,0.5,0.5,"",true,labelB)

for labelB, it's

x = 0.1 * 400
y = 0.2 * 200
width = 0.5 * 400
height = 0.5 * 200

In this way, we can know that:

x = relativeX * parentWidth
y = relativeY * parentHeight
width = relativeWidth * parentWidth
height = relativeHeight * parentHeight

If there's no parent, parentWidth and parentHeight will be screenWidth and screenHeight.

Thank you that helped a lot :)

Is there any function like guiGetSize() to get the Width and Height of an gui Element?

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  • Scripting Moderators
21 hours ago, Dope88 said:

Thank you that helped a lot :)

Is there any function like guiGetSize() to get the Width and Height of an gui Element?

that is the exactly function

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