nyxudf Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Hello everyone, I have a question about this script that I found in the community. It doesn't have any errors on startup, I just want to know how I could hide the local player's tag but keep others visible. Client side: myfont = "default-bold" nametags_Root = getRootElement() nametags_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) nametags_Players = getElementsByType('player') nametags_Me = getLocalPlayer() nametag = {} local nametags = {} local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local Nametags_Hide = false local Nametags_Scale = 0.36 local Nametags_Alpha_Distance = 30 local Nametags_Distance = 40 local Nametags_Alpha = 255 local Nametags_Text_Bar_Space = 1 local Nametags_Width = 50 local Nametags_Height = 20 local Nametags_Size = 0.45 local Nametags_Outline_Thickness = 1.2 local Nametags_Alpha_Diff = Nametags_Distance - Nametags_Alpha_Distance Nametags_Scale = 1/Nametags_Scale * 800 / sHeight local maxScaleCurve = { {0, 0}, {3, 3}, {13, 5} } local textScaleCurve = { {0, 0.8}, {0.8, 1.2}, {99, 99} } local textAlphaCurve = { {0, 0}, {25, 100}, {120, 190}, {255, 190} } function nametags.Create ( player ) nametags[player] = true end function nametags.Destroy ( player ) nametags[player] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", nametags_Root, function() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "state.hud") == "disabled" then return end for i,player in ipairs(nametags_Players) do if isElement(player) then setPlayerNametagShowing ( player, false ) if not nametags[player] then nametags.Create ( player ) end end end if Nametags_Hide then return end local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() for player in pairs(nametags) do while true do if not isElement(player) then break end if getElementDimension(player) ~= getElementDimension(nametags_Me) then break end local px,py,pz = getElementPosition ( player ) local bx, by, bz = getPedBonePosition( player, 5 ) if processLineOfSight(x, y, z, px, py, pz, true, false, false, true, false, true) then break end local playerDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z,px,py,pz ) if playerDistance <= Nametags_Distance then --Get screen position local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( bx + 0, by, bz + 0.4 ) if not sx or not sy then break end --Calculate our components local scale = 1/(Nametags_Scale * (playerDistance / Nametags_Distance)) local alpha = ((playerDistance - Nametags_Alpha_Distance) / Nametags_Alpha_Diff) alpha = (alpha < 0) and Nametags_Alpha or Nametags_Alpha-(alpha*Nametags_Alpha) scale = math.evalCurve(maxScaleCurve,scale) local textScale = math.evalCurve(textScaleCurve,scale) local textAlpha = math.evalCurve(textAlphaCurve,alpha) local outlineThickness = Nametags_Outline_Thickness*(scale) --Requirements local team = getPlayerTeam(player) local level = getElementData(player, "LV") or 0 local Reputation = getElementData(player, "Reputation") or "player" local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) local offset = (scale) * Nametags_Text_Bar_Space/2 local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local imageSize = dxGetFontHeight ( textScale*Nametags_Size, myfont ) local lp = getElementData(player, "experience.rank") or "Newbie" local bitt = interpolateBetween(40, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, ((getTickCount()) / 1300), "SineCurve") local isim = getPlayerName(player):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') --Draw our text dxDrawText ( isim.."", sx + 0.5*scale, sy - offset + 0.5*scale, sx + 0.5*scale, sy - offset + 0.5*scale, tocolor(0,0,0,255), textScale*Nametags_Size*1., myfont, "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true, true ) dxDrawText ( playerName.."", sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,255), textScale*Nametags_Size*1., myfont, "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true, true ) nameWidth = dxGetTextWidth ( playerName.."", textScale*Nametags_Size, myfont ) teamWidth = nameWidth if Reputation then -- dxDrawImage ( sx - math.max(nameWidth/2, teamWidth/2) - 40*scale, sy - 2*imageSize, 7*imageSize, 2*imageSize, ""..Reputation..".png" ) end end break end end end ) function nametagsCreate() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do nametags.Create ( player ) nametags.Create ( localPlayer ) setElementData(player, "nametags", "enabled") end end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', nametags_Root, nametagsCreate) function nametagsCreateOnJoin() if source == nametags_Me then return end setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false ) nametags.Create ( source ) end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', nametags_Root, nametagsCreateOnJoin) function nametagsDestroy() nametags.Destroy ( source ) end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', nametags_Root, nametagsDestroy) function math.lerp(from,to,alpha) return from + (to-from) * alpha end function math.evalCurve( curve, input ) if input<curve[1][1] then return curve[1][2] end for idx=2,#curve do if input<curve[idx][1] then local x1 = curve[idx-1][1] local y1 = curve[idx-1][2] local x2 = curve[idx][1] local y2 = curve[idx][2] local alpha = (input - x1)/(x2 - x1); return math.lerp(y1,y2,alpha) end end return curve[#curve][2] end function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 5, 6)), 255) end last = e+1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) end end Thanks. 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Ayush Rathore Posted March 25, 2022 Share Posted March 25, 2022 myfont = "default-bold" nametags_Root = getRootElement() nametags_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) nametags_Players = getElementsByType('player') nametags_Me = getLocalPlayer() nametag = {} local nametags = {} local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local Nametags_Hide = false local Nametags_Scale = 0.36 local Nametags_Alpha_Distance = 30 local Nametags_Distance = 40 local Nametags_Alpha = 255 local Nametags_Text_Bar_Space = 1 local Nametags_Width = 50 local Nametags_Height = 20 local Nametags_Size = 0.45 local Nametags_Outline_Thickness = 1.2 local Nametags_Alpha_Diff = Nametags_Distance - Nametags_Alpha_Distance Nametags_Scale = 1/Nametags_Scale * 800 / sHeight local maxScaleCurve = { {0, 0}, {3, 3}, {13, 5} } local textScaleCurve = { {0, 0.8}, {0.8, 1.2}, {99, 99} } local textAlphaCurve = { {0, 0}, {25, 100}, {120, 190}, {255, 190} } function nametags.Create ( player ) if (player == nametags_Me) then return end nametags[player] = true end function nametags.Destroy ( player ) nametags[player] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", nametags_Root, function() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "state.hud") == "disabled" then return end for i,player in ipairs(nametags_Players) do if isElement(player) then setPlayerNametagShowing ( player, false ) if not nametags[player] then nametags.Create ( player ) end end end if Nametags_Hide then return end local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() for player in pairs(nametags) do while true do if not isElement(player) then break end if getElementDimension(player) ~= getElementDimension(nametags_Me) then break end local px,py,pz = getElementPosition ( player ) local bx, by, bz = getPedBonePosition( player, 5 ) if processLineOfSight(x, y, z, px, py, pz, true, false, false, true, false, true) then break end local playerDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z,px,py,pz ) if playerDistance <= Nametags_Distance then --Get screen position local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( bx + 0, by, bz + 0.4 ) if not sx or not sy then break end --Calculate our components local scale = 1/(Nametags_Scale * (playerDistance / Nametags_Distance)) local alpha = ((playerDistance - Nametags_Alpha_Distance) / Nametags_Alpha_Diff) alpha = (alpha < 0) and Nametags_Alpha or Nametags_Alpha-(alpha*Nametags_Alpha) scale = math.evalCurve(maxScaleCurve,scale) local textScale = math.evalCurve(textScaleCurve,scale) local textAlpha = math.evalCurve(textAlphaCurve,alpha) local outlineThickness = Nametags_Outline_Thickness*(scale) --Requirements local team = getPlayerTeam(player) local level = getElementData(player, "LV") or 0 local Reputation = getElementData(player, "Reputation") or "player" local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) local offset = (scale) * Nametags_Text_Bar_Space/2 local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local imageSize = dxGetFontHeight ( textScale*Nametags_Size, myfont ) local lp = getElementData(player, "experience.rank") or "Newbie" local bitt = interpolateBetween(40, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, ((getTickCount()) / 1300), "SineCurve") local isim = getPlayerName(player):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') --Draw our text dxDrawText ( isim.."", sx + 0.5*scale, sy - offset + 0.5*scale, sx + 0.5*scale, sy - offset + 0.5*scale, tocolor(0,0,0,255), textScale*Nametags_Size*1., myfont, "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true, true ) dxDrawText ( playerName.."", sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,255), textScale*Nametags_Size*1., myfont, "center", "bottom", false, false, false, true, true ) nameWidth = dxGetTextWidth ( playerName.."", textScale*Nametags_Size, myfont ) teamWidth = nameWidth if Reputation then -- dxDrawImage ( sx - math.max(nameWidth/2, teamWidth/2) - 40*scale, sy - 2*imageSize, 7*imageSize, 2*imageSize, ""..Reputation..".png" ) end end break end end end ) function nametagsCreate() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do nametags.Create ( player ) setElementData(player, "nametags", "enabled") end end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', nametags_Root, nametagsCreate) function nametagsCreateOnJoin() if source == nametags_Me then return end setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false ) nametags.Create ( source ) end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', nametags_Root, nametagsCreateOnJoin) function nametagsDestroy() nametags.Destroy ( source ) end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', nametags_Root, nametagsDestroy) function math.lerp(from,to,alpha) return from + (to-from) * alpha end function math.evalCurve( curve, input ) if input<curve[1][1] then return curve[1][2] end for idx=2,#curve do if input<curve[idx][1] then local x1 = curve[idx-1][1] local y1 = curve[idx-1][2] local x2 = curve[idx][1] local y2 = curve[idx][2] local alpha = (input - x1)/(x2 - x1); return math.lerp(y1,y2,alpha) end end return curve[#curve][2] end function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..string.sub(col, 5, 6)), 255) end last = e+1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font,alignX,alignY,clip, wordBreak, postGUI) end end This will do the needful. 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