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Optimize this script (function)


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I made a function for my "carshop system", basically the function spawns the car that the player select and then, if the player select another car from the list, the script delete the car and starts again. But I know that creating and deleting this element in client-side everytime the player clicks on a row from the gridlist would be bad for my server, so I want to know how could I optimize this as much as it's possible


function vehicleVisible()
	local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list) ---------get the row from the gui gridlist
	if row~=-1 then -----------if row is not -1 
		destroyVehicleVisible() ----another function that destroys the element "vehicleVisibleForPlayer"
		local id = guiGridListGetItemText(list, row, 1)
		if id then 
			iddef = getVehicleModelFromName(id) ----------get the vehicle id from the name 
			iprint("ID: "..iddef)
			vehicleVisibleForPlayer = createVehicle(iddef, 2123.560546875,-1129.4521484375,25.453437805176) ----spawns the car
			iprint("Llego hasta acá")
			local rot = setElementRotation(vehicleVisibleForPlayer, -0, 0, 331.40734863281)


Edited by Cronoss
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Hello, maybe just add a button to confirm the vehicle creation ? you could also add a timer to disable it for a while after its been used.

Though dont forget vehicles created client side cant be driven so you will need to trigger the server at some point.

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Hello, maybe just add a button to confirm the vehicle creation ? you could also add a timer to disable it for a while after its been used.

Though dont forget vehicles created client side cant be driven so you will need to trigger the server at some point.

Answering this, the system I'm showing this time it's not for the vehicle "definitive" creation, it's just my method to show the player what vehicle it's selecting, confirm the creation doesn't work for me, because I need to show the player the vehicle at the moment he selects the row in the "carshop" panel


Here is a useful function to add a rate limit (to user input):


In my opinion, limiting the player's time to select the next vehicle wouldn't look too good. I guess there is no way to optimize a system like this because i've been searching for something similar and nothing.  I think that I need a new method to show the player the vehicle he is selecting but I can't figure out how to make it better

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2 hours ago, Cronoss said:

next vehicle wouldn't look too good

Then do the selection 100% clientside, that way you eliminate the connection delay and also not wasting network for other players. In your code I do not see serverside btw.

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6 minutes ago, Cronoss said:

I though that Client-side also could affect the other's player in some way

In most cases not. (with an important exception: on clientside setElementData used on an element which is created by serverside)

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