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Display more than one result (mysql)


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I want to display more than one result (from mysql database) in a function because in my system the player can have more than one object saved, I need  to display all the rows added. Example:

(Data base view)

row #1 = [id | car | color 3]

row#2 = [id | car | color6]

How it would look into .lua file

local thingRequest = exports.mysql:_Query("SELECT awesomething FROM thingsTable WHERE owner=?", owner)
	if (#thingRequest>0) then
		local awesomethingText1 = --awesomething[1] (row #1)
		local awesomethingText2 = --awesomething[2] (row #2)
  		if (awesomethingText1=="") then
  		if (awesomethingText2=="") then


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But how could I display more rows then? I'm talking about something like this:

for _,column in ipairs(tableCheck) do
  	awesomethingRow1 = --------------------row 1, awesomething's first result
    awesomethingRow2 = --------------------row 2, awesomething's next result 


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If someone could help me, this is the code where i need to "display" multiple results:

function saveInf()
    for i,vehicle in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
    local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
    local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(vehicle)
    local health = getElementHealth(vehicle)
    local engineState = getVehicleEngineState(vehicle)
        if (engineState==true) then
            engineSend = 1
            engineSend = 0
    local lock = isVehicleLocked(vehicle)
        if (lock==true) then
            lockSend = 1
            lockSend = 0
    local plate = getVehiclePlateText(vehicle)
    local model = getElementModel(vehicle)
    local owner = getPlayerName(source)
    local sendToSQL = exports.mysql:_Query("UPDATE vehicles SET x=?, y=?, z=?, rx=?, ry=?, rz=?, health=?, engine=?, locked=?, plate=?, model=? WHERE owner=?", x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,health,engineSend,lockSend,plate,model,owner)
    if (sendToSQL) then
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveInf)

I want to save the vehicles of the player but the problem is... if the player have more than one car, the system saves all the info from the last vehicle in all the rows, so when he log-in, two cars with the same info spawns in the location where the last car was used (2 cars if the player only spawned 2, if the spawned 3, 3 vehicles with the same info spawns)

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