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Remove the source player in "players" table


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I want to show a specific message to players near to the "source player", but when I get "elements by type ("player"), it takes all the players, including the one it's executing the command, but i don't want to show the message like that, just for the players around... I've been trying to remove the sourceplayer from the table but nothing seems to work

local playersAround = getElementsByType ("player") 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer))
    for i,v in ipairs (jugadores) do
     table.remove(jugadores, ?) -----don't know what to add here, I tried with "source, sourcePlayer, thePlayer, player" but it don't work as i want
	local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition (v)
	if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) <= distanceofmsj then
			if getElementDimension (thePlayer) == getElementDimension (v) then
					outputChatBox ("testeo", v,  21, 208, 24)


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I tried to translate the code to english and I missed that part, the table "jugadores" (now called playersAround) contains all the players, and yes, I know the "table.remove" need two parameters, but I don't know how to make the table ignores the source player (player who started the function)


local playersAround = getElementsByType ("player") 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition (thePlayer))
    for i,v in ipairs (playersAround) do
     table.remove(playersAround, ?) -----don't know what to add here, I tried with "source, sourcePlayer, thePlayer, player" but it don't work as i want
	local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition (v)
	if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) <= distanceofmsj then
			if getElementDimension (thePlayer) == getElementDimension (v) then
					outputChatBox ("testeo", v,  21, 208, 24)

I tried with table.remove(playersAround, ........ source,sourceplayer,theplayer,player,i), nothing seems to work... well, it works but it removes the other players and not the source player, so I get the "inverse" result that I want

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26 minutes ago, Cronoss said:

her players and not the source player, so I get the "inverse" result that I want

Just compare each player with the player you do not want. Filtering is only beneficial when you keep that table for a longer period of time/repeat usage.

-- loop start
if player ~= otherPlayer then
-- loop end




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That loop should be before or after "for i,v in ipairs (playersAround) do"? Because I'm trying everything I can think and still can see the message


is only beneficial when you keep that table for a longer period of time/repeat usage.

I want to keep the table for a long period of time, because it will be a frequently command used in the server, so yes, this kind of solution would help. 

local jugadores = getElementsByType ("player")
	if (player~=thePlayer) then ----also tried with "(jugadores ~=thePlayer, source, sourcePlayer...)


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13 minutes ago, Cronoss said:

I want to keep the table for a long period of time, because it will be a frequently command

The player-list is dynamic, it does not seems to be a worth option for your user-case. It is only an option when the list is static, so no new players.


-- function ( playerSource, commandName )
  local playerList = getElementsByType ("player")
  for index, player in pairs(playerList) do
      if player ~= playerSource then

-- end




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Just tested it with another person and it works, thank you so much! But then, this table solution it's dynamic? I'm not too good for some english concepts, I just want to know if this add "new players" in the list, because I don't think that this command should keep static information... I'm sorry if you already explained it, I don't get some words:thumbup:

Edited by Cronoss
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