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[HELP] Toggle Engine System (mysql)


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Hello, this is a quick question (I guess), first of all, I started making this script because the previous one that I used (free script avaible in "resources") was too "hard" to understand for me, so I decided starting my own script, that way I learn and I know how my script works at the same time, (so this is NOT a repost, just in case).

Now, my problem, I made a toggle engine function, it works perfectly, BUT I'm not sure if this is the right way... I'm using the "plate" of the vehicle as a "key", so the player that doesn't have the same plate text of the vehicle he is in, CAN'T toggle engine:

function toggleEngine(thePlayer, cmd)
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)
    local identify = getVehiclePlateText(vehicle)
    local owner = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
    local check = exports.mysql:_Query("SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner=?", owner) ---Gets the info of the player inside the vehicle (plate and engine)
    if (check) then
        if(#check > 0) then -----------else, doesn't allow the player toggle
            for _,column in ipairs(check) do
                vehicleOwned = tostring(column["plate"]) ----------Gets the plate
                enginestate = tonumber(column["engine"])
                if (identify==vehicleOwned) then -------compares the plate of the vehicle, if it's the same, allows to toggle engine, if not, the player can't
                    if (enginestate==1) then
                        setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, false)
                        enginestate = 0
                    elseif(enginestate==0) then
                        setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, true)
                        enginestate = 1
                    local sendinfo = exports.mysql:_Query("UPDATE vehicles SET motor=? WHERE owner=?", enginestate, owner) ----sends the info

Now, if this works perfectly as I say why I consider it's not the right way? Because I realized that the player who buys more than 1 car would generate a bug inside this function, because the plates would be the same, but at same time not the same (?)

I tested it with a friend and this happened, it spams the "you don't have the keys" message ^^^^

I don't need a code, just asking if there is a better way to detect this kind of stuff, thanks for reading

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