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Select a new user data? (mysql) (phpmyadmin)


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Hello everyone,

Well, I'll try to explain this, I'm not english speaker so I hope you understand what I'm about to say; I want to make possible save TWO different lines of information into my msql table for one account. This is for "character selection" for my RP server, I want to make possible the creation of two characters, and the main problem is that the info saves, but I don't know how to make a difference between the first character and the second one... the parameter to "identify" both characters.

This is an example of what I'm talking about,

When the player presses ">" into the "character selection" gui, this server event is triggered, so if the player have a second character it will show the second character skin, if not, it will set the skin 0, and give the option to create a second character:

function check2Char()
	local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
		if(playerAccount) then
        	if(isGuestAccount(playerAccount)) then 
	local nombre = getAccountName(playerAccount)
	local check = exports.mysql:_Query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE cuenta=? LIMIT 1", nombre)
		if (check) then
			if(#check > 0) then
				for _,column in ipairs(check) do
				---------------------don't know what parameter introduce here
				if (parameter==0) then
				   setElementModel(source, 0) ---------- This is because the login-panel remembers the first character skin and set it in "character selection", so, if this "check" thing it's 0, then the second character doesn't exist, the model 0 is for the skin selection (prevent bugs)
				   triggerClientEvent(source, "createCharacter", source) ----This would trigger the same "character creation" function that was used for the first character
				   rememberData() ---if the second character exists, then other function it's called (it remember the second character skin for the character-selection)
addEvent("check2", true)
addEventHandler("check2", getRootElement(), check2Char)

PD: If it's still confusing to understand, I'm talking about to a parameter that would help to make the difference between the first and the second character, so if I don't want to "call" the first character info, then it only would affect the second character info

Edited by Cronoss
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  • Cronoss changed the title to Select a new user data? (mysql) (phpmyadmin)

if you need a unique key, then why not generate it? For example, get the player's time and add a random value to it at the end? or the player element itself? And then hase it all in md5?


md5(toJSON(getRealTime())..""..math.random(0, 5000))


md5(toJSON(getRealTime())..""..localPlayer) -- client side else element player for server side
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