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Problems to save the player data (phpMyAdmin)


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I saw tutorials how to use a database for players, so I tried to save the player's character (Not only the account, I want to create a RP server) and this is what I see in PhpMyAdmin -> click

This is the code i'm trying to make it work:

function datosAgregar(thePlayer, nombre, sexo, edadPJ2)
	local addCharacter = exports.mysql:_Exec("insert into characters (name, gender, age) values (?,?,?)", nombre, sexo, edadPJ2)
	if (addCharacter) then
		iprint(" data saved ")
		iprint(" error ")
addEvent("datosAgregar", true)
addEventHandler("datosAgregar", getRootElement(), datosAgregar)

And the console prints me "data saved" with no error...

This is the code that calls the event:

		addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnContinuar, function()
		local nombre = guiGetText(name)
		local sexo = guiRadioButtonGetSelected(gender)
		local edadPJ = guiComboBoxGetSelected(edades)
        local edadPJ2 = guiComboBoxGetItemText(edades, edadPJ)
            if (edadPJ2=="") then
                outputChatBox("---", 255, 0, 0)
                triggerServerEvent("datosAgregar", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), nombre, sexo, edadPJ2)
                guiSetVisible(ventanaPanelPJ, false)
		end, false)

What I'm doing wrong?


Also, here is the parameters I'm using for the table in PhpMyAdmin: click me

Edited by Cronoss
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Uptade: I solved it by my own, but now I want to transfer the information from a table to another one, how could it be possible? I know i have to use dbquery but I can't figore out how to call the data from one side to the other side...

(I want to save the account registered name as the owner of the character)


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