HEPPI Posted February 8, 2022 Share Posted February 8, 2022 Hello. I have a problem with a weapon boat script. I get the case from the boat take it to the marked location. When i’m in the marker it should give me an item like a gun or ammo. Instead it gives me a totally random one like a hot dog or water. local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local alpha = 0 local currentItem = 1 local itemToGet = false local caseOpening = false local openButtonHover = false function renderSpinner() local alpha, progress = exports["cr_dx"]:getFade("weaponSpinnerPanel") if alpha and progress then if progress >= 1 then if alpha <= 0 then destroyRender("renderSpinner") currentItem = 1 itemToGet = false end end end local font = exports["cr_fonts"]:getFont("Roboto", 10) local w, h = 400, 270 local _w, _h = w, h local x, y = screenX / 2 - w / 2, screenY / 2 - h / 2 local _x, _y = x, y dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, tocolor(44, 44, 44, alpha)) local h = 30 dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha * 0.3)) dxDrawText("Fegyverláda nyitása", x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(130, 130, 130, alpha), 1, font, "center", "center") local w, h = 44, 44 local x, y = x + _w / 2 - w / 2, y + h - 5 dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha * 0.3)) local realW, realH = 40, 40 local x, y = x + 2, y + 2 local serverHex = exports["cr_core"]:getServerColor("blue", true) local r, g, b = exports["cr_core"]:getServerColor("blue", false) if currentItem then if items[currentItem] then local itemId = items[currentItem]["itemId"] local itemName = exports["cr_inventory"]:getItemName(itemId) dxDrawImage(x, y, realW, realH, exports["cr_inventory"]:getItemPNG(itemId), 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha)) local y = y + realH - 2 dxDrawText("A láda tartalma: "..serverHex..itemName, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(130, 130, 130, alpha), 1, font, "center", "center", false, false, false, true) end end local w, h = _w - 60, 30 local x, y = _x + 30, _y + _h - h - 10 local inSlot = exports["cr_core"]:isInSlot(x, y, w, h) openButtonHover = nil if inSlot then openButtonHover = true end dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, (inSlot and tocolor(r, g, b, alpha) or tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha * 0.3))) dxDrawText((caseOpening and "Láda nyitása folyamatban..." or "Láda kinyitása"), x, y, x + w, y + h, (inSlot and tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha) or tocolor(130, 130, 130, alpha)), 1, font, "center", "center") local w, h = 40, 40 local y = _y local maxItems = #items local realW, realH = 44, 44 for i = 0, maxItems - 1 do local v = items[i + 1] local startX = x + (_w / 10 - realW / 5) + (realW + 4) * (i % maxRow) local startY = y + (h + 80) + (realH + 4) * math.floor(i / maxColumn) dxDrawRectangle(startX, startY, realW, realH, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha * 0.3)) if v then local itemId = v["itemId"] local startX, startY = startX + 2, startY + 2 dxDrawImage(startX, startY, w, h, exports["cr_inventory"]:getItemPNG(itemId), 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha)) end end end function onKey(button, state) if checkRender("renderSpinner") then if button == "mouse1" then if state then if openButtonHover then if not caseOpening then caseOpening = true openCase() end openButtonHover = nil end end end end end function openCase() local maxItems = #items local breaked = false itemToGet = math.random(1, maxItems) for i = 0, maxItems - 1 do local i = i + 1 setTimer( function() if not breaked then currentItem = currentItem + 1 if currentItem == maxItems then currentItem = 1 end if i == itemToGet then currentItem = itemToGet local syntax = exports["cr_core"]:getServerSyntax(false, "success") local serverHex = exports["cr_core"]:getServerColor("blue", true) outputChatBox(syntax.."A láda tartalma: "..serverHex..exports["cr_inventory"]:getItemName(itemToGet), 255, 0, 0, true) exports["cr_inventory"]:giveItem(localPlayer, itemToGet) breaked = true setTimer( function() processSpinner("exit") caseOpening = false end, 500, 1 ) end end end, i * 150, 1 ) end end function processSpinner(state) if state == "init" then createRender("renderSpinner", renderSpinner) exports["cr_dx"]:startFade("weaponSpinnerPanel", { ["startTick"] = getTickCount(), ["lastUpdateTick"] = getTickCount(), ["time"] = 250, ["animation"] = "InOutQuad", ["from"] = 0, ["to"] = 255, ["alpha"] = 0, ["progress"] = 0, } ) removeEventHandler("onClientKey", root, onKey) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, onKey) elseif state == "exit" then removeEventHandler("onClientKey", root, onKey) exports["cr_dx"]:startFade("weaponSpinnerPanel", { ["startTick"] = getTickCount(), ["lastUpdateTick"] = getTickCount(), ["time"] = 250, ["animation"] = "InOutQuad", ["from"] = 255, ["to"] = 0, ["alpha"] = 255, ["progress"] = 0, } ) end end addEvent("playShipHornSound", true) addEventHandler("playShipHornSound", root, function() local soundElement = Sound3D("files/sounds/shiphorn.mp3", shipEndPoint) soundElement.interior = soundInterior soundElement.dimension = soundDimension soundElement:setMaxDistance(maxSoundDistance) end ) addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state, absX, absY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, clickedElement) if button == "left" then if state == "down" then if clickedElement and clickedElement.type == "object" then if clickedElement:getData("weaponcrate >> id") then triggerLatentServerEvent("weaponship.pickupCrate", 5000, false, localPlayer, localPlayer, clickedElement) end end end end end ) function initMarker() local r, g, b = exports["cr_core"]:getServerColor("lightyellow", false) local weaponMarker = Marker(weaponMarkerPoint, "cylinder", 2, r, g, b, 150) weaponMarker:setData("marker >> customMarker", true) weaponMarker:setData("marker >> customIconPath", ":cr_weaponboat/files/images/weapon.png") addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", weaponMarker, function(hitElement, mDim) if hitElement == localPlayer then if mDim then local crate = localPlayer:getData("weaponcrate >> inHand") if crate and isElement(crate) then processSpinner("init") triggerLatentServerEvent("weaponship.detachCrateFromPlayer", 5000, false, localPlayer, localPlayer) end end end end ) end initMarker() local valueTimer function carryRestriction(value) if isTimer(valueTimer) then killTimer(valueTimer) end valueTimer = setTimer( function() toggleControl("jump", value) toggleControl("fire", value) toggleControl("action", value) toggleControl("crouch", value) toggleControl("sprint", value) end, 200, 1 ) end addEvent("carryRestriction", true) addEventHandler("carryRestriction", root, carryRestriction) Link to comment
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