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outputChatBox doesn't work (server-side)


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I finished a script for respawn a couple hours ago. I tested it and I found an error, the second text should appear only for the player that it's dead, but it shows up to everybody. I've been trying figuring out why this "source" works in the function for other elements like "set animation", and the firts outputChat but I stilll don't know what happened...

function revivir1()
	revivir = 1
	cancelText = nil
	setPedAnimation(source, ".", ".", -1, false, false, false, true)
	outputChatBox (".", source, 255, 0, 0)
	setTimer(function ()
		si = 1
		cancelText = cancelText
		if (cancelText==nil) then 
		outputChatBox(".", source, 255, 0, 0) ------This is the wrong text
		end, 600, 1)
addEvent("sistemarev", true)
addEventHandler("sistemarev", root, revivir1)

As the title says, server-side part

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give the source player to the timer like this

function revivir1()
	revivir = 1
	cancelText = nil
	setPedAnimation(source, ".", ".", -1, false, false, false, true)
	outputChatBox (".", source, 255, 0, 0)
	setTimer(function(source) -- Pass source player into timer
		si = 1
		cancelText = cancelText
		if (cancelText==nil) then 
		outputChatBox(".", source, 255, 0, 0) ------This is the wrong text
		end, 600, 1, source) -- Pass source player into timer
addEvent("sistemarev", true)
addEventHandler("sistemarev", root, revivir1)
Edited by Burak5312
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Similar problem is here, but this time the command works for every player intead of the source player, how could I fix this?

function revivir(source)
	if (si==1) and (cancelText==nil) then
		spawnPlayer(source, 2041.3568115234,-1409.2247314453,17.1640625,178)
		si = 0
		takePlayerMoney(source, 1000)
		outputChatBox("...", source, 0, 255, 0)
addCommandHandler("test", revivir)


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Didn't work, I found the error, the thing is that the command is in server side, so all the conditionals I added are in the SERVER, every player can start the function. Isn't there any way to make that just a specific player can make the function to work? This is a Respawn system, so I'm needing that just the player who types the command can make it run:

function revivir1()
	revivir = 1 ------ 1
	cancelText = nil ---------2
	setPedAnimation(source, ".", ".", -1, false, false, false, true)
	outputChatBox (".", source, 255, 0, 0)
		si = 1 ------------- 3
		cancelText = cancelText 
		if (cancelText==nil) then 
		outputChatBox(".", source, 255, 0, 0)
		end, 600, 1, source) 
addEvent("sistemarev", true)
addEventHandler("sistemarev", root, revivir1)

And then:

function morir (source)
	if not(revivir==1) then -------------conditional
		cancelText = 1 
	spawnPlayer(source, 2041.3568115234,-1409.2247314453,17.1640625,178)
		si = 0
		takePlayerMoney(source, 1000)
		outputChatBox("", source, 0, 255, 0)
addEvent("morir", true)
addEventHandler("morir", root, morir)

PD: Checking his(her health doesn't work for me because I made a "knoc down" function that sets the player life back in 100 

Edited by Cronoss
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you can use a table for this, when you bring back the player's health, you mark it as true in this table, you change it to false when it spawns again

so it only uses knocked down players

setPlayerKnockDown(player, true) --mark the player as knocked down so he can use the command


local isPlayersKnockDown = {}

function setPlayerKnockDown(player, condition)
   isPlayersKnockDown[player] = condition

function revivir(source)
	if (si==1) and (cancelText==nil) then
        if(isPlayersKnockDown[source]) then -- only downed players can use
		   spawnPlayer(source, 2041.3568115234,-1409.2247314453,17.1640625,178)
		   si = 0
		   takePlayerMoney(source, 1000)
		   outputChatBox("...", source, 0, 255, 0)
           setPlayerKnockDown(source, false) --set false when the player spawns so he can't use it again
addCommandHandler("test", revivir)

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,
     isPlayersKnockDown[source] = nil -- clean from memory 
Edited by Burak5312
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