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SQL question


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I don't know if this is the right topic for a question like this but I don't know where to ask 


I want to know what's the difference between saving the data in internal.db (simple script)

function guardarDinero()
	cuenta = getPlayerAccount(source)
	setAccountData(cuenta, "dinero", tostring (getPlayerMoney(source)))

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), guardarDinero)

And creating a ".db" archive, using a script like this (script every command for the database): 

local db = dbConnect("sqlite", "test.db")

function addDATA(sourcePlayer)
	dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO info (id_player, id_vehicle, color) VALUES(1, 401, ?", color)

Because I've seen people telling other users that should learn about sql, and that kind of stuff

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2 hours ago, Cronoss said:

I don't know if this is the right topic for a question like this but I don't know where to ask 


I want to know what's the difference between saving the data in internal.db (simple script)

function guardarDinero()
	cuenta = getPlayerAccount(source)
	setAccountData(cuenta, "dinero", tostring (getPlayerMoney(source)))

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), guardarDinero)

And creating a ".db" archive, using a script like this (script every command for the database): 

local db = dbConnect("sqlite", "test.db")

function addDATA(sourcePlayer)
	dbExec (db, "INSERT INTO info (id_player, id_vehicle, color) VALUES(1, 401, ?", color)

Because I've seen people telling other users that should learn about sql, and that kind of stuff


Account data is a database interface and manager for ONLY account-bounded-data.


dbConnect + all other db functions, allows you to create your own database interface and manager. This gives you a lot of freedom, but it also means that you have to write a lot yourself.





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