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[HELP] Login panel

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Sziasztok! Akadt egy olyan gondom, hogy a login panelemben amikor meg akarom hívni a szerver oldali eventeket amiket én hoztam részre, a debugscript folyamat spameli, hogy nincs létrehozva. Elég hosszúra sikeredett a script, tudom lehetett volna egyszerűbben, de na. Itt a kliens és a szerver oldali:

setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all", false);

local cameraPos = {
	["camera"] = 1870.80188, -1199.45056, 77.37451;
	["lookingAt"] = 1960.03711, -1199.62573, 27.18720;
local music = "files/music.mp3";
local x, y = guiGetScreenSize();
local relX, relY = x/1920, y/1080;
local panelPos = {0.4, 0.3};
local showLoginPanel = true;
local panelState = 1;
local textBoxNumber = 0;
local textBoxPos = {0.415, 0.35};
local colors = {
	["background"] = tocolor(50, 50, 50, 180),
	["textBox"] = tocolor(150, 150, 150, 180),
	["loginButton"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180),
	["regButton"] = tocolor(255, 100, 100, 180),
	["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180),
	["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180),
local rememberLogin = false;
local userData = {
	[1] = { -- Login
		[1] = ""; -- Adatok
		[2] = "";
	[2] = { -- Regisztráció
		[1] = ""; -- Felhasználónév
		[2] = ""; -- Jelszó
		[3] = ""; -- Jelszó újra
		[4] = ""; -- E-Mail
	[3] = { -- Karakter létrehozás
		[1] = ""; -- Karakternév
		[2] = ""; -- Karakter leírás
		[3] = ""; -- Karakter életkora
		[4] = ""; -- Karakter neme
local selectedDataBox = {
	[1] = {
		[1] = false; -- Felhasználónév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Jelszó kiválasztva
	[2] = {
		[1] = false; -- Felhasználónév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Jelszó kiválasztva
		[3] = false; -- Jelszó újra kiválasztva
		[4] = false; -- E-Mail kiválasztva
	[3] = {
		[1] = false; -- Karakternév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Karakter leírása kiválasztva
		[3] = false; -- Karakter életkora kiválasztva

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
	if showLoginPanel then
		local isBanned = triggerServerEvent("isPlayerBanned", localPlayer);
		if isBanned then
			panelState = 4;

		dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1])+50, y*(panelPos[2]-0.2), 600/2, 480/2, "files/logo.png");
		setCameraMatrix(1870.80188, -1199.45056, 77.37451, 1960.03711, -1199.62573, 27.18720, 0, 90);
		dxDrawRectangle(x*panelPos[1], y*panelPos[2], relX*400, relY*400, colors["background"] )
		dxDrawText("LoyalMTA - Login Panel", x*panelPos[1], y*(panelPos[2]-0.05), (x*panelPos[1])+400, (y*(panelPos[2]-0.05)+40), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.75, "arial", "center", "center" );

		for i=1, textBoxNumber, 1 do
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05+(i-1)*0.06), relX*350, relY*30, colors["textBox"] );

		if panelState == 1 then
			local text = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[1][2]));

			textBoxNumber = 2;
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), relX*25, relY*25, colors["textBox"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezési adatok mentése", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+27, y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), x*(panelPos[1]+0.125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.25)+25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "left", "center" );
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), relX*30, relY*30, "files/usericon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");

			if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[1][1] == false and selectedDataBox[1][2] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			if rememberLogin == true then
				dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), relX*25, relY*25, "files/check.png")

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezés", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["regButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Regisztráció", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
		elseif panelState == 2 then
			local text = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[2][2]));
			local text2 = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[2][3]));
			textBoxNumber = 4;
			--[[dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), relX*30, relY*30, "files/usericon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*30, relY*30, "files/mailicon.png");]]--

			if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][1] == false and selectedDataBox[2][2] == false and selectedDataBox[2][3] == false and selectedDataBox[2][4] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Regisztráció", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["regButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezés", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
		elseif panelState == 3 then
			textBoxNumber = 3

			if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][1] == false and selectedDataBox[3][2] == false and selectedDataBox[3][3] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			if userData[3][4] == "Férfi" then
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
			elseif userData[3][4] == "Nő" then
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
			elseif userData[3][4] == "" then
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);

			--\\ Férfi gomb
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*175, relY*30, colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] );
			dxDrawText("Férfi", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			--\\ Nő gomb
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*175, relY*30, colors["charSexButtonNő"] );
			dxDrawText("Nő", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*350, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Karakter létrehozása", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
		elseif panelState == 4 then
			local serial = triggerServerEvent("getPlayerSerial", root, localPlayer);
			local bannedReason = triggerServerEvent("getBannedReason", root, localPlayer);
			local bannedUntil = triggerServerEvent("getBannedUntil", root, localPlayer);
			local getBannedDate = triggerServerEvent("getBannedData", root, localPlayer);
			textBoxNumber = 4;
			dxDrawText("Te serialod:"..serial, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );


addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state, cX, cY)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if button == "left" and state == "down" then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30 then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = false;
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30 then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execLogin(userData[1][1], userData[1][2]);
				elseif (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					panelState = 3;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+25 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.25) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.25)+25) then 
					if rememberLogin then
						rememberLogin = false;
						rememberLogin = true;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.17) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execReg(userData[2][1], userData[2][2], userData[2][3], userData[2][4]);
				elseif (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					panelState = 1;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.17) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execCharMaking(userData[3][1], userData[3][2], userData[3][3], userData[3][4]);
					panelState = 2;
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30 then
					userData[3][4] = "Nő"
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175 and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30 then
					userData[3][4] = "Férfi"

function writing(char)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if char then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					if string.len(userData[1][1]) < 32 then
						userData[1][1] = userData[1][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					if string.len(userData[1][1]) < 32 then
						userData[1][2] = userData[1][2]..char;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					if string.len(userData[2][1]) < 32 then
						userData[2][1] = userData[2][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					if string.len(userData[2][2]) < 32 then
						userData[2][2] = userData[2][2]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					if string.len(userData[2][3]) < 32 then
						userData[2][3] = userData[2][3]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					if string.len(userData[2][4]) < 32 then
						userData[2][4] = userData[2][4]..char;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					if string.len(userData[3][1]) < 32 then
						userData[3][1] = userData[3][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					if string.len(userData[3][2]) < 32 then
						userData[3][2] = userData[3][2]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					if string.len(userData[3][3]) < 32 then
						userData[3][3] = userData[3][3]..char;
addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, writing);

function delAndTab(button, pOr)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if button == "tab" and pOr == true then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = false;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
		elseif button == "backspace" and pOr == true then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					userData[1][1] = string.sub(userData[1][1], 0, string.len(userData[1][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[1][1] = string.sub(userData[1][1], 0, string.len(userData[1][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					userData[1][2] = string.sub(userData[1][2], 0, string.len(userData[1][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[1][2] = string.sub(userData[1][2], 0, string.len(userData[1][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					userData[2][1] = string.sub(userData[2][1], 0, string.len(userData[2][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][1] = string.sub(userData[2][1], 0, string.len(userData[2][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);				
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					userData[2][2] = string.sub(userData[2][2], 0, string.len(userData[2][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][2] = string.sub(userData[2][2], 0, string.len(userData[2][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					userData[2][3] = string.sub(userData[2][3], 0, string.len(userData[2][3])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][3] = string.sub(userData[2][3], 0, string.len(userData[2][3])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					userData[2][4] = string.sub(userData[2][4], 0, string.len(userData[2][4])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][4] = string.sub(userData[2][4], 0, string.len(userData[2][4])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					userData[3][1] = string.sub(userData[3][1], 0, string.len(userData[3][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][1] = string.sub(userData[3][1], 0, string.len(userData[3][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);				
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					userData[3][2] = string.sub(userData[3][2], 0, string.len(userData[3][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][2] = string.sub(userData[3][2], 0, string.len(userData[3][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					userData[3][3] = string.sub(userData[3][3], 0, string.len(userData[3][3])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][3] = string.sub(userData[3][3], 0, string.len(userData[3][3])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
		elseif pOr == false then
addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, delAndTab);

function execLogin(username, password)
	if username == "" or password == "" then
		if username == "" then
			notify("Nincs megadva felhasználónév", 1);
		elseif password == "" then
			notify("Nincs megadva jelszó", 1);
		--triggerServerEvent("execServerLog", localPlayer, username, password);
		notify("Bejelentkezés végrehajtva!", 2);

function execReg(username, password, password2, email)
	if not password == password2 and not string.find(email, "@") and not username then
		if not password == password2 then
			notify("A két jelszó nem egyezik!", 1);
		elseif not string.find(email, "@") then
			notify("Hibás E-Mail cím!", 1);
		elseif not email then
			notify("Nincs megadva E-Mail cím", 1);
		elseif not username then
			notify("Nincs megadva felhasználónév", 1);
		--triggerServerEvent("execServerReg", localPlayer, username, password, password2, email);
		notify("Sikeres regisztráció!", 2);

function execCharMaking(charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem)
	if not charName and not charLeiras and not charAge and not charNem then
		if not charName then
			notify("Nincs megadva karakternév", 1);
		elseif not charLeiras then
			notify("Nincs megadva karakter leírás", 1);
		elseif not charAge then
			notify("Nincs megadva karakter életkora", 1);
		elseif not charNem then
			notify("Nincs megadva a karaktered neme", 1);
		--triggerServerEvent("execCharMaking", localPlayer, charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem);
		notify("Sikeresen elkészítetted a karaktered!", 2)

function notify(msg, msgType)
	local msgTypeColor = {
		[1] = tocolor(255, 100, 100, 180);
		[2] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
	if showLoginPanel then


local con = exports.ly_mysql:getConnection();

function isPlayerBanned(player)
    if player then
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
        local qh = dbQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM bans WHERE bannedSerial=? AND bannedUntil > CURRENT_TIME()", serial);
        local bans = dbPoll(qh, 1000);
        if bans then
            if (#bans > 0) then
                return true;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;
addEventHandler("isPlayerBanned", root, isPlayerBanned);
addEvent("isPlayerBanned", true);

function getPlayerSerial(player)
    local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
    return serial;
addEventHandler("getPlayerSerial", root, getPlayerSerial);
addEvent("getPlayerSerial", true);

function getBannedReason(player);
    local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
    local qh = dbQuery(con, "SELECT bannedReason FROM bans WHERE bannedSerial=?", serial);
    local reason = dbPoll(qh, 1000);
    return reason;
addEventHandler("getBannedReason", root, getBannedReason);
addEvent("getBannedReason", true);

function getBannedDate(player);
    local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
    local qh = dbQuery(con, "SELECT bannedDate FROM bans WHERE bannedSerial=?", serial);
addEventHandler("getBannedDate", root, getBannedData);
addEvent("getBannedDate", true);

function getBannedUntil(player);
    local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
    local qh = dbQuery(con, "SELECT bannedUntil FROM bans WHERE bannedSerial=?", serial);
    local untilDate = dbPoll(qh, 1000);
    return untilDate;
addEventHandler("getBannedUntil", root, getBannedUntil);
addEvent("getBannedUntil", true);

function execServerLog(username, password)


function execServerReg(username, password, password2, email)


function execCharMaking(charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem)


Akinek van kedve segíteni, és ideje elolvasni, annak megköszönöm!

Link to comment

Sziasztok! Sikeresen átnéztem a MySQL csatlakozást, azzal nincs semmi probléma, most azzal van a gond, hogy nem hajtja végre se a login-t, regisztrációt, se a karakter létrehozást. A scripten azóta dolgozgattam.
Kliens oldal: 

setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all", false);

local cameraPos = {
	["camera"] = 1870.80188, -1199.45056, 77.37451;
	["lookingAt"] = 1960.03711, -1199.62573, 27.18720;
local music = "files/music.mp3";
local x, y = guiGetScreenSize();
local relX, relY = x/1920, y/1080;
local panelPos = {0.4, 0.3};
local showLoginPanel = true;
local panelState = 1;
local textBoxNumber = 0;
local textBoxPos = {0.415, 0.35};
local msg = {"", 0};
local colors = {
	["background"] = tocolor(50, 50, 50, 180),
	["textBox"] = tocolor(150, 150, 150, 180),
	["loginButton"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180),
	["regButton"] = tocolor(255, 100, 100, 180),
	["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180),
	["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180),
local rememberLogin = false;
local userData = {
	[1] = { -- Login
		[1] = ""; -- Adatok
		[2] = "";
	[2] = { -- Regisztráció
		[1] = ""; -- Felhasználónév
		[2] = ""; -- Jelszó
		[3] = ""; -- Jelszó újra
		[4] = ""; -- E-Mail
	[3] = { -- Karakter létrehozás
		[1] = ""; -- Karakternév
		[2] = ""; -- Karakter leírás
		[3] = ""; -- Karakter életkora
		[4] = ""; -- Karakter neme
local selectedDataBox = {
	[1] = {
		[1] = false; -- Felhasználónév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Jelszó kiválasztva
	[2] = {
		[1] = false; -- Felhasználónév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Jelszó kiválasztva
		[3] = false; -- Jelszó újra kiválasztva
		[4] = false; -- E-Mail kiválasztva
	[3] = {
		[1] = false; -- Karakternév kiválasztva
		[2] = false; -- Karakter leírása kiválasztva
		[3] = false; -- Karakter életkora kiválasztva

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
	if showLoginPanel then

		if msg then
			if msg[2] == 2 then
				dxDrawRectangle(x*panelPos[1], y*(panelPos[2])+relY*420, relX*400, relY*150, colors["loginButton"]);
			elseif msg[2] == 1 then
				dxDrawRectangle(x*panelPos[1], y*(panelPos[2])+relY*420, relX*400, relY*150, colors["regButton"]);

			dxDrawText(msg[1], x*panelPos[1], y*(panelPos[2])+relY*420, x*(panelPos[1])+relX*400, y*(panelPos[2])+relY*560, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center");

		dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1])+relX*140, y*(panelPos[2]-0.2)+relY*70, 240/2, 240/2, "files/logo.png");
		setCameraMatrix(1870.80188, -1199.45056, 77.37451, 1960.03711, -1199.62573, 27.18720, 0, 90);
		dxDrawRectangle(x*panelPos[1], y*panelPos[2], relX*400, relY*400, colors["background"] )
		dxDrawText("LoyalMTA - Login Panel", x*panelPos[1], y*(panelPos[2]-0.05), (x*panelPos[1])+400, (y*(panelPos[2]-0.05)+40), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.75, "arial", "center", "center" );

		for i=1, textBoxNumber, 1 do
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05+(i-1)*0.06), relX*350, relY*30, colors["textBox"] );

		if panelState == 1 then
			local text = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[1][2]));

			textBoxNumber = 2;
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), relX*25, relY*25, colors["textBox"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezési adatok mentése", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+27, y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), x*(panelPos[1]+0.125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.25)+25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "left", "center" );
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), relX*30, relY*30, "files/usericon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");

			if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[1][1] == false and selectedDataBox[1][2] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[1][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			if rememberLogin == true then
				dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.25), relX*25, relY*25, "files/check.png")

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezés", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["regButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Regisztráció", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
		elseif panelState == 2 then
			local text = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[2][2]));
			local text2 = string.rep("*", string.len(userData[2][3]));
			textBoxNumber = 4;
			--[[dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), relX*30, relY*30, "files/usericon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), relX*30, relY*30, "files/keyicon.png");
			dxDrawImage(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+320, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*30, relY*30, "files/mailicon.png");]]--

			if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2.."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[2][1] == false and selectedDataBox[2][2] == false and selectedDataBox[2][3] == false and selectedDataBox[2][4] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[2][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(text2, x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[2][4], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Regisztráció", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*175, relY*30, colors["regButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Bejelentkezés", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
		elseif panelState == 3 then
			textBoxNumber = 3

			if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3].."|", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
			elseif selectedDataBox[3][1] == false and selectedDataBox[3][2] == false and selectedDataBox[3][3] == false then
				dxDrawText(userData[3][1], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.05), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][2], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.11), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );
				dxDrawText(userData[3][3], x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.17), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			if userData[3][4] == "Férfi" then
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
			elseif userData[3][4] == "Nő" then
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
			elseif userData[3][4] == "" then
				colors["charSexButtonNő"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);
				colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] = tocolor(30, 30, 30, 180);

			--\\ Férfi gomb
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*175, relY*30, colors["charSexButtonFérfi"] );
			dxDrawText("Férfi", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			--\\ Nő gomb
			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), relX*175, relY*30, colors["charSexButtonNő"] );
			dxDrawText("Nő", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

			dxDrawRectangle(x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), relX*350, relY*30, colors["loginButton"] );
			dxDrawText("Karakter létrehozása", x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125), y*(panelPos[2]+0.3), x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+relX*350, y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+relY*30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.25, "arial", "center", "center" );

addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state, cX, cY)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if button == "left" and state == "down" then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30 then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = false;
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30 then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execLogin(userData[1][1], hash("sha512", userData[1][2]));
				elseif (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					panelState = 3;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+25 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.25) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.25)+25) then 
					if rememberLogin then
						rememberLogin = false;
						rememberLogin = true;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.17) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execReg(userData[2][1], hash("sha512", userData[2][2]), hash("sha512", userData[2][3]), userData[2][4]);
				elseif (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					panelState = 1;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.05) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.05)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.11) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.11)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif (cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.17) and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.17)+30) then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = true;

				--\\ Gombok
				if (cX > (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)) and cX < (x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350) and cY > (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)) and cY < (y*(panelPos[2]+0.3)+30)) then
					execCharMaking(userData[3][1], userData[3][2], userData[3][3], userData[3][4]);
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175 and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+350 and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30 then
					userData[3][4] = "Nő"
				elseif cX > x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125) and cY > y*(panelPos[2]+0.23) and cX < x*(panelPos[1]+0.0125)+175 and cY < y*(panelPos[2]+0.23)+30 then
					userData[3][4] = "Férfi"

function writing(char)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if char then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					if string.len(userData[1][1]) < 32 then
						userData[1][1] = userData[1][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					if string.len(userData[1][2]) < 32 then
						userData[1][2] = userData[1][2]..char;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					if string.len(userData[2][1]) < 32 then
						userData[2][1] = userData[2][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					if string.len(userData[2][2]) < 32 then
						userData[2][2] = userData[2][2]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					if string.len(userData[2][3]) < 32 then
						userData[2][3] = userData[2][3]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					if string.len(userData[2][4]) < 32 then
						userData[2][4] = userData[2][4]..char;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					if string.len(userData[3][1]) < 32 then
						userData[3][1] = userData[3][1]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					if string.len(userData[3][2]) < 32 then
						userData[3][2] = userData[3][2]..char;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					if string.len(userData[3][3]) < 32 then
						userData[3][3] = userData[3][3]..char;
addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, writing);

function delAndTab(button, pOr)
	if showLoginPanel then
		if button == "tab" and pOr == true then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					selectedDataBox[1][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[1][2] = false;
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					selectedDataBox[2][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[2][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][3] = false;
					selectedDataBox[2][4] = false;
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = true;
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					selectedDataBox[3][1] = true;
					selectedDataBox[3][2] = false;
					selectedDataBox[3][3] = false;
		elseif button == "backspace" and pOr == true then
			if panelState == 1 then
				if selectedDataBox[1][1] then
					userData[1][1] = string.sub(userData[1][1], 0, string.len(userData[1][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[1][1] = string.sub(userData[1][1], 0, string.len(userData[1][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[1][2] then
					userData[1][2] = string.sub(userData[1][2], 0, string.len(userData[1][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[1][2] = string.sub(userData[1][2], 0, string.len(userData[1][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				if selectedDataBox[2][1] then
					userData[2][1] = string.sub(userData[2][1], 0, string.len(userData[2][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][1] = string.sub(userData[2][1], 0, string.len(userData[2][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);				
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][2] then
					userData[2][2] = string.sub(userData[2][2], 0, string.len(userData[2][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][2] = string.sub(userData[2][2], 0, string.len(userData[2][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][3] then
					userData[2][3] = string.sub(userData[2][3], 0, string.len(userData[2][3])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][3] = string.sub(userData[2][3], 0, string.len(userData[2][3])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[2][4] then
					userData[2][4] = string.sub(userData[2][4], 0, string.len(userData[2][4])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[2][4] = string.sub(userData[2][4], 0, string.len(userData[2][4])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				if selectedDataBox[3][1] then
					userData[3][1] = string.sub(userData[3][1], 0, string.len(userData[3][1])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][1] = string.sub(userData[3][1], 0, string.len(userData[3][1])-1);
					end, 100, 0);				
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][2] then
					userData[3][2] = string.sub(userData[3][2], 0, string.len(userData[3][2])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][2] = string.sub(userData[3][2], 0, string.len(userData[3][2])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
				elseif selectedDataBox[3][3] then
					userData[3][3] = string.sub(userData[3][3], 0, string.len(userData[3][3])-1);
					delTimer = setTimer(function()
						userData[3][3] = string.sub(userData[3][3], 0, string.len(userData[3][3])-1);
					end, 100, 0);
		elseif button == "backspace" and  pOr == false then
		elseif button == "enter" and pOr then
			if panelState == 1 then
				execLogin(userData[1][1], hash("sha512", userData[1][2]));
			elseif panelState == 2 then
				execReg(userData[2][1], hash("sha512", userData[2][2]), hash("sha512", userData[2][3]), userData[2][4]);
			elseif panelState == 3 then
				execCharMaking(userData[3][1], userData[3][2], userData[3][3], userData[3][4]);
addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, delAndTab);

function execLogin(username, password)
	if string.len(userData[1][1]) >= 3 then
		if string.len(userData[1][2]) >= 3 then
			triggerServerEvent("execLogin", root, username, password);
			notify("Rövid jelszó!", 1);
		notify("Rövid felhasználónév", 1);

function execReg(username, password, password2, email)
	if string.len(userData[2][1]) >= 3 then
		if string.len(userData[2][2]) >= 3 then
			if string.len(userData[2][3]) >= 3 then
				if string.len(userData[2][4]) >= 6 then
					triggerServerEvent("execReg", root, username, password, password2, email);
					notify("Rövid az email!", 1);
				notify("Rövid a második jelszó!", 1);
			notify("Rövid a jelszó!", 1);
		notify("Rövid a felhasználónév!", 1);

function execCharMaking(charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem)
	if string.len(userData[3][1]) >= 6 then
		if string.len(userData[3][2]) >= 6 then
			if string.len(userData[3][3]) >= 1 and string.len(userData[3][3]) <= 99 then
				if userData[3][4] then
					triggerServerEvent("execReg", root, charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem);
					notify("Válaszd ki a karaktered nemét!", 1);
				notify("Adj meg egy érvényes életkort a karatkerednek!", 1);
			notify("Rövid a karakterleírás!", 1);
		notify("Rövid a karakternév!", 1);

function notify(mssg, msgType)
	local msgTypeColor = {
		[1] = tocolor(255, 100, 100, 180);
		[2] = tocolor(100, 255, 100, 180);
	if showLoginPanel then
		msg = {mssg, tonumber(msgType)};
addEventHandler("notify", root, notify);
addEvent("notify", true);

Szerver oldal:

local con = exports.ly_connect:getConnection();

function isPlayerBanned(player)
    if player then
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(player);
        local qh = dbQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM bans WHERE bannedSerial=? AND bannedUntil > CURRENT_TIME()", serial);
        local bans = dbPoll(qh, 1000);
        if bans then
            if (#bans > 0) then
                return true;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;

function execServerLog(username, password)
    if not isPlayerBanned() then
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(client);
        local qh = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE serial=?", serial);
        local user = dbPoll(qh, 500);
        if user then
            if #user > 0 then
                if user[1]["password"] == password then
                    setElementData(client, "acc:id", user[1]["id"]);
                    triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Sikeres bejelentkezés!", 2);
                    spawnPlayer(0, 0, 4, 29);
                    setCameraTarget(client, client);
                    triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Nem egyezik a jelszó!", 1);
                triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Nincs létrehozva felhasználó!", 1);
            triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Ismeretlen hiba!", 1);
        triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Bannolva vagy! Keress fel egy szuperadmint/fejlesztőt!", 1);
addEventHandler("execLogin", root, execServerLog);
addEvent("execLogin", true);

function execServerReg(username, password, password2, email)
    if not isPlayerBanned() then
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(client);
        local qh = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE serial=? OR username=? OR email=?", serial, username, email);
        local user = dbPoll(qh, 500);
        if user then
            if not #user > 0 then
                dbExec("INSERT INTO accounts SET username=?, password=?, email=?", username, password, email);
                triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Sikeresen létrehoztad a fiókodat!", 2);
                triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Létezik felhasználó a te serialodon!", 1);
            triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Ismeretlen hiba!", 1);
        triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Bannolva vagy! Keress fel egy szuperadmint/fejlesztőt!", 1);
addEventHandler("execReg", root, execServerReg);
addEvent("execReg", true);

function execCharMaking(charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem)
    if not isPlayerBanned() then
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(client);
        local qh = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE serial=? OR charName=?", serial, charName);
        local user = dbPoll(qh, 500);
        if user then
            if not #user > 0 then
                dbExec("INSERT INTO accounts SET charName=?, charLeiras=?, charSex=?", charName, charLeiras, charAge, charNem);
                triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Sikeres karakter létrehozás!", 2);
                triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "A karakternév foglalt!", 1);
            triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Ismeretlen hiba!", 1);
        triggerClientEvent(client, "notify", root, "Bannolva vagy! Keress fel egy szuparadmint/fejlesztőt!", 1);
addEventHandler("execCharMake", root, execCharMaking);
addEvent("execCharMake", true);


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  • 1 month later...

Cső, megpróbálnék segíteni a problémádon, nem igérek semmit csak tapasztalatból próbálkoznék neked segíteni, első kérdésem az lenne hogy aktuális-e még a dolog? - a második kérdés pedig ha igen, akkor hogy amikor rákattintasz mondjuk a karakter létrehozás/login/reg gombokra, akkor reagál-e a rendszer arra hogy ezek közül valamelyiket végrehajtottad? - itt például az output-ra gondolok hogy "Sikeresen létrehoztad a karaktered" etc.. (ha ott akad el hogy ki sem adja, akkor a mentéssel lesz a gond és nem lép tovább a script, próbáld ellenőrizni hogy rendesen van-e összekötve sql-el) illetve hogy debugscripted ír-e ki hibát amennyiben ezt megteszed.

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