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Some troubles with teams


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I can't add a player to team or get a team element/name. What's wrong with my code?

First of all, In "spawnOnLogin()" function we can see that I want to force a player into a "Props" team. But it doesn't work like that.

addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
propTeam = createTeam( "Props", 150, 200, 255 )
seekTeam = createTeam( "Seekers", 255, 0, 0 )

function setTeamBinds( player )
	if isPlayerInTeam( player, "Props" ) then
	toggleControl( player, "fire", false )
	toggleControl( player, "aim_weapon", false )
	toggleControl( player, "next_weapon", false )
	toggleControl( player, "previous_weapon", false )
	toggleControl( player, "enter_exit", false )
	toggleControl( player, "jump", false )
	toggleControl( player, "crouch", false )
addEvent( "setTeamBinds", true )
addEventHandler( "setTeamBinds", getRootElement(), setTeamBinds )

function spawnOnLogin()
spawnPlayer( source, 0, 0, 5, 0, math.random( 0, 288 ), 0, 0 )
fadeCamera( source, true )
setCameraTarget( source, source )
setPlayerTeam( source, propTeam )
setTeamBinds( source )
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, spawnOnLogin )


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2 minutes ago, Burak5312 said:

Can you show the meta.xml and is there any other script running besides this script? If so, you can try turning them off.

There's only one script on my server.
Here's the meta.xml (I don't know why, but I can't send it as a code):



<script src="server.lua" type="server" cache="false"/>
<script src="shared.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/>
<script src="client.lua" type="client" cache="false"/>


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Just now, Burak5312 said:

In which file are these codes stored client, server, shared? if shared just write them on server side and try to delete the oop line

This code is in the "server.lua". And it doesn't matter if I have OOP turned on - I've already tested that.

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