Drackles Posted January 30, 2022 Share Posted January 30, 2022 Hello, I am getting this error, can you help me solve it? Client.Lua --[[ ******************************************************************************** Project owner: RageQuit community Project name: GTW-RPG Developers: Mr_Moose Source code: https://github.com/404rq/GTW-RPG/ Bugtracker: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/issues Suggestions: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/development Version: Open source License: BSD 2-Clause Status: Stable release ******************************************************************************** ]]-- --[[ Create global vehicle data storage for clients ]]-- currentVehID = nil veh_data_list = {{ }} row,col = nil,nil --[[ Create vehicle management GUI ]]-- x,y = guiGetScreenSize() window = exports.GTWgui:createWindow((x-600)/2, (y-400)/2, 600, 400, "Vehicle manager", false) btn_show = guiCreateButton(10, 350, 90, 30, "Show", false, window) btn_hide = guiCreateButton(100, 350, 90, 30, "Hide", false, window) btn_lock = guiCreateButton(200, 350, 90, 30, "Lock", false, window) btn_engine = guiCreateButton(290, 350, 90, 30, "Engine", false, window) btn_recover = guiCreateButton(380, 350, 90, 30, "Recover", false, window) btn_sell = guiCreateButton(470, 350, 90, 30, "Sell", false, window) guiSetVisible( window, false ) --[[ Create the vehicle grid list ]]-- vehicle_list = guiCreateGridList( 10, 23, 580, 325, false, window ) col1 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Name", 0.25 ) col2 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Health", 0.1 ) col3 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Fuel", 0.1 ) col4 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Locked", 0.1 ) col5 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Engine", 0.1 ) col6 = guiGridListAddColumn( vehicle_list, "Location", 0.3 ) guiGridListSetSelectionMode( vehicle_list, 0 ) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(vehicle_list, false) --[[ Apply GTWgui style ]]-- exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_show, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_hide, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_lock, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_engine, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_recover, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_sell, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(vehicle_list, 10) --[[ Create vehicle trunk GUI ]]-- window_trunk = exports.GTWgui:createWindow((x-600)/2, (y-400)/2, 600, 400, "Vehicle inventory", false) btn_withdraw = guiCreateButton(275, 73, 50, 40, "<", false, window_trunk) btn_deposit = guiCreateButton(275, 115, 50, 40, ">", false, window_trunk) btn_withdraw_all = guiCreateButton(275, 163, 50, 40, "<<", false, window_trunk) btn_deposit_all = guiCreateButton(275, 205, 50, 40, ">>", false, window_trunk) btn_close = guiCreateButton(500, 350, 90, 30, "Close", false, window_trunk) guiSetVisible( window_trunk, false ) --[[ Create the trunk grid list ]]-- label_vehicle = guiCreateLabel( 10, 23, 250, 20, "Vehicle trunk", false, window_trunk ) label_player = guiCreateLabel( 302, 23, 250, 20, "Your pocket", false, window_trunk ) inventory_list = guiCreateGridList( 10, 43, 263, 305, false, window_trunk ) player_items_list = guiCreateGridList( 327, 43, 263, 305, false, window_trunk ) col7 = guiGridListAddColumn( inventory_list, "Item", 0.61 ) col8 = guiGridListAddColumn( inventory_list, "Amount", 0.31 ) col9 = guiGridListAddColumn( player_items_list, "Item", 0.61 ) col10 = guiGridListAddColumn( player_items_list, "Amount", 0.31 ) guiGridListSetSelectionMode( inventory_list, 0 ) guiGridListSetSelectionMode( player_items_list, 0 ) --[[ Apply GTWgui style (inventory GUI )]]-- exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(label_vehicle, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(label_player, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(inventory_list, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(player_items_list, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_withdraw, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_deposit, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_withdraw_all, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_deposit_all, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_close, 10) --[[ Create a function to handle toggling of vehicle GUI ]]-- function toggleGUI( source ) -- Show the vehicle GUI if not guiGetVisible( window ) then exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor( true ) guiSetVisible( window, true ) guiSetInputEnabled( true ) triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onListVehicles", localPlayer ) else exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor( false ) guiSetVisible( window, false ) guiSetInputEnabled( false ) end end addCommandHandler( "vehicles", toggleGUI ) bindKey( "F2", "down", "vehicles" ) --[[ Create a function to handle toggling of vehicle inventory GUI ]]-- function toggleInventoryGUI( plr ) -- Show the vehicle inventory GUI if not guiGetVisible( window_trunk ) and isElement(getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk")) then local browsing_player = getElementData(getElementData( localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk") if getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk") and browsing_player and browsing_player == localPlayer then exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor( true ) guiSetVisible( window_trunk, true ) guiSetInputEnabled( true ) loadWeaponsToList() else if not browsing_player then return end exports.GTWtopbar:dm(getPlayerName(browsing_player).." is currently browsing this trunk, please wait!", 255, 0, 0) end else exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor( false ) guiSetVisible( window_trunk, false ) guiSetInputEnabled( false ) if isElement(getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk")) then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onCloseInventory", localPlayer ) end end end addCommandHandler( "inventory", toggleInventoryGUI ) bindKey( "F9", "down", "inventory" ) function loadWeaponsToList() if col7 and col8 and col9 and col10 then local weapons = getPedWeapons(localPlayer) guiGridListClear( player_items_list ) guiGridListClear( inventory_list ) for i,wep in pairs(getPedWeapons(localPlayer)) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( player_items_list ) local slot = getSlotFromWeapon(wep) if getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer,slot) > 0 then guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, row, col9, getWeaponNameFromID(wep), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, row, col10, getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer,slot), false, false ) end end -- Load weapons from vehicle inventory local veh_id = getElementData( getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), "isOwnedVehicle") if veh_id then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onOpenInventory", localPlayer, veh_id ) end end end function receiveVehicleData(data_table) if col1 and col2 and col3 and col4 and col5 and col6 then -- Clear and refresh guiGridListClear( vehicle_list ) veh_data_list = data_table -- Load vehicles to list for id, veh in pairs(data_table) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( vehicle_list ) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col1, getVehicleNameFromModel(data_table[id][2]), false, false ) if currentVehID == tonumber(data_table[id][1]) then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col1, 100, 100, 255 ) end guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col2, data_table[id][3], false, false ) if data_table[id][3] > 70 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col2, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif data_table[id][3] > 30 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col2, 255, 200, 0 ) else guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col2, 255, 0, 0 ) end guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col3, data_table[id][4], false, false ) if data_table[id][4] > 80 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col3, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif data_table[id][4] > 20 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col3, 255, 200, 0 ) else guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col3, 255, 0, 0 ) end local locked = "Open" if data_table[id][5] == 1 then locked = "Yes" end guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col4, locked, false, false ) if data_table[id][5] == 1 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col4, 0, 255, 0 ) else guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col4, 255, 200, 0 ) end local engine = "Off" if data_table[id][6] == 1 then engine = "On" end guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col5, engine, false, false ) if data_table[id][6] == 1 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col5, 0, 255, 0 ) else guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col5, 255, 0, 0 ) end local x,y,z, rx,ry,rz = unpack( fromJSON( data_table[id][7] )) local location = getZoneName(x,y,z) local city = getZoneName(x,y,z,true) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col6, location.." ("..city..")", false, false ) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x,y,z, px,py,pz ) if dist < 180 then guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col6, 0, 255, 0 ) else guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col6, 255, 200, 0 ) end end end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onReceivePlayerVehicleData", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onReceivePlayerVehicleData", root, receiveVehicleData ) function receiveInventoryItems(item) if col7 and col8 then -- Clear and refresh guiGridListClear( inventory_list ) -- Load vehicles to list local data_table = fromJSON(item) for k, v in pairs(data_table) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( inventory_list ) guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, row, col7, k, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, row, col8, v, false, false ) end end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onReceiveInventoryItems", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onReceiveInventoryItems", root, receiveInventoryItems ) --[[ Toggle vehicle visibility on click ]]-- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",vehicle_list, function() row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( vehicle_list ) if row and col and veh_data_list[row+1] then currentVehID = veh_data_list[row+1][1] for w=0, #veh_data_list do guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, w, col1, 255, 255, 255 ) end guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col1, 100, 100, 255 ) guiGridListSetSelectedItem( vehicle_list, 0, 0) end end) --[[ Close the inventory GUI ]]-- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",btn_close, function() toggleInventoryGUI(localPlayer) end) --[[ Options in the button menu ]]-- addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) --if not currentVehID then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("Please select a vehicle from the list!", 255, 0, 0) return end if source == btn_show and currentVehID then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onShowVehicles", localPlayer, currentVehID ) end if source == btn_hide and currentVehID then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onHideVehicles", localPlayer, currentVehID ) end if source == btn_lock and currentVehID then -- Update vehiclelist and lock status if guiGridListGetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col4 ) == "Yes" then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onLockVehicle", localPlayer, currentVehID, 0 ) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col4, "Open", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col4, 255, 200, 0 ) else triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onLockVehicle", localPlayer, currentVehID, 1 ) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col4, "Yes", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col4, 0, 255, 0 ) end end if source == btn_engine and currentVehID then -- Update vehiclelist and engine status if guiGridListGetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col5 ) == "On" then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleEngineToggle", localPlayer, currentVehID, 0 ) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col5, "Off", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col5, 255, 0, 0 ) else triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleEngineToggle", localPlayer, currentVehID, 1 ) guiGridListSetItemText( vehicle_list, row, col5, "On", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor( vehicle_list, row, col5, 0, 255, 0 ) end end if source == btn_recover and currentVehID then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleRespawn", localPlayer, currentVehID ) end if source == btn_sell and currentVehID then triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleSell", localPlayer, currentVehID, veh_data_list[row+1][2] ) guiGridListRemoveRow( vehicle_list, row ) currentVehID = nil end -- Vehicle inventory if source == btn_withdraw then vehicle_shop_withdraw() end if source == btn_deposit then vehicle_shop_deposit() end if source == btn_withdraw_all then vehicle_shop_withdraw(true) end if source == btn_deposit_all then vehicle_shop_deposit(true) end end) --[[ Withdraw weapon from inventory ]]-- function vehicle_shop_withdraw(withdraw_all) if not withdraw_all then withdraw_all = false end local row_pil, col_pil = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( player_items_list ) local veh_id = getElementData( getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), "isOwnedVehicle") -- Validate operation if row_pil == -1 or col_pil == -1 or not veh_id then return end -- Get current values local object = guiGridListGetItemText( player_items_list, row_pil, col9 ) local pocket = guiGridListGetItemText( player_items_list, row_pil, col10 ) -- Get current data local slot = getSlotFromWeapon( getWeaponIDFromName( object )) local ammo = getPedAmmoInClip(localPlayer, slot) if withdraw_all then ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, row_pil, col10)) end local is_empty = false -- Justify values if ammo > tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, row_pil, col10)) then ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, row_pil, col10)) end -- Send to database triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponWithdraw", localPlayer, veh_id, object, ammo) -- Manage lists add new item local ex_row = isElementInList(inventory_list, object, col7) if not ex_row then local tmp_row = guiGridListAddRow( inventory_list ) guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, tmp_row, col7, object, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, tmp_row, col8, ammo, false, false ) else guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, ex_row, col8, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, ex_row, col8)) + ammo, false, false ) end guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, row_pil, col10, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, row_pil, col10)) - ammo, false, false ) -- Remove if empty if guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, row_pil, col10) == "0" then guiGridListRemoveRow( player_items_list, row_pil ) is_empty = true end -- Reload data --loadWeaponsToList() -- Clear selection if empty, otherwise reselect if not is_empty then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(player_items_list, row_pil, col_pil) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(inventory_list, -1, -1) else guiGridListSetSelectedItem(player_items_list, -1, -1) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(inventory_list, -1, -1) end -- Restore GUI style !Important if using GTWgui setTimer(resetGTWguistyle, 1000, 1) end --[[ Deposit weapon from inventory ]]-- function vehicle_shop_deposit(deposit_all) if not deposit_all then deposit_all = false end local row_il, col_il = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( inventory_list ) local veh_id = getElementData( getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), "isOwnedVehicle") -- Validate operation if row_il == -1 or col_il == -1 or not veh_id then return end -- Get current values local object = guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col7 ) local trunk = guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col8 ) -- Get current data local ammo = getWeaponProperty(object, "std", "maximum_clip_ammo") if deposit_all then ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, row_il, col8)) end local is_empty = false -- Justify values if ammo > tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, row_il, col8)) then ammo = tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, row_il, col8)) end -- Send to database triggerServerEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponDeposit", localPlayer, veh_id, object, ammo) -- Manage lists add new item local ex_row = isElementInList(player_items_list, object, col9) if not ex_row then local tmp_row = guiGridListAddRow( player_items_list ) guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, tmp_row, col9, object, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, tmp_row, col10, ammo, false, false ) else guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, ex_row, col10, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(player_items_list, ex_row, col10)) + ammo, false, false ) end guiGridListSetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col8, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, row_il, col8)) - ammo, false, false ) -- Remove if empty if guiGridListGetItemText(inventory_list, row_il, col8) == "0" then guiGridListRemoveRow( inventory_list, row_il ) is_empty = true end -- Reload data --loadWeaponsToList() -- Clear selection if empty, otherwise reselect if not is_empty then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(player_items_list, -1, -1) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(inventory_list, row_il, col_il) else guiGridListSetSelectedItem(player_items_list, -1, -1) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(inventory_list, -1, -1) end -- Restore GUI style !Important if using GTWgui setTimer(resetGTWguistyle, 1000, 1) --[[local row_il, col_il = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( inventory_list ) local veh_id = getElementData( getElementData(localPlayer, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), "isOwnedVehicle") if row_il == -1 or col_il == -1 or not veh_id then return end triggerServerEvent( "GTWonVehicleWeaponDeposit", localPlayer, veh_id, guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col7 ), guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col8 )) local tmp_row = guiGridListAddRow( player_items_list ) guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, tmp_row, col9, guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col7 ), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( player_items_list, tmp_row, col10, guiGridListGetItemText( inventory_list, row_il, col8 ), false, false ) guiGridListRemoveRow( inventory_list, row_il ) -- Clear selection guiGridListSetSelectedItem(player_items_list, -1, -1) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(inventory_list, -1, -1)]]-- end function resetGTWguistyle() -- Apply GUI style again !Important if using GTWgui exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(inventory_list, 10) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(player_items_list, 10) end --[[ Find element in list ]]-- function isElementInList(g_list, text, col) local items_count = guiGridListGetRowCount(g_list) for r=0, items_count do --outputChatBox("R: "..r..", C: "..col.." "..guiGridListGetItemText(g_list, r, col).." = "..text) if guiGridListGetItemText(g_list, r, col) == text then return r end end return false end function getPedWeapons(ped) local playerWeapons = {} if ped and isElement(ped) and getElementType(ped) == "ped" or getElementType(ped) == "player" then for i=2,9 do local wep = getPedWeapon(ped,i) if wep and wep ~= 0 then table.insert(playerWeapons,wep) end end else return false end return playerWeapons end -------- --[[ ******************************************************************************** Project owner: RageQuit community Project name: GTW-RPG Developers: Mr_Moose Source code: https://github.com/404rq/GTW-RPG/ Bugtracker: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/issues Suggestions: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/development Version: Open source License: BSD 2-Clause Status: Stable release ******************************************************************************** ]]-- -- Database connection setup, MySQL or fallback SQLite local mysql_host = exports.GTWcore:getMySQLHost() or nil local mysql_database = exports.GTWcore:getMySQLDatabase() or nil local mysql_user = exports.GTWcore:getMySQLUser() or nil local mysql_pass = exports.GTWcore:getMySQLPass() or nil veh_data = dbConnect("mysql", "dbname="..mysql_database..";host="..mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_pass, "autoreconnect=1") if not veh_data then veh_data = dbConnect("sqlite", "veh.db") end inventory_markers_veh = {} inventory_markers = {} vehicle_owners = {} vehicles = {} veh_blips = {} veh_id_num = {} veh_save_timers = {} cooldown_vehshop_enter = {} is_demo_ex = {} --[[ Save the new bought vehcile to the database ]]-- function vehicleBuyRequest( model ) if model and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) then local price = 100 for x=1, #car_data do for y=1, #car_data[x] do if car_data[x][y][1] == model then price = car_data[x][y][3] break end end end price = price*priceMultiplier if model and price and getPlayerMoney(client) >= price then takePlayerMoney( client, price ) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You have bought a "..getVehicleNameFromModel( model ), client, 0, 255, 0 ) -- Save new vehicles to database dbExec(veh_data, "INSERT INTO vehicles VALUES (NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( client )), model, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, "GTW-RPG4", toJSON({0,0,0, 0,0,0}), toJSON({200,200,200, 200,200,200, 0,0,0, 0,0,0}), toJSON({}), toJSON({}), toJSON({})) elseif getPlayerMoney(client) < price then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You can't afford this vehicle you little twat!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to buy a vehicle!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleBuyRequest", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleBuyRequest", root, vehicleBuyRequest ) --[[ Create a database table to store vehicle data ]]-- addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function() dbExec(veh_data, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vehicles (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, owner TEXT, model NUMERIC, ".. "locked NUMERIC, engine NUMERIC, health NUMERIC, fuel NUMERIC, paint NUMERIC, platetext TEXT, pos TEXT, color TEXT, upgrades TEXT, inventory TEXT, headlight TEXT)") end) --[[ Loads all vehicles for a specific player, requires that the player is logged in ]]-- function loadMyVehicles(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if result then for _, row in ipairs( result ) do addVehicle(row["ID"], row["owner"], row["model"], row["locked"], row["engine"], row["health"], row["fuel"], row["paint"], row["platetext"], row["pos"], row["color"], row["upgrades"], row["inventory"], row["headlight"]) end end end function getMyVehicles(veh_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and getElementInterior(client) == 0 and getElementDimension(client) == 0 then dbQuery(loadMyVehicles, veh_data, "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner=? AND ID=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( client )), tonumber(veh_id)) elseif getElementInterior(client) ~= 0 or getElementDimension(client) ~= 0 then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You can't use vehicles inside!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif not veh_id then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Please specify vehicle ID to show it!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onShowVehicles", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onShowVehicles", root, getMyVehicles ) --[[ Loads all vehicles for a specific player, requires that the player is logged in ]]-- function unloadMyVehicles(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if result then for _, row in ipairs( result ) do saveAndRemoveVehicle(vehicles[row["ID"]],true) end end end function hideMyVehicles(veh_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id then dbQuery(unloadMyVehicles, veh_data, "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner=? AND ID=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( client )), tonumber(veh_id)) elseif not veh_id then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Please specify vehicle ID to hide it!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onHideVehicles", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onHideVehicles", root, hideMyVehicles ) --[[ Loads all vehicles for a specific player, requires that the player is logged in ]]-- function listAllMyVehicles(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end local vehicle_data_to_client = {{ }} local plr = nil for index, row in ipairs(result) do -- Get all relevant data for the vehicle vehicle_data_to_client[index] = { } vehicle_data_to_client[index][1] = tonumber(row["ID"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][2] = tonumber(row["model"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][3] = tonumber(row["health"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][4] = tonumber(row["fuel"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][5] = tonumber(row["locked"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][6] = tonumber(row["engine"]) vehicle_data_to_client[index][7] = row["pos"] plr = getAccountPlayer(getAccount(row["owner"])) end -- Send data to client if plr and isElement(plr) and getElementType(plr) then triggerClientEvent( plr, "GTWvehicleshop.onReceivePlayerVehicleData", plr, vehicle_data_to_client ) end end function listMyVehicles( ) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) then dbQuery(listAllMyVehicles, veh_data, "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( client ))) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onListVehicles", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onListVehicles", root, listMyVehicles ) --[[ Create a vehicle based on data from the vehicle database ]]-- function addVehicle(ID, owner, model, lock, engine, health, fuel, paint, platetext, pos, color, upgrades, inventory, hlight) if not getAccount( owner ) or not getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner )) or getElementData( getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner )), "Jailed") == "Yes" then return end if not vehicles[ID] then local x,y,z, rx,ry,rz = unpack( fromJSON( pos )) local isFirstSpawn = false if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0 then x,y,z = getElementPosition( getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner ))) rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation( getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner ))) z = z + 3 isFirstSpawn = true end local veh = createVehicle( tonumber( model ), x,y,z ) -- Reduce vehicle top speed and acceleration local bicycle_list = {[509]=true,[481]=true,[510]=true,[462]=true} local bike_list = {[581]=true,[509]=true,[481]=true,[462]=true,[521]=true,[463]=true,[510]=true,[522]=true,[461]=true,[448]=true,[468]=true,[586]=true} if getVehicleType(veh) == "Automobile" or bicycle_list[vehID] then local result = getVehicleHandling(veh) local realism_index = 1.4 setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "engineAcceleration", tonumber(result["engineAcceleration"])/realism_index, false) setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "engineInertia", tonumber(result["engineInertia"])*realism_index, false) setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "brakeDeceleration", tonumber(result["brakeDeceleration"])/realism_index, false) setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "brakeBias", tonumber(result["brakeBias"])/realism_index, false) setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "percentSubmerged", tonumber(result["percentSubmerged"])*realism_index, false) --Reduce max speed on bicycles and faggio if bicycle_list[vehID] then setVehicleHandling(vehicles[client], "maxVelocity", 40, false) end end if supported_cars[getElementModel(veh)] then local dist = supported_cars[getElementModel(veh)] inventory_markers[veh] = createMarker(0, 0, -100, "cylinder", 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]] = veh attachElements(inventory_markers[veh],veh,0,supported_cars[getElementModel(veh)],-1) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", inventory_markers[veh], function(hitElement,matchingDimension) if hitElement and isElement(hitElement) and getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and not getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitElement) and not getElementData(inventory_markers_veh[source], "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk") then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Vehicle: Press F9 to open the vehicle inventory", hitElement, 0, 255, 0 ) setElementData(hitElement,"GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk",inventory_markers_veh[source]) setElementData(inventory_markers_veh[source],"GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk",hitElement) elseif getElementData(inventory_markers_veh[source], "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk") then local name = getPlayerName(getElementData(inventory_markers_veh[source], "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk")) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Vehicle: "..name.." is browsing the trunk of this vehicle, please wait", hitElement, 255, 100, 0 ) end end) addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", inventory_markers[veh], function(leaveElement,matchingDimension) if leaveElement and isElement(leaveElement) and getElementType(leaveElement) == "player" then setElementData(leaveElement,"GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk",nil) setElementData(inventory_markers_veh[source],"GTWvehicleshop.the_near_player_trunk",nil) end end) end if isFirstSpawn then warpPedIntoVehicle( getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner )), veh ) end veh_blips[veh] = createBlipAttachedTo(veh, 0, 2, 100, 100, 100, 200, 10, 9999, getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner ))) setElementRotation( veh, rx, ry, rz ) vehicle_owners[veh] = owner veh_id_num[veh] = ID vehicles[ID] = veh local ar,ag,ab, br,bg,bb, cr,cg,cb, dr,dg,db = unpack( fromJSON( color )) local locked = false if lock == 1 then locked = true end if hlight then local hr,hg,hb = unpack( fromJSON( hlight )) if hr and hg and hb then setVehicleHeadLightColor( veh, hr, hg, hb ) end end setVehicleColor( veh, ar,ag,ab, br,bg,bb, cr,cg,cb, dr,dg,db ) setVehiclePaintjob( veh, tonumber( paint )) setVehicleLocked( veh, locked ) setElementData( veh, "vehicleFuel", tonumber(fuel)) health = tonumber(health*10) if health < 100 then health = 100 end setElementHealth( veh, health ) setVehiclePlateText( veh, platetext ) setElementData( veh, "owner", owner ) setElementData( veh, "isOwnedVehicle", tonumber(ID)) if getElementHealth( veh ) < 100 then setElementHealth( veh, 100 ) end --outputChatBox(upgrades, getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner ))) for k, i in pairs( fromJSON( upgrades )) do addVehicleUpgrade( veh, i ) --outputChatBox(i, getAccountPlayer( getAccount( owner ))) end end end --[[ Manage saving of vehicle data ]]-- function saveVehicleData( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if vehicle_owners[source] then if isTimer(veh_save_timers[thePlayer]) then killTimer(veh_save_timers[thePlayer]) end veh_save_timers[thePlayer] = setTimer(saveVehicle, 5000, 0, source ) end end addEventHandler( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), saveVehicleData ) function vehicleExit( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if isTimer(veh_save_timers[thePlayer]) then killTimer(veh_save_timers[thePlayer]) end end addEventHandler( "onVehicleExit", root, vehicleExit ) function saveVehicle(veh) if veh and isElement(veh) then saveAndRemoveVehicle(veh, false) end end --[[ Destroys and saves a vehicle into vehicle database ]]-- function saveAndRemoveVehicle(veh, removeVeh) if not veh or not isElement(veh) or getElementType(veh) ~= "vehicle" then return end -- Ensure that the vehicle is owned by a player if vehicle_owners[veh] then -- Get vehicle data local x,y,z = getElementPosition( veh ) local ar,ag,ab, br,bg,bb, cr,cg,cb, dr,dg,db = getVehicleColor( veh, true ) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation( veh ) local fuel = getElementData( veh, "vehicleFuel" ) local paint = getVehiclePaintjob( veh ) local platetext = getVehiclePlateText( veh ) local health = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(getElementHealth( veh ))/10)) local locked = 0 if isVehicleLocked( veh ) then locked = 1 end local engine = 0 if getVehicleEngineState( veh ) then engine = 1 end local ID = getElementData( veh, "isOwnedVehicle" ) if ID then -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET owner=?, locked=?, engine=?, health=?, fuel=?, paint=?, platetext=?, pos=?, color=?, upgrades=? WHERE ID=?", vehicle_owners[veh], locked, engine, health, fuel, paint, platetext, toJSON({x,y,z, rx,ry,rz}), toJSON({ar,ag,ab, br,bg,bb, cr,cg,cb, dr,dg,db}), toJSON(getVehicleUpgrades( veh )), ID) -- Clean up and free memory if removeVeh then -- Remove inventory marker if inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]] and isElement(inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]]) then inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]] = nil end if inventory_markers[veh] and isElement(inventory_markers[veh]) then destroyElement(inventory_markers[veh]) end vehicles[ID] = nil vehicle_owners[veh] = nil destroyElement(veh_blips[veh]) destroyElement(veh) end end elseif isElement(veh) then destroyElement(veh) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleDestroy", true ) addEventHandler ( "GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleDestroy", root, saveAndRemoveVehicle ) --[[ Lock vehicle from client ]]-- function lockVehicle(veh_id, lock_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and vehicles[veh_id] and isElement(vehicles[veh_id]) then if isVehicleLocked( vehicles[veh_id] ) then setVehicleLocked( vehicles[veh_id], false ) -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET locked=? WHERE ID=?", 0, veh_id) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your vehicle has been unlocked!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) else setVehicleLocked( vehicles[veh_id], true ) -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET locked=? WHERE ID=?", 1, veh_id) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your vehicle has been locked!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) end elseif getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and lock_id then -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET locked=? WHERE ID=?", lock_id, veh_id) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onLockVehicle", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onLockVehicle", root, lockVehicle ) --[[ Toggle vehicle engine state from client ]]-- function toggleVehicleEngine(veh_id, engine_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and vehicles[veh_id] and isElement(vehicles[veh_id]) then if getVehicleEngineState( vehicles[veh_id] ) then setVehicleEngineState( vehicles[veh_id], false ) -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET engine=? WHERE ID=?", 0, veh_id) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Vehicle engine was turned off!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) else setVehicleEngineState( vehicles[veh_id], true ) -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET engine=? WHERE ID=?", 1, veh_id) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Vehicle engine was turned on!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) end elseif getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and engine_id then -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET engine=? WHERE ID=?", engine_id, veh_id) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleEngineToggle", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleEngineToggle", root, toggleVehicleEngine ) --[[ Sell a vehicle from client GUI ]]-- function returnWeaponsOnSell(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end local items = nil local plr = nil local veh_id = nil -- Get the json string for _,row in ipairs( result ) do -- Get all relevant data for the vehicle items = row["inventory"] plr = getAccountPlayer(getAccount(row["owner"])) veh_id = row["ID"] break end -- Extract data and give weapons back to the owner local data_table = fromJSON(items or "") or { } for k, v in pairs(data_table) do giveWeapon(plr, getWeaponIDFromName(k), tonumber(v)) outputChatBox(k.." was successfully restored ("..tostring(v)..") bullets", plr, 255, 255, 255) end -- Send data to client if player then triggerClientEvent( player, "GTWvehicleshop.onReceiveInventoryItems", player, vehicle_data_to_client ) end -- Remove vehicle from database dbExec(veh_data, "DELETE FROM vehicles WHERE ID=?", veh_id) end function sellVehicle(veh_id, model) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and model then -- Restore weapons to it's owner dbQuery(returnWeaponsOnSell, veh_data, "SELECT inventory, owner, ID FROM vehicles WHERE owner=? AND ID=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( client )), tonumber(veh_id)) -- Return money local price = 0 for i=1, #car_data do if car_data[i] then for key, value in pairs(car_data[i]) do if value[1] and value[1] == model then price = value[3] end end end end -- Clean up if vehicle isn't hidden while selling if isElement(vehicles[veh_id]) then local veh = vehicles[veh_id] if inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]] and isElement(inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]]) then inventory_markers_veh[inventory_markers[veh]] = nil end if inventory_markers[veh] and isElement(inventory_markers[veh]) then destroyElement(inventory_markers[veh]) end vehicle_owners[veh] = nil destroyElement(veh_blips[veh]) destroyElement(veh) vehicles[veh_id] = nil end givePlayerMoney(client, math.floor(price*priceMultiplier*0.8)) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your vehicle has been sold for 80% of it's price", client, 0, 255, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleSell", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleSell", root, sellVehicle ) --[[ Respawn a broken vehicle ]]-- function respawnVehicleToStart(veh_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and not vehicles[veh_id] and not isElement(vehicles[veh_id]) then local dist_to_cop = exports.GTWpolice:distanceToCop(client) -- Tolerate less than 30 seconds violent time or distance to cop larger than 180m if ((tonumber(getElementData(client, "violent_seconds")) or 0) < 50 or dist_to_cop > 180) and getElementData(client, "Jailed") ~= "Yes" then local price = 100 if price and getPlayerMoney(client) > price then takePlayerMoney( client, price ) -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET pos=? WHERE ID=?", toJSON({ 0,0,0, 0,0,0 }), veh_id) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your vehicle has been respawned!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You can't afford to recover your vehicle, you need $500!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif getElementData(client, "Jailed") == "Yes" then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You can not recover while you are jailed!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif dist_to_cop <= 180 then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You are either to violent or a cop is to close!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif vehicles[veh_id] and isElement(vehicles[veh_id]) then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must hide your vehicle before you can recover it!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) elseif not getPlayerAccount( client ) or isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleRespawn", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleRespawn", root, respawnVehicleToStart ) --[[ Withdraw weapons to vehicle inventory ]]-- temp_weapon_store = {} temp_ammo_store = {} temp_plr_store = {} function onVehicleWeaponWithdrawGet(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end for _, row in ipairs( result ) do -- Add weapon to JSON string (Only executed once) local input_table = fromJSON(row["inventory"]) local plr_owner = temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] if not plr_owner or not input_table then break end -- Debug info --outputChatBox(row["inventory"],plr_owner) -- Update value to be saved into database input_table[temp_weapon_store[plr_owner]] = ((input_table[ temp_weapon_store[plr_owner]] or 0) + temp_ammo_store[plr_owner]) local new_res = toJSON(input_table) -- Debug info --outputChatBox(new_res, plr_owner) -- Cleanup temp_weapon_store[plr_owner] = nil temp_ammo_store[plr_owner] = nil temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] = nil -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET inventory=? WHERE ID=?", new_res, row["ID"]) break end end function onVehicleWeaponWithdraw(veh_id, weap, ammo) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and weap and ammo then takeWeapon(client, getWeaponIDFromName(weap), tonumber(ammo)) -- Save to temp storage temp_weapon_store[client] = weap temp_ammo_store[client] = ammo temp_plr_store[veh_id] = client -- Save to database dbQuery(onVehicleWeaponWithdrawGet, veh_data, "SELECT inventory, owner, ID FROM vehicles WHERE ID=?", tonumber(veh_id)) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your weapon has been withdrawed", client, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif not getPlayerAccount( client ) or isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Error, please specify a weapon to put in your vehicle trunk!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponWithdraw", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponWithdraw", root, onVehicleWeaponWithdraw ) --[[ Deposit from vehicle inventory ]]-- function onVehicleWeaponDepositGet(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end for _, row in ipairs( result ) do -- Add weapon to JSON string (Only executed once) local input_table = fromJSON(row["inventory"]) local plr_owner = temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] if input_table and plr_owner and temp_weapon_store[plr_owner] then local new_val = (input_table[temp_weapon_store[plr_owner]] or 0) - temp_ammo_store[plr_owner] -- Debug info --outputChatBox(row["inventory"], plr_owner) -- Update value to be saved into database if new_val > 0 then input_table[temp_weapon_store[plr_owner]] = new_val else input_table[temp_weapon_store[plr_owner]] = nil end local new_res = toJSON(input_table) -- Debug info --outputChatBox(new_res, plr_owner) -- Cleanup temp_weapon_store[plr_owner] = nil temp_ammo_store[plr_owner] = nil temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] = nil -- Save to database dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET inventory=? WHERE ID=?", new_res, row["ID"]) end break end end function onVehicleWeaponDeposit(veh_id, weap, ammo) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id and weap and ammo then giveWeapon(client, getWeaponIDFromName(weap), tonumber(ammo)) -- Save to temp storage temp_weapon_store[client] = weap temp_ammo_store[client] = ammo temp_plr_store[veh_id] = client -- Save to database dbQuery(onVehicleWeaponDepositGet, veh_data, "SELECT inventory, owner, ID FROM vehicles WHERE ID=?", tonumber(veh_id)) exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Your weapon has been deposited", client, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif not getPlayerAccount( client ) or isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "Error, please specify a weapon to put in your vehicle trunk!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponDeposit", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onVehicleWeaponDeposit", root, onVehicleWeaponDeposit ) --[[ Get weapons from inventory ]]-- function getInventoryWeapons(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if result then local vehicle_data_to_client = nil local plr = nil for _,row in ipairs( result ) do -- Get all relevant data for the vehicle vehicle_data_to_client = row["inventory"] plr = temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] -- Send data to client if plr then triggerClientEvent( plr, "GTWvehicleshop.onReceiveInventoryItems", plr, vehicle_data_to_client ) end -- Cleanup temp_plr_store[row["ID"]] = nil break end end end function openInventory(veh_id) if getPlayerAccount( client ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( client )) and veh_id then temp_plr_store[veh_id] = client setVehicleDoorOpenRatio( getElementData(client, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), 1, 1, 1000 ) dbQuery(getInventoryWeapons, veh_data, "SELECT inventory, owner, ID FROM vehicles WHERE ID=?", tonumber(veh_id)) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onOpenInventory", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onOpenInventory", root, openInventory ) function closeInventory() setVehicleDoorOpenRatio( getElementData(client, "GTWvehicleshop.the_near_veh_trunk"), 1, 0, 1000 ) end addEvent( "GTWvehicleshop.onCloseInventory", true ) addEventHandler( "GTWvehicleshop.onCloseInventory", root, closeInventory ) --[[ Toggle vehicle engine state from client ]]-- function vehicleHeadLightColors(player, cmd, r,g,b) if getPlayerAccount( player ) and not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount( player )) and r and g and b and veh_id_num[getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)] then -- Save to database and update colors dbExec(veh_data, "UPDATE vehicles SET headlight=? WHERE ID=?", toJSON({r,g,b}), veh_id_num[getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)]) setVehicleHeadLightColor( getPedOccupiedVehicle(player), r, g, b ) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You must be logged in to own and use your vehicles!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler("hlcolor", vehicleHeadLightColors) addCommandHandler("headlight", vehicleHeadLightColors) addCommandHandler("headlightcol", vehicleHeadLightColors) addCommandHandler("headlightcolor", vehicleHeadLightColors) addCommandHandler("setheadlight", vehicleHeadLightColors) addCommandHandler("gtwinfo", function(plr, cmd) outputChatBox("[GTW-RPG] "..getResourceName( getThisResource())..", by: "..getResourceInfo( getThisResource(), "author")..", v-"..getResourceInfo( getThisResource(), "version")..", is represented", plr) end) function saveAllVehicles(quitType) dbQuery(unloadMyVehicles, veh_data, "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( source ))) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, saveAllVehicles) Server.Lua Link to comment
Drackles Posted January 30, 2022 Author Share Posted January 30, 2022 --[[ ******************************************************************************** Project owner: RageQuit community Project name: GTW-RPG Developers: Mr_Moose Source code: https://github.com/404rq/GTW-RPG/ Bugtracker: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/issues Suggestions: https://discuss.404rq.com/t/development Version: Open source License: BSD 2-Clause Status: Stable release ******************************************************************************** ]]-- --{ x, y, z, dim, int, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, vRotZ ,camX, camY, camZ, shopType } shops_Coords = { -- LS ghetto (Lowriders & Muscle cars) { 2130.1999511719, -1149.9000244141, 23.10000038147, 0, 0, 2121.6000976563, -1157, 24.10000038147, 0, 2116.6999511719, -1156.4000244141, 24.6, 7 }, -- SF Wang autos (Suvs & Wagons) { -1979.275390625, 240.814453125, 34.17187, 0, 0, -1987.9033203125, 249.564453125, 37.303623199463, 314, -1980.6455078125, 261.7392578125, 39.171875, 9 }, -- LV gas down town station (Lowriders & Muscle cars) { 1671.5, 2189.1999511719, 9.6999998092651, 0, 0, 1669.5, 2193, 10.800000190735, 180, 1670.3000488281, 2189.6, 11.4, 7 }, -- LS, SF, LV (Bikes & Motorcycles) { 2410.9150390625, -1390.8447265625, 23.31728935241, 0, 0, 2403.42578125, -1378.7783203125, 23.243619918823, 108.3131103515, 2385.05078125, -1389.0576171875, 28.8828125, 4 }, { -2222.7275390625, 288.10546875, 34.3203125, 0, 0, -2218.65625, 292.9560546875, 36.1171875, 0, -2224.5205078125, 305.6826171875, 41, 4 }, { 1620.166015625, 2186.5546875, 9.8203125, 0, 0, 1629.005859375, 2195.88671875, 10.8203125, 184.53192138672, 1640.82421875, 2182.125, 16.8203125, 4 }, -- LS docks, The Farm (Trucks & Vans) { 2301.40625, -2333.0087890625, 12.546875, 0, 0, 2279.49609375, -2331.875, 14.046875, 313.70565795898, 2283.9375, -2312.5087890625, 20.541325569153, 6 }, { -1061.2890625, -1250.5947265625, 128.21875, 0, 0, -1063.1083984375, -1224.7548828125, 130.21875, 270.47927856445, -1046.2861328125, -1240.22265625, 140.53253173828, 6 }, -- LS, SF, LV (Airplanes) { 2052.4560546875, -2542.4169921875, 12.54687, 0, 0, 2079.732421875, -2542.501953125, 17.546875, 0, 2058.15234375, -2515.724609375, 20.54687, 3 }, { -1366.8486328125, -246.33984375, 13.148437, 0, 0, -1336.396484375, -221.6015625, 17.1484375, 315, -1334.17578125, -182.90234375, 20, 3 }, { 1549.1767578125, 1738.0966796875, 9.8203125, 0, 0, 1527.3544921875, 1785.4052734375, 10.8203125, 180, 1512.5234375, 1712.833984375, 20, 3 }, -- SF sport cars shop (street racers) { -1649.1796875, 1206.5732421875, 12.671875, 0, 0, -1641.357421875, 1216.326171875, 7.0390625, 229.69764709473, -1618.8994140625, 1210.328125, 11.039062, 8 }, -- LS rodeo parking lot (2 door compact) (4 door luxury) { 552.59375, -1260.904296875, 16.2421875, 0, 0, 560.9287109375, -1277.9091796875, 18.2421875, 12.884399414063, 543.1982421875, -1270.82421875, 21.248237609863, 1 }, { 549.59375, -1264.904296875, 16.2421875, 0, 0, 565.9287109375, -1277.9091796875, 18.7421875, 12.884399414063, 543.1982421875, -1270.82421875, 21.248237609863, 2 }, -- LS, SF, LV docks (Boats) { 2725.5244140625, -2576.998046875, 2, 0, 0, 2742.0693359375, -2584.68359375, 1.55000001192093, 265.19476318359, 2758.974609375, -2581.08203125, 7.210937, 5 }, { -2975.859375, 503.7783203125, 1.4296875, 0, 0, -2984.7666015625, 503.33203125, 1.55000001192093, 358.05264282227, -2976.998046875, 492.1591796875, 7.42737579345, 5 }, { 2298.39453125, 525.5869140625, 0.794376373291, 0, 0, 2295.42578125, 517.0576171875, 1.2, 90, 2287.1796875, 528.7451171875, 10.1161499023438, 5 }, -- SF docks (Trains) { -1602.005859375, 54.0888671875, 2.5546875, 0, 0, -1600.578125, 72.8974609375, 3.5546875, 138.54797363281, -1619.44921875, 69.1064453125, 8, 10 }, } GUI_Widget = {} shopNames = { [1] = "Compact sport cars", [2] = "Luxury cars", [3] = "Aircraft", [4] = "Bikes & motorcycles", [5] = "Boats", [6] = "Trucks & Vans", [7] = "Muscle cars", [8] = "Street racers", [9] = "Suvs & Wagons", [10] = "Railroad", } vehicleBlips = { [1] = "car-shop", [2] = "car-shop", [3] = "plane-shop", [4] = "bike-shop", [5] = "boat-shop", [6] = "truck-shop", [7] = "car-shop", [8] = "car-shop", [9] = "car-shop", [10] = "train-shop" } dataShop = {} local gW, gH = guiGetScreenSize() dummieCar = createVehicle(602, 0, 0, 0) setElementFrozen(dummieCar, false) setVehicleDamageProof(dummieCar, true) setVehicleColor(dummieCar, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200) btn_buy = guiCreateButton(0.74, 0.82, 0.21, 0.06, "Buy", true) guiSetProperty(btn_buy, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") vehicle_list_shop = guiCreateGridList(0.01, 0.81, 0.25, 0.18, true) btn_close = guiCreateButton(0.74, 0.89, 0.21, 0.06, "Exit", true) guiSetProperty(btn_close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") lbl_name = guiCreateLabel(0.36, 0.81, 0.32, 0.08, "--", true) guiSetFont(lbl_name, "clear-normal") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl_name, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl_name, "center") lbl_price = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.91, 0.18, 0.04, "$0.00", true) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl_price, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl_price, "center") -- Apply new GUI style exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_buy, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(btn_close, 16) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(lbl_name, 18) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(lbl_price, 20) exports.GTWgui:setDefaultFont(vehicle_list_shop, 10) function renderShopFurning() dxDrawRectangle(0, gH * 0.8, gW, gH * 0.2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) end guiSetVisible(vehicle_list_shop, false) guiSetVisible(btn_close, false) guiSetVisible(btn_buy, false) guiSetVisible(lbl_name, false) guiSetVisible(lbl_price, false) --[[ Reload shop items list ]]-- function reloadShopItems(shopType) if not shopType then return end guiGridListClear(vehicle_list_shop) for cC = 1, guiGridListGetColumnCount(vehicle_list_shop) do guiGridListRemoveColumn(vehicle_list_shop, 1) end if type(shopType) ~= "number" then return end local column = guiGridListAddColumn(vehicle_list_shop, shopNames[shopType], 0.75) -- List available vehicles for _, data in ipairs(car_data[shopType]) do if (getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]) ~= "") then if (data[3] ~= "" ) then local row = guiGridListAddRow(vehicle_list_shop) guiGridListSetItemText(vehicle_list_shop, row, column, getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]), false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(vehicle_list_shop, row, column, data[3]) end end end -- Get name from dummie car local vehName = guiGridListGetItemText(vehicle_list_shop, 1, 1) setElementModel(dummieCar, getVehicleModelFromName(vehName)) -- Select first item guiGridListSetSelectedItem(vehicle_list_shop, 0, column) end --[[ Toggle shop window ]]-- function toggleVehiclesShop(open, x, y, z, cx, cy, cz, rz, int, dim) if open then if x and y and z and cx and cy and cz then toggleAllControls(false, true, false) exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor(true) guiSetVisible(vehicle_list_shop, true) guiSetVisible(btn_close, true) guiSetVisible(btn_buy, true) guiSetVisible(lbl_name, true) guiSetVisible(lbl_price, true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderShopFurning) setElementPosition(dummieCar, x, y, z) setCameraMatrix(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z) setElementRotation(dummieCar, 0, 0, tonumber(rz) or 0) if int then setElementInterior(dummieCar, int) end if dim then setElementDimension(dummieCar, dim) end end elseif not open then guiSetVisible(vehicle_list_shop, false) guiSetVisible(btn_close, false) guiSetVisible(btn_buy, false) guiSetVisible(lbl_name, false) guiSetVisible(lbl_price, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderShopFurning) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) toggleAllControls(true, true, true) exports.GTWgui:showGUICursor(false) setElementPosition(dummieCar, 0, 0, 0) setElementInterior(dummieCar, 0) setElementDimension(dummieCar, 0) setElementAlpha(dummieCar, 0.0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(dummieCar, false) end end --[[ GUI elements click ]]-- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicle_list_shop, function() local row, column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(vehicle_list_shop) if row == -1 or column == -1 then return end local vehName = guiGridListGetItemText(source, row, column) if getVehicleModelFromName(vehName) then dataShop[1] = guiGridListGetItemText(source, row, column) dataShop[2] = tostring(guiGridListGetItemData(vehicle_list_shop, row, column)) guiSetText(lbl_name, dataShop[1]) guiSetText(lbl_price, "$"..dataShop[2]*priceMultiplier) setElementModel(dummieCar, getVehicleModelFromName(vehName)) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btn_buy, function() local row, column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(vehicle_list_shop) if row == -1 or column == -1 then return end local vehName = guiGridListGetItemText(vehicle_list_shop, row, column) if getVehicleModelFromName(vehName) then if guiGridListGetItemData(vehicle_list_shop, row, column)*priceMultiplier <= getPlayerMoney() then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(dummieCar) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(dummieCar) local dim = getElementDimension(dummieCar) local int = getElementInterior(dummieCar) triggerServerEvent("GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleBuyRequest", localPlayer, getVehicleModelFromName(vehName), guiGridListGetItemData(vehicle_list_shop, row, column) * 1000, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, dim, int) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You can't afford this vehicle, you little twat!", 255, 0, 0) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btn_close, function() toggleVehiclesShop(false) end) --[[ Shop creation ]]-- vehicleShops = {} for k, i in ipairs(shops_Coords) do local x, y, z, dim, int, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, rotZ, camX, camY, camZ, shopType = unpack(i) local aMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.6, 200, 200, 200, 50) setElementDimension(aMarker, dim) setElementInterior(aMarker, int) vehicleShops[aMarker] = {shopType, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, camX, camY, camZ, rotZ} --createBlip(vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, vehicleBlips[shopType], 1, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 180) --exports["radblips"]:createCustomBlipAt(vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleBlips[shopType]) local blip = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip(x, y, 16, 16, "icon/"..tostring(vehicleBlips[shopType])..".png", 100) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipRadarScale(blip, 1.6) end --[[ Draw label info ]]-- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for k, i in pairs(vehicleShops) do local x, y, z = getElementPosition(k) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z + 0.4, px, py, pz) < 18 then local dx, dy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z + 1.4) if dx and dy then local text = shopNames[(i[1])] dxDrawText(text, dx -(#text * 2), dy - 3, dx +(#text * 2), dy + 2 , tocolor(250, 250, 250, 250), 1, "bankgothic", "center", "center") end end end end) --[[ Hit vehicle marker ]]-- addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, matchDim) if vehicleShops[source] then if matchDim then if not isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local mx, my, mz = getElementPosition(source) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, mx, my, mz) < 2 then local dim, int = getElementDimension(source), getElementInterior(source) toggleVehiclesShop(true, vehicleShops[source][2], vehicleShops[source][3], vehicleShops[source][4], vehicleShops[source][5], vehicleShops[source][6], vehicleShops[source][7], vehicleShops[source][8], dim, int) reloadShopItems(tonumber(vehicleShops[source][1])) setElementAlpha(dummieCar, 255) setElementCollisionsEnabled(dummieCar, true) end end end end end) Link to comment
βurak Posted January 30, 2022 Share Posted January 30, 2022 (edited) there is a typo here triggerServerEvent("GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleBuyRequest", localPlayer, getVehicleModelFromName(vehName), fix it like this triggerServerEvent("GTWvehicleshop.onPlayerVehicleBuyRequest", localPlayer, getVehicleModelFromName(vehName)) Edited January 30, 2022 by Burak5312 1 Link to comment
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