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Storing previous menu before previous

Dzsozi (h03)

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I made a script which can render menus with infinite sub menus in it. I am using a table for that. Everything seems to be working fine, but when I was trying to create the Back button for the menus, including sub menus, I crash into a small problem. I don't really know how should I make this step back function for all of the sub menus, since I can step back to only the previous one, not the one before that.

Here is an example table for the menus:

MENU = {
	[1] = {
		["category"] = "options1",
		["sub"] = {
			[1] = {
				["category"] = "options1-1",
				["sub"] = {
					[1] = {
                        ["category"] = "options1-1-1",
                        ["sub"] = {
                            [1] = {option = "change1"},
			[2] = {
				["category"] = "options1-2",
				["sub"] = {
					[1] = {option = "change2"},
	[2] = {
		["category"] = "options2",
		["sub"] = {
			[1] = {
				["category"] = "options2-1",
				["sub"] = {
					[1] = {option = "change1"},
			[2] = {
				["category"] = "options2-2",
				["sub"] = {
					[1] = {
						["category"] = "options2-2-1",
						["sub"] = {
							[1] = {option = "change2"},
					[2] = {
						["category"] = "options2-2-2",
						["sub"] = {
							[1] = {option = "change2"},
					[3] = {
						["category"] = "options2-2-3",
						["sub"] = {
							[1] = {option = "change2"},


And here's how I handle the rendering and clicking:

local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()

local RENDER = {}
RENDER.state = true

RENDER.hover = {}
RENDER.hover.menuID = 0
RENDER.hover.itemID = 0
RENDER.hover.back = nil

local currentMenu = MENU
local currentMenuID = 0

local previousMenu = currentMenu
local previousMenuID = currentMenuID

function render()
	if RENDER.state then
		RENDER.hover.menuID = 0
		RENDER.hover.itemID = 0
		RENDER.hover.back = nil
		local menuX, menuY = sx/2-200, sy/2
		for menuID, menuData in ipairs(currentMenu) do
			menuY = sy/2+(30*menuID)
			if isMouseInPosition(menuX, menuY, 100, 25) then
				RENDER.hover.menuID = menuID
				RENDER.hover.itemID = menuData.option and menuID or 0
			local hovering = RENDER.hover.menuID == menuID
			dxDrawRectangle(menuX, menuY, 100, 25, hovering and tocolor(100, 100, 100, 150) or tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150))
			dxDrawText(menuData["category"] or menuData.option, menuX+10, menuY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255))
		if currentMenuID ~= 0 then
			local backX, backY = menuX, sy/2
			local backHover = isMouseInPosition(backX, backY, 100, 25)
			dxDrawRectangle(backX, backY, 100, 25, backHover and tocolor(200, 0, 0, 150) or tocolor(100, 0, 0, 150))
			dxDrawText("< Back", backX+10, backY+5, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255))
			if backHover then RENDER.hover.back = true end
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

function stepBackInMenu()
	previousMenu = currentMenu
	previousMenuID = currentMenuID
	return true

addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state)
	if button == "left" then
		if state == "down" then	
			if RENDER.hover.menuID ~= 0 then
				if RENDER.hover.itemID == 0 then
					previousMenuID = currentMenuID
					previousMenu = currentMenu
					currentMenuID = RENDER.hover.menuID
					currentMenu = currentMenu[currentMenuID]["sub"]
			if RENDER.hover.back then


What would be the most optional way to handle every sub menu's back button to step back in to the actual previous menu? I can't seem to figure it out by myself so I would really appreciate some help from you.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by Dzsozi (h03)
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Hello Dzsozi (h03),

your script appears to be missing the path of menus that you are visiting. The path of menus is defined as a list of menu displays d1...dn where d1 is the initially displayed menu, di is the menu that was selected in menu d(i-1). Then switching back to the previous menu is defined as removing the top-most menu entry dn and setting the menu entry d(n-1) as the current menu display.

With that idea in your head, I hope that you can figure out it's implementation. Feel free to ask.

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So do I make a new table with a variable name let's say for example previousMenu, then set the previousMenu[menuID] to be a new table, then repeat this process each time a button gets clicked? If I understand you correctly, I am not so sure. I would be really grateful if you could provide me an example of what you are suggesting, if I am not correct.

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Just now, Dzsozi (h03) said:

OOOOOOO I get it now, thank you so much for your quick response and time!

I managed to do it, it is working now as expected.

Have a nice day/night, thanks again @The_GTA!

Glad to hear that you got it working! You're welcome. Come back if you have any further questions. ?

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