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Draw Distance

Guest Polybius

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There is a mod that gives you 10x draw distance than regular but it doesn't seem to work with MTA. Is it possible for the client to not check that file?


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It could be said that it gives you an unfair advantage to see further than other people. Ideally, we want everyone playing identical games, so I doubt we'll allow this. The only way we would allow it would be if servers could control it.

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I agree with what you're all saying. It could be an unfair advantage. However, there are two things I could say against that. There already is built-in draw distance that does affect performance if your machine can't handle it. Those people have the same problem with just the built-in one. The second thing is that it looks soooooo good. I think the setting choice made available or server side setting would be good. I know upping it by default would make the user base a little smaller but I only have a 6600GT with a 3700+ and it works great in SP with that draw distance mod. Time for an upgrade the rest of you!

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