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Problem z Panelem Logowania


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Panel logowania przy próbie rejestracji wyświetla komunikat o już istniejącym użytkowniku a przy próbie logowania wyświetla komunikat o błędnym haśle, baza danych podłączona nie tworzą się konta w  bazie

local settings = {
    spawnPositions = {
        [1] = "1722.05,-1710.48,13.5,0,0",
        [2] = "1718.54,-1712.46,13.5,0,0",
        [3] = "1725.54,-1712.46,13.5,0,0",

    coroutines = {}

function getUpdates(limit)
    local updates = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT text FROM `nl_updates` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT ?", limit + 5)
    if updates and updates[1] then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "updateLoginUpdates", resourceRoot, updates)
        triggerClientEvent(client, "updateLoginUpdates", resourceRoot, {{text = "Nie udało się pobrać listy zmian"}})
addEvent("getUpdates", true)
addEventHandler("getUpdates", resourceRoot, getUpdates)

function getBanData()
    local banData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT ID, nl_accounts.username as username, nl_penalties.serial, reason, time, timeEnd, admin FROM `nl_penalties` LEFT JOIN nl_accounts ON nl_accounts.UID = nl_penalties.plrUID WHERE nl_penalties.serial = ? AND timeEnd > NOW() AND type = 'ban' AND takenBy IS NULL LIMIT 1", getPlayerSerial(client))
    if banData and banData[1] then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "setPlayerBanData", resourceRoot, false, banData[1])
        triggerClientEvent(client, "setPlayerBanData", resourceRoot, false)
addEvent("getBanData", true)
addEventHandler("getBanData", resourceRoot, getBanData)

function checkBanAccount(plrUID)
    if not username then return false end
    local banData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT ID FROM `nl_penalties` WHERE plrUID = ? AND timeEnd > NOW() AND type = 'ban' LIMIT 1", plrUID)
    if banData and banData[1] then
        return true
    return false

function registerAccount(login, password, email, reference)
    local checkUsername = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `login` = ? LIMIT 1", login)
    if checkUsername and checkUsername[1] then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Użytkownik o takim loginie już istnieje.", "error")

    local serial = getPlayerSerial(client)
    local checkSerial = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `serial` = ? LIMIT 2", serial)
    if checkSerial and #checkSerial == 2 then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Wykorzystałeś już limit zakładania kont na jednym serialu (2).", "error")

    local checkEmail = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `email` = ? LIMIT 1", email)
    if checkEmail and checkEmail[1] then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Ten email jest już przypisany do jednego konta.", "error")

    local referenceUID = false
    if reference then
        referenceUID = teaDecodeBinary(reference, "XayDpN36bGKGvfbD")
        if tonumber(referenceUID) == nil or string.len(referenceUID) < 1 then
            triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Kod referencyjny jest nieprawidłowy.", "error", "reference")

    exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_accounts` (`login`, `password`, `email`, `serial`, `createIP`, `position`, `referencedPlayer`, `money`, `phoneBlocked`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '[[]]')", login, passwordHash(password, "bcrypt", {"salt"}), email, getPlayerSerial(client), getPlayerIP(client), settings.spawnPositions[math.random(1, #settings.spawnPositions)], referenceUID and referenceUID or false, referenceUID and 500 or 0)
    triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, false, "success", "accountCreate")
addEvent("registerAccount", true)
addEventHandler("registerAccount", resourceRoot, registerAccount)

function loginAccount(login, password)
    local performLogin = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID, password, username, tutorial FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `login` = ? LIMIT 1", login)
    if performLogin and performLogin[1] then
        if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then
            if isPlayerLogged(performLogin[1]["UID"]) then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Te konto jest już zalogowane.", "error") return end
            if checkBanAccount(performLogin[1]["UID"]) then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Te konto jest zbanowane i nie możesz się na nie zalogować.", "error") return end

            if performLogin[1].username then
                setPlayerName(client, performLogin[1].username)
            setElementData(client, "tempUID", performLogin[1].UID)
            exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE nl_accounts SET isOtrine = 1, lastOtrine = NOW() WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", performLogin[1].UID)

            triggerClientEvent(client, "loginPlayer", resourceRoot, performLogin[1].username, performLogin[1].tutorial)

            local serial = getPlayerSerial(client)
            local ip = getPlayerIP(client)
            exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_logs` (player, text, serial, ip, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", performLogin[1].UID, "Pomyślnie zalogowano na konto.", serial, ip, "login")
            exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE `nl_accounts` SET `lastOtrine` = NOW() WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1;", performLogin[1].UID)
            triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Wpisane hasło jest niepoprawne.", "error")
            exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_logs` (player, text, serial, ip, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", performLogin[1].UID, "Podano błędne hasło.", serial, ip, "login")
        triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Taki użytkownik nie istnieje.", "error")
addEvent("loginAccount", true)
addEventHandler("loginAccount", resourceRoot, loginAccount)

function checkPlayerPremium(UID)
    local rank = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT CASE WHEN `diamond` > NOW() THEN 'diamond' WHEN `gold` > NOW() THEN 'gold' ELSE NULL END as 'rank' FROM nl_accounts WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", UID)
    if rank and rank[1] then
        return rank[1].rank
    return false

function onLoadCharacterData(data, plrData)
    local client = data.plr
    removeElementData(client, "tempUID")
    setElementData(client, "characterUID", data.plrUID)

    local pos = split(data.respawnPos or plrData[1].position, ",")
    spawnPlayer(client, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], data.respawnRot or 0, 0, 0)
    setElementInterior(client, pos[4])
    setElementDimension(client, pos[5])

    setTimer(setElementRotation, 100, 1, client, 0, 0, data.respawnRot or 0)

    if tonumber(plrData[1].skin) ~= nil then
        setElementModel(client, tonumber(plrData[1].skin))
        setElementData(client, "customModel", nil)
        setElementModel(client, 0)
        setElementData(client, "customModel", tostring(plrData[1].skin))

    setElementHealth(client, tonumber(plrData[1].health))
    setPlayerName(client, plrData[1].username)

    local data = {
        skin = tostring(plrData[1].skin),
        premium = checkPlayerPremium(data.plrUID),
        money = plrData[1].money,
        licence = plrData[1].licence and fromJSON(plrData[1].licence) or {},
        bankcode = plrData[1].bankcode or false,
        enterTime = getTickCount()
    setElementData(client, "characterData", data)
    setElementData(client, "characterPoints", tonumber(plrData[1].jobPoints))

    local features = {}
    for i, v in pairs(split(plrData[1].features, ",")) do
        features[i] = tonumber(v)
    setElementData(client, "characterFeatures", features)

    setPedStat(client, 22, (features[2] or 0) * 10)
    setPedStat(client, 225, (features[2] or 0) * 10)

    if plrData[1].usernameRP then
        setElementData(client, "usernameRP", plrData[1].usernameRP)

    if plrData[1].ticketPrice then
        setElementData(client, "ticketPrice", tonumber(plrData[1].ticketPrice))

    if plrData[1].bwTime then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "openBW", resourceRoot, plrData[1].bwTime)
        triggerEvent("updatePlayerMask", resourceRoot, client)

    triggerEvent("setPlayerID", resourceRoot, client)
    triggerEvent("updatePlayerWeather", resourceRoot, client)
    triggerEvent("updatePlayerPhone", resourceRoot, client)
    triggerEvent("loadPlayerAchievements", resourceRoot, client)

    triggerClientEvent(client, "loadSpawnSelectCharacter", resourceRoot, tonumber(plrData[1].tutorial) == 1 and true or nil)
addEvent("onLoadCharacterData", true)
addEventHandler("onLoadCharacterData", root, onLoadCharacterData)

function spawnPlayerCharacter(respawnPos, respawnRot)
    if not client then return end
    local plrUID = getElementData(client, "tempUID")
    if not plrUID then return end

        callback = "onLoadCharacterData",
        plr = client,
        respawnPos = respawnPos,
        respawnRot = respawnRot,
        plrUID = plrUID,
    }, "SELECT username, usernameRP, skin, health, position, money, bankcode, licence, bwTime, ticketPrice, features, jobPoints FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", plrUID)
addEvent("spawnPlayerCharacter", true)
addEventHandler("spawnPlayerCharacter", root, spawnPlayerCharacter)

function loadPlayerData(plr, plrUID)
    if not plr or not plrUID then return end
    local plrData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT skin, money, licence FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", plrUID)

    local data = {
        skin = tonumber(plrData[1].skin),
        premium = checkPlayerPremium(plrUID),
        money = plrData[1].money,
        licence = plrData[1].licence and fromJSON(plrData[1].licence) or {},
        enterTime = getTickCount()

    setElementData(plr, "characterData", data)
addEvent("loadPlayerData", true)
addEventHandler("loadPlayerData", resourceRoot, loadPlayerData)

function updatePlayerOrganization(plr, plrUID)
    local orgPlr = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT nl_organizations.ID as ID, name, nl_organizations.type as type, moneyBonus, gangType FROM nl_organizations INNER JOIN nl_organizationsPlayers ON nl_organizations.ID = nl_organizationsPlayers.orgID WHERE playerUID = ? AND nl_organizations.removed IS NULL LIMIT 1", plrUID)
    if orgPlr and orgPlr[1] then
        setElementData(plr, "characterOrg", orgPlr[1].name)
        setElementData(plr, "characterOrgID", orgPlr[1].ID)
        setElementData(plr, "characterOrgType", orgPlr[1].type)
        setElementData(plr, "characterOrgMoneyPercent", orgPlr[1].moneyBonus)
        setElementData(plr, "characterGangType", orgPlr[1].gangType)
        removeElementData(plr, "characterOrg")
        removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgID")
        removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgType")
        removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgMoneyPercent")
        removeElementData(plr, "characterGangType")

-- Utils
function isPlayerLogged(uid)
    local isOtrine = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM nl_accounts WHERE `UID` = ? AND isOtrine IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", uid)
    if isOtrine and isOtrine[1] then
        return true
    return false

function checkUsernameFree(username)
    local isFree = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `username` = ? LIMIT 1", username)
    if isFree and isFree[1] then
        triggerClientEvent(client, "checkUsernameValid", resourceRoot, username)
        triggerClientEvent(client, "checkUsernameValid", resourceRoot, username, true)
addEvent("checkUsernameFree", true)
addEventHandler("checkUsernameFree", root, checkUsernameFree)

function setPlayerUsername(username)
    local uid = getElementData(client, "tempUID")
    if not uid then return end

    exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE `nl_accounts` SET username = ? WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", username, uid)

    triggerClientEvent(client, "loginPlayer", resourceRoot, username, true)
addEvent("setPlayerUsername", true)
addEventHandler("setPlayerUsername", root, setPlayerUsername)

function teaDecodeBinary(data, key)
    return base64Decode(teaDecode(data, key))

function openPlayerSpawnSelect()
    local uid = getElementData(client, "tempUID")
    if not uid then return end

	loadPlayerData(client, uid)
	updatePlayerOrganization(client, uid)

	local orgID = getElementData(client, "characterOrgID")
	local panelData = {}

    local playerData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT skin, position, bwTime, prisonData FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", uid)
	panelData.lastPos = playerData[1].position
	panelData.bwTime = playerData[1].bwTime

    if playerData[1].prisonData then
        local prisonData = fromJSON(playerData[1].prisonData)

        if prisonData then
            prisonData.position = exports.NL_jail:getFreePrizonPosition(prisonData.prisonIndex)
            panelData.prisonData = prisonData
            setElementData(client, "prisonIndex", tonumber(prisonData.prisonIndex))

    if orgID then
        local playerHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT pos, ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` WHERE (owner = ? OR ownedOrg = ?) AND date > NOW()", uid, orgID)
        panelData.houses = playerHouses
        local playerHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT pos, ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` WHERE owner = ? AND date > NOW()", uid)
        panelData.houses = playerHouses
    panelData.rentHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT nl_houses.pos, nl_houses.ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` LEFT JOIN nl_housesRent ON nl_houses.ID = nl_housesRent.houseID WHERE nl_housesRent.plrUID = ? AND nl_houses.date > NOW()", uid)

    local fractionData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT fractionID FROM `nl_fractionsPlayers` WHERE playerUID = ? LIMIT 1", uid)
    if fractionData and fractionData[1] then
        panelData.fractionID = fractionData[1].fractionID

    triggerClientEvent(client, "createSpawnSelect", resourceRoot, playerData[1].skin, panelData)
addEvent("openPlayerSpawnSelect", true)
addEventHandler("openPlayerSpawnSelect", root, openPlayerSpawnSelect)


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Spróbuj dodać:


pomiędzy (82-83 linijki):

    if performLogin and performLogin[1] then
        if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then

powinno to wyglądać tak:

    if performLogin and performLogin[1] then
        if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then

Podaj co ci wyskoczyło w DB3.

(W razie czego zmaż sobie hasło, byle było widać w jakim miejscu się ono znajduje wraz z przecinkami, nawiasami itd.)

Edited by GoodNight
Some corrections
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