Grzanek Posted October 29, 2021 Share Posted October 29, 2021 Panel logowania przy próbie rejestracji wyświetla komunikat o już istniejącym użytkowniku a przy próbie logowania wyświetla komunikat o błędnym haśle, baza danych podłączona nie tworzą się konta w bazie local settings = { spawnPositions = { [1] = "1722.05,-1710.48,13.5,0,0", [2] = "1718.54,-1712.46,13.5,0,0", [3] = "1725.54,-1712.46,13.5,0,0", }, coroutines = {} } function getUpdates(limit) local updates = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT text FROM `nl_updates` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT ?", limit + 5) if updates and updates[1] then triggerClientEvent(client, "updateLoginUpdates", resourceRoot, updates) else triggerClientEvent(client, "updateLoginUpdates", resourceRoot, {{text = "Nie udało się pobrać listy zmian"}}) end end addEvent("getUpdates", true) addEventHandler("getUpdates", resourceRoot, getUpdates) function getBanData() local banData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT ID, nl_accounts.username as username, nl_penalties.serial, reason, time, timeEnd, admin FROM `nl_penalties` LEFT JOIN nl_accounts ON nl_accounts.UID = nl_penalties.plrUID WHERE nl_penalties.serial = ? AND timeEnd > NOW() AND type = 'ban' AND takenBy IS NULL LIMIT 1", getPlayerSerial(client)) if banData and banData[1] then triggerClientEvent(client, "setPlayerBanData", resourceRoot, false, banData[1]) else triggerClientEvent(client, "setPlayerBanData", resourceRoot, false) end end addEvent("getBanData", true) addEventHandler("getBanData", resourceRoot, getBanData) function checkBanAccount(plrUID) if not username then return false end local banData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT ID FROM `nl_penalties` WHERE plrUID = ? AND timeEnd > NOW() AND type = 'ban' LIMIT 1", plrUID) if banData and banData[1] then return true end return false end function registerAccount(login, password, email, reference) local checkUsername = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `login` = ? LIMIT 1", login) if checkUsername and checkUsername[1] then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Użytkownik o takim loginie już istnieje.", "error") return end local serial = getPlayerSerial(client) local checkSerial = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `serial` = ? LIMIT 2", serial) if checkSerial and #checkSerial == 2 then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Wykorzystałeś już limit zakładania kont na jednym serialu (2).", "error") return end local checkEmail = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `email` = ? LIMIT 1", email) if checkEmail and checkEmail[1] then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Ten email jest już przypisany do jednego konta.", "error") return end local referenceUID = false if reference then referenceUID = teaDecodeBinary(reference, "XayDpN36bGKGvfbD") if tonumber(referenceUID) == nil or string.len(referenceUID) < 1 then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Kod referencyjny jest nieprawidłowy.", "error", "reference") return end end exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_accounts` (`login`, `password`, `email`, `serial`, `createIP`, `position`, `referencedPlayer`, `money`, `phoneBlocked`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '[[]]')", login, passwordHash(password, "bcrypt", {"salt"}), email, getPlayerSerial(client), getPlayerIP(client), settings.spawnPositions[math.random(1, #settings.spawnPositions)], referenceUID and referenceUID or false, referenceUID and 500 or 0) triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, false, "success", "accountCreate") end addEvent("registerAccount", true) addEventHandler("registerAccount", resourceRoot, registerAccount) function loginAccount(login, password) local performLogin = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID, password, username, tutorial FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `login` = ? LIMIT 1", login) if performLogin and performLogin[1] then if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then if isPlayerLogged(performLogin[1]["UID"]) then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Te konto jest już zalogowane.", "error") return end if checkBanAccount(performLogin[1]["UID"]) then triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Te konto jest zbanowane i nie możesz się na nie zalogować.", "error") return end if performLogin[1].username then setPlayerName(client, performLogin[1].username) end setElementData(client, "tempUID", performLogin[1].UID) exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE nl_accounts SET isOtrine = 1, lastOtrine = NOW() WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", performLogin[1].UID) triggerClientEvent(client, "loginPlayer", resourceRoot, performLogin[1].username, performLogin[1].tutorial) local serial = getPlayerSerial(client) local ip = getPlayerIP(client) exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_logs` (player, text, serial, ip, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", performLogin[1].UID, "Pomyślnie zalogowano na konto.", serial, ip, "login") exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE `nl_accounts` SET `lastOtrine` = NOW() WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1;", performLogin[1].UID) else triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Wpisane hasło jest niepoprawne.", "error") exports.NL_mysql:querry("INSERT INTO `nl_logs` (player, text, serial, ip, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", performLogin[1].UID, "Podano błędne hasło.", serial, ip, "login") end else triggerClientEvent(client, "loginResponseServer", resourceRoot, "Taki użytkownik nie istnieje.", "error") end end addEvent("loginAccount", true) addEventHandler("loginAccount", resourceRoot, loginAccount) function checkPlayerPremium(UID) local rank = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT CASE WHEN `diamond` > NOW() THEN 'diamond' WHEN `gold` > NOW() THEN 'gold' ELSE NULL END as 'rank' FROM nl_accounts WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", UID) if rank and rank[1] then return rank[1].rank end return false end function onLoadCharacterData(data, plrData) local client = data.plr removeElementData(client, "tempUID") setElementData(client, "characterUID", data.plrUID) local pos = split(data.respawnPos or plrData[1].position, ",") spawnPlayer(client, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], data.respawnRot or 0, 0, 0) setElementInterior(client, pos[4]) setElementDimension(client, pos[5]) setTimer(setElementRotation, 100, 1, client, 0, 0, data.respawnRot or 0) if tonumber(plrData[1].skin) ~= nil then setElementModel(client, tonumber(plrData[1].skin)) setElementData(client, "customModel", nil) else setElementModel(client, 0) setElementData(client, "customModel", tostring(plrData[1].skin)) end setElementHealth(client, tonumber(plrData[1].health)) setPlayerName(client, plrData[1].username) local data = { skin = tostring(plrData[1].skin), premium = checkPlayerPremium(data.plrUID), money = plrData[1].money, licence = plrData[1].licence and fromJSON(plrData[1].licence) or {}, bankcode = plrData[1].bankcode or false, enterTime = getTickCount() } setElementData(client, "characterData", data) setElementData(client, "characterPoints", tonumber(plrData[1].jobPoints)) local features = {} for i, v in pairs(split(plrData[1].features, ",")) do features[i] = tonumber(v) end setElementData(client, "characterFeatures", features) setPedStat(client, 22, (features[2] or 0) * 10) setPedStat(client, 225, (features[2] or 0) * 10) if plrData[1].usernameRP then setElementData(client, "usernameRP", plrData[1].usernameRP) end if plrData[1].ticketPrice then setElementData(client, "ticketPrice", tonumber(plrData[1].ticketPrice)) end if plrData[1].bwTime then triggerClientEvent(client, "openBW", resourceRoot, plrData[1].bwTime) else triggerEvent("updatePlayerMask", resourceRoot, client) end triggerEvent("setPlayerID", resourceRoot, client) triggerEvent("updatePlayerWeather", resourceRoot, client) triggerEvent("updatePlayerPhone", resourceRoot, client) triggerEvent("loadPlayerAchievements", resourceRoot, client) triggerClientEvent(client, "loadSpawnSelectCharacter", resourceRoot, tonumber(plrData[1].tutorial) == 1 and true or nil) end addEvent("onLoadCharacterData", true) addEventHandler("onLoadCharacterData", root, onLoadCharacterData) function spawnPlayerCharacter(respawnPos, respawnRot) if not client then return end local plrUID = getElementData(client, "tempUID") if not plrUID then return end exports.NL_mysql:querryAsync({ callback = "onLoadCharacterData", plr = client, respawnPos = respawnPos, respawnRot = respawnRot, plrUID = plrUID, }, "SELECT username, usernameRP, skin, health, position, money, bankcode, licence, bwTime, ticketPrice, features, jobPoints FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", plrUID) end addEvent("spawnPlayerCharacter", true) addEventHandler("spawnPlayerCharacter", root, spawnPlayerCharacter) function loadPlayerData(plr, plrUID) if not plr or not plrUID then return end local plrData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT skin, money, licence FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `UID` = ? LIMIT 1", plrUID) local data = { skin = tonumber(plrData[1].skin), premium = checkPlayerPremium(plrUID), money = plrData[1].money, licence = plrData[1].licence and fromJSON(plrData[1].licence) or {}, enterTime = getTickCount() } setElementData(plr, "characterData", data) end addEvent("loadPlayerData", true) addEventHandler("loadPlayerData", resourceRoot, loadPlayerData) function updatePlayerOrganization(plr, plrUID) local orgPlr = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT nl_organizations.ID as ID, name, nl_organizations.type as type, moneyBonus, gangType FROM nl_organizations INNER JOIN nl_organizationsPlayers ON nl_organizations.ID = nl_organizationsPlayers.orgID WHERE playerUID = ? AND nl_organizations.removed IS NULL LIMIT 1", plrUID) if orgPlr and orgPlr[1] then setElementData(plr, "characterOrg", orgPlr[1].name) setElementData(plr, "characterOrgID", orgPlr[1].ID) setElementData(plr, "characterOrgType", orgPlr[1].type) setElementData(plr, "characterOrgMoneyPercent", orgPlr[1].moneyBonus) setElementData(plr, "characterGangType", orgPlr[1].gangType) else removeElementData(plr, "characterOrg") removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgID") removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgType") removeElementData(plr, "characterOrgMoneyPercent") removeElementData(plr, "characterGangType") end end -- Utils function isPlayerLogged(uid) local isOtrine = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM nl_accounts WHERE `UID` = ? AND isOtrine IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", uid) if isOtrine and isOtrine[1] then return true end return false end function checkUsernameFree(username) local isFree = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT UID FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE `username` = ? LIMIT 1", username) if isFree and isFree[1] then triggerClientEvent(client, "checkUsernameValid", resourceRoot, username) else triggerClientEvent(client, "checkUsernameValid", resourceRoot, username, true) end end addEvent("checkUsernameFree", true) addEventHandler("checkUsernameFree", root, checkUsernameFree) function setPlayerUsername(username) local uid = getElementData(client, "tempUID") if not uid then return end exports.NL_mysql:querry("UPDATE `nl_accounts` SET username = ? WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", username, uid) triggerClientEvent(client, "loginPlayer", resourceRoot, username, true) end addEvent("setPlayerUsername", true) addEventHandler("setPlayerUsername", root, setPlayerUsername) function teaDecodeBinary(data, key) return base64Decode(teaDecode(data, key)) end function openPlayerSpawnSelect() local uid = getElementData(client, "tempUID") if not uid then return end loadPlayerData(client, uid) updatePlayerOrganization(client, uid) local orgID = getElementData(client, "characterOrgID") local panelData = {} local playerData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT skin, position, bwTime, prisonData FROM `nl_accounts` WHERE UID = ? LIMIT 1", uid) panelData.lastPos = playerData[1].position panelData.bwTime = playerData[1].bwTime if playerData[1].prisonData then local prisonData = fromJSON(playerData[1].prisonData) if prisonData then prisonData.position = exports.NL_jail:getFreePrizonPosition(prisonData.prisonIndex) panelData.prisonData = prisonData setElementData(client, "prisonIndex", tonumber(prisonData.prisonIndex)) end end if orgID then local playerHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT pos, ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` WHERE (owner = ? OR ownedOrg = ?) AND date > NOW()", uid, orgID) panelData.houses = playerHouses else local playerHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT pos, ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` WHERE owner = ? AND date > NOW()", uid) panelData.houses = playerHouses end panelData.rentHouses = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT nl_houses.pos, nl_houses.ownedOrg FROM `nl_houses` LEFT JOIN nl_housesRent ON nl_houses.ID = nl_housesRent.houseID WHERE nl_housesRent.plrUID = ? AND > NOW()", uid) local fractionData = exports.NL_mysql:querry("SELECT fractionID FROM `nl_fractionsPlayers` WHERE playerUID = ? LIMIT 1", uid) if fractionData and fractionData[1] then panelData.fractionID = fractionData[1].fractionID end triggerClientEvent(client, "createSpawnSelect", resourceRoot, playerData[1].skin, panelData) end addEvent("openPlayerSpawnSelect", true) addEventHandler("openPlayerSpawnSelect", root, openPlayerSpawnSelect) Link to comment
Grzanek Posted October 30, 2021 Author Share Posted October 30, 2021 Link to comment
GoodNight Posted October 31, 2021 Share Posted October 31, 2021 (edited) Spróbuj dodać: iprint(performLogin) pomiędzy (82-83 linijki): if performLogin and performLogin[1] then if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then powinno to wyglądać tak: if performLogin and performLogin[1] then iprint(performLogin) if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then Podaj co ci wyskoczyło w DB3. (W razie czego zmaż sobie hasło, byle było widać w jakim miejscu się ono znajduje wraz z przecinkami, nawiasami itd.) Edited October 31, 2021 by GoodNight Some corrections Link to comment
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