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If else not returning value


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I'm coming back with another question, I've been struggling for like 3 hours with this one. I'm trying to get an error message when I press the login button if username or password is incorrect. Maybe it's a typo but I can't find it. Here's the code:

Client Side


local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
local camerapos1 = Vector3(1324.3000488281, 231.19999694824, 19.10000038147)
local camerapos2 = Vector3(1473.5, 319.10000610352, 60)

function triggerLogin()
	setCameraMatrix(camerapos1, camerapos2)
		setPlayerHudComponentVisible('all', false)
	end, 1500, 1)
addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, triggerLogin)

function loginMenu()
	loginwindow = dgsCreateWindow((screenW - 317) / 2, (screenH - 371) / 2, 317, 371, "Bun venit pe server!", false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)
    dgsWindowSetMovable(loginwindow, false)
    dgsWindowSetSizable(loginwindow, false)

    loginedit1 = dgsCreateEdit(89, 65, 205, 33, "", false, loginwindow)
    loginedit2 = dgsCreateEdit(89, 122, 205, 33, "", false, loginwindow)
    dgsEditSetMasked(loginedit2, true)

    loginlabel1 = dgsCreateLabel(10, 68, 74, 30, "Username:", false, loginwindow)
    loginlabel2 = dgsCreateLabel(10, 125, 74, 30, "Password:", false, loginwindow)

    logintemplabel = dgsCreateLabel(20, 165, 281, 17, "", false, loginwindow)
    dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign(logintemplabel, "center", true)

    loginbutonlogin = dgsCreateButton(0, 305, 159, 41, "Logheaza-te", false, loginwindow)
    loginbutonregister = dgsCreateButton(159, 305, 158.5, 41, "Inregistreaza-te", false, loginwindow)

    addEventHandler('onDgsMouseClick', loginbutonregister, function(button, state)
        if button == "left" and state == "down" then
    end, false)

    addEventHandler('onDgsMouseClick', loginbutonlogin, function(button, state)
        if button == "left" and state == "down" then
    end, false)

function registerMenu()
    registerwindow = dgsCreateWindow((screenW - 317) / 2, (screenH - 371) / 2, 317, 371, "Bun venit pe server!", false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)
    dgsWindowSetMovable(registerwindow, false)
    dgsWindowSetSizable(registerwindow, false)

    registeredit1 = dgsCreateEdit(89, 65, 205, 33, "", false, registerwindow)
    registeredit2 = dgsCreateEdit(89, 122, 205, 33, "", false, registerwindow)
    registeredit3 = dgsCreateEdit(89, 180, 205, 33, "", false, registerwindow)
    dgsEditSetMasked(registeredit2, true)

    registerlabel1 = dgsCreateLabel(10, 68, 74, 30, "Username:", false, registerwindow)
    registerlabel2 = dgsCreateLabel(10, 125, 74, 30, "Password:", false, registerwindow)
    registerlabel3 = dgsCreateLabel(10, 183, 74, 30, "Email:", false, registerwindow)

    registerbutonlogin = dgsCreateButton(0, 305, 159, 41, "Logheaza-te", false, registerwindow)
    registerbutonregister = dgsCreateButton(159, 305, 158.5, 41, "Inregistreaza-te", false, registerwindow)

    registertemplabel = dgsCreateLabel(20, 223, 281, 17, "", false, registerwindow)
    dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign(registertemplabel, "center", true)

    addEventHandler('onDgsMouseClick', registerbutonlogin, function(button, state)
        if button == "left" and state == "down" then
    end, false)

    addEventHandler('onDgsMouseClick', registerbutonregister, function(button, state)
        if button == "left" and state == "down" then
    end, false)  

function validateRegisterData()
    local username = dgsGetText(registeredit1)
    local password = dgsGetText(registeredit2)
    local email = dgsGetText(registeredit3)

    if username == "" or password == "" or email == "" then
        dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
        dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Completeaza toate spatiile!")
        return false

    if string.len(username) < 3 then
        dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
        dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Numele trebuie sa fie mai mare de 3 caractere!")
        return false
    elseif string.len(password) < 6 then
        dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
        dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Parola trebuie sa fie mai mare de 6 caractere!")
        return false
    elseif email == "" then
        dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
        dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Introduce un email!")
        return false

    triggerServerEvent("account:register", localPlayer, localPlayer, username, password, email)

addEvent('account:alreadyname', true)
addEventHandler('account:alreadyname', root, function()
    dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
    dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Un cont cu acest nume exista deja!")

addEvent('account:succesfulregister', true)
addEventHandler('account:succesfulregister', root, function()
    dgsLabelSetColor(registertemplabel, 100, 255, 100, 255)
    dgsSetText(registertemplabel, "Contul a fost creat cu succes!")

function validateLoginData()
    local username = dgsGetText(loginedit1)
    local password = dgsGetText(loginedit2)

    if username == "" or password == "" then
        dgsLabelSetColor(logintemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
        dgsSetText(logintemplabel, "Completeaza toate spatiile!")
        return false

    triggerServerEvent("account:login", localPlayer, localPlayer, username, password)

addEvent('account:noaccount', true)
addEventHandler('account:noaccount', root, function()
    dgsLabelSetColor(logintemplabel, 255, 100, 100, 255)
    dgsSetText(logintemplabel, "Nu exista acest cont!")

addEvent('account:succesfullogin', true)
addEventHandler('account:succesfullogin', root, function()
    dgsLabelSetColor(logintemplabel, 100, 255, 100, 255)
    dgsSetText(logintemplabel, "Ai fost logat cu succes!")

addEvent('account:switchcamera', true)
addEventHandler('account:switchcamera', root, function()
        setPlayerHudComponentVisible('all', true)
        setCameraTarget(localPlayer, localPlayer)
    end, 3000, 1)


Server Side

local db = exports.mysqlconnection:getConnection()

addEvent("account:register", true)
addEventHandler("account:register", root, function(thePlayer, username, password, email)
	if not username or not password then return false end
	local queryCheck = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `username` = '" .. username .. "'")
	local result = dbPoll(queryCheck, -1)

	if #result > 0 then
		return triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "account:alreadyname", thePlayer)

	local playerIp = getPlayerIP(thePlayer)
	local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial(thePlayer)
	local passHash = passwordHash(password, "bcrypt", {})
	dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO `accounts` (`username`, `password`, `ip`, `serial`, `email`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", username, passHash, playerIp, playerSerial, email)
	triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:succesfulregister', thePlayer)

addEvent("account:login", true)
addEventHandler("account:login", root, function(thePlayer, username, password)
	if not username or not password then return false end
	local queryCheck = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `username` = '" .. username .. "'")
	local result = dbPoll(queryCheck, -1)
	if result then
		for k, row in ipairs(result) do
			local hashedPassword = row["password"]
			if passwordVerify(password, hashedPassword) then
				triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:succesfullogin', thePlayer)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "account:id", row["id"])
				setElementData(thePlayer, "account:username", row["username"])
				setElementData(thePlayer, "account:email", row["email"])
				setElementData(thePlayer, "account:ip", row["ip"])
				setElementData(thePlayer, "account:serial", row["serial"])
					spawnPlayer(thePlayer, 1245.1999511719, 332.5, 19.200000762939)
					triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:switchcamera', thePlayer)
				end, 2900, 1)
		--this is where I dont get anything in return (tried putting outputconsole of an error message but i dont get that either)
		return triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:noaccount', thePlayer)


Red area is where dgs label should appear. All other labels work.


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2 minutes ago, The_GTA said:

Have you tried putting in a username that does not exist? Your code does only seem to send a client event if no such user exists.

yes, that's what im testing it with. I want the code to trigger 'account:noaccount' when no such username is found.

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6 minutes ago, Quebec said:

yes, that's what im testing it with. I want the code to trigger 'account:noaccount' when no such username is found.

Please take a look at the Wiki page of the dbPoll function. There it says that it does return a table of results if the poll was successful but it returns false or nil if an API or connection error occured. From the effects that you are seeing, the dbPoll request is successful but empty. Please try this code instead:

addEvent("account:login", true)
addEventHandler("account:login", root, function(thePlayer, username, password)
    if not username or not password then return false end
    local queryCheck = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `username` = '" .. username .. "'")
    local result = dbPoll(queryCheck, -1)
    if result then
        for k,row in ipairs(result) do
            local hashedPassword = row["password"]
            if passwordVerify(password, hashedPassword) then
                triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:succesfullogin', thePlayer)
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:id", row["id"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:username", row["username"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:email", row["email"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:ip", row["ip"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:serial", row["serial"])
                    spawnPlayer(thePlayer, 1245.1999511719, 332.5, 19.200000762939)
                    triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:switchcamera', thePlayer)
                end, 2900, 1)
        triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:noaccount', thePlayer)
        print("database error");
        --this is where I dont get anything in return (tried putting outputconsole of an error message but i dont get that either)


  • Thanks 1
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5 minutes ago, The_GTA said:

Please take a look at the Wiki page of the dbPoll function. There it says that it does return a table of results if the poll was successful but it returns false or nil if an API or connection error occured. From the effects that you are seeing, the dbPoll request is successful but empty. Please try this code instead:

addEvent("account:login", true)
addEventHandler("account:login", root, function(thePlayer, username, password)
    if not username or not password then return false end
    local queryCheck = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `username` = '" .. username .. "'")
    local result = dbPoll(queryCheck, -1)
    if result then
        for k,row in ipairs(result) do
            local hashedPassword = row["password"]
            if passwordVerify(password, hashedPassword) then
                triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:succesfullogin', thePlayer)
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:id", row["id"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:username", row["username"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:email", row["email"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:ip", row["ip"])
                setElementData(thePlayer, "account:serial", row["serial"])
                    spawnPlayer(thePlayer, 1245.1999511719, 332.5, 19.200000762939)
                    triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:switchcamera', thePlayer)
                end, 2900, 1)
        triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, 'account:noaccount', thePlayer)
        print("database error");
        --this is where I dont get anything in return (tried putting outputconsole of an error message but i dont get that either)


This actually works! Thanks man! But I really want to understand the issue if you don't mind... so when I put a non existing username the "if result then" statement was true because i got an empty table and it ran the for loop?

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Just now, Quebec said:

This actually works! Thanks man! But I really want to understand the issue if you don't mind... so when I put a non existing username the "if result then" statement was true because i got an empty table and it ran the for loop?

Yes. An empty database result is returned as an empty table. There is no connection error so dbPoll does not return false. You are using the API correctly, too (besides the -1 for dbPoll which is a freeze-hazard for your server).

  • Like 1
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1 minute ago, The_GTA said:

Yes. An empty database result is returned as an empty table. There is no connection error so dbPoll does not return false. You are using the API correctly, too (besides the -1 for dbPoll which is a freeze-hazard for your server).

-1 for dbPoll can cause freeze on the server? should I give an actual value in miliseconds rather than -1?

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Just now, Quebec said:

-1 for dbPoll can cause freeze on the server? should I give an actual value in miliseconds rather than -1?

Yes. I recommend you to put a realistic value like 5000 milliseconds. If it takes longer than that then there is some serious trouble going on inside of your database server.

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Just now, The_GTA said:

Yes. I recommend you to put a realistic value like 5000 milliseconds. If it takes longer than that then there is some serious trouble going on inside of your database server.

Alright, thank you for the tip! You've helped me a lot. :D

  • Like 1
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12 hours ago, Quebec said:

-1 for dbPoll can cause freeze on the server? should I give an actual value in miliseconds rather than -1?

You could use callbacks to avoid that

an example from the wiki:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "sql.db")

function onServerCallback(queryHandler, extraData)
	local queryResult = dbPoll(queryHandler, 0)


	if type(queryResult) == "table" then
		print("queryResult == table")

		if #queryResult > 0 then
			print("#queryResult > 0")
			print("#queryResult == 0")
		print("queryResult ~= table")

dbQuery(onServerCallback, {"Extra data :)"}, dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE `playerName` = ?", "playerName")


  • Like 2
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4 hours ago, RocKyz said:

You could use callbacks to avoid that

an example from the wiki:

local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "sql.db")

function onServerCallback(queryHandler, extraData)
	local queryResult = dbPoll(queryHandler, 0)


	if type(queryResult) == "table" then
		print("queryResult == table")

		if #queryResult > 0 then
			print("#queryResult > 0")
			print("#queryResult == 0")
		print("queryResult ~= table")

dbQuery(onServerCallback, {"Extra data :)"}, dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE `playerName` = ?", "playerName")


Oh, thanks. Will keep that in mind!

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