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-GR- Clan

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Gamers Redemption (-GR-)

Hello i am P.H.Thunder Commander from the squad room GTA SA we have a multiplaying game and we are looking for active players in the games that we have on GTA SA we have GTAT and MTA:SA. Here is the history of our clan

GR was founded on August 2001 known then as I-C (International Commandos) by [GR]Kronos

(-IC-Leader back then)

I-C was founded to provide a cheat free, hack free, fun gaming environment for all people who like to play

different types of games, thus making us a Multi Game Playing clan.

I-C provided an establishment for many gamers who played on several different types of games until I-C

merged with a clan known as -DR- (Death Row Assassins). -DR- consisted of many members and

several different leaders. With different leaders, comes dissagreements and thats just what happened.

DR then broke up because of this, most of the old I-C members broke off -DR-, leaving only a few

members to sustain it. -DR- plodded along, recruiting a small ammount of members before finaly

collapsing due to the high upkeep costs.

The old I-C clan ran just as it normaly did, bar a few members that stayed with DR, and it didnt seem to

be going anywhere.

I-C was falling, it needed more active members, and in this time of need [GR]Server557 returned back to

I-C. [GR]Kronos and [GR]Server557 decided to take I-C into a new eira. In this eira, [GR] was born.

The newly established [GR] started a fresh, leaving the misery of I-C behind. [GR] consisted of several

differently skilled members. These members put hard work into making [GR] what it is today and will

continiue doing so untill the end.

[GR] still has the same objectives as I-C did, to provide a Cheat Free, Hack Free, Fun gaming environment

for members of all ages.

The games we have are this games and there comes many more if ppl want that the games are: GTA SA, CSS, HL2, Darkthrone, C&C Renegade and if you see a game there isnt in you may say that you like to lead it and now how to get members to the clan thene you must take a look at it.

So Join -GR- now here http://www.inter-com.ath.cx


with regard from -GR-P.H.Thunder

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