FrancoNicolas Posted June 15, 2021 Share Posted June 15, 2021 (edited) Hola gente tengo este resource funcionando el unico problema es que falta el Server.Lua porque cuando activo los 2 script se le va el sonido a los autos y el comando /turbo y /corte no funcionan les agradeceria si me pudieran dar una mano con esto!!... Este es el Client.lua del script SonidosBySantaFe estaria faltando el Server.lua de este script ENGINE_ENABLED = true ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER = 0.15 -- mnożnik głośności ENGINE_VOLUME_THROTTLE_BOOST = 2.5 -- podgłośnienie dźwięków gdy wciskamy przepustnice (mnożnik) ENGINE_SOUND_FADE_DIMENSION = 6969 -- do jakeigo dima przenosic gdy dzwieki ni sa uzywane ENGINE_SOUND_DISTANCE = 80 DEBUG = false -- pozycje wybuchów z wydechów local als = { [411] = { {0.3, -2.5, -0.45}, {-0.3, -2.5, -0.45}, }, [451] = { {0, -2.5, -0.35}, }, } local streamedVehicles = {} local pi = math.pi function calculateGearRatios(vehicle, maxRPM, startRatio) local ratios = {} local handling = getVehicleHandling(vehicle) local gears = math.max(4, handling.numberOfGears) local maxVelocity = handling.maxVelocity local acc = handling.engineAcceleration local drag = handling.dragCoeff --local c = ((acc*maxVelocity) / maxRPM)*(maxRPM*0.00175) --local c = startRatio or ((acc / drag / maxVelocity) * pi) * 20 local curGear, curRatio = 1, 0 local mRPM = maxVelocity * 100 mRPM = ((maxRPM*gears)/mRPM)*maxRPM repeat if mRPM/curGear > maxRPM*curRatio then curRatio = curRatio+0.1/curGear else ratios[curGear] = curRatio*0.95 curGear = curGear+1 curRatio = 0 end until #ratios == gears ratios[0] = 0 ratios[-1] = ratios[1] --[[ ratios[0] = 0 for gear=1, gears do if gear > 1 then c = c - c*(gear*0.02) end ratios[gear] = (c / gear) end ratios[-1] = ratios[1] --]] return ratios end function updateEngines(dt) if not ENGINE_ENABLED then return end local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if myVehicle and getVehicleController(myVehicle) ~= localPlayer then myVehicle = false end local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix() local now = getTickCount() -- update silników for vehicle, data in pairs(streamedVehicles) do if isElement(vehicle) then local engine = getElementData(vehicle, "vehicle:engine") if engine then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation (vehicle) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, cx, cy, cz) if getVehicleEngineState(vehicle) == true and distance < ENGINE_SOUND_DISTANCE*2 then local model = getElementModel(vehicle) local handling = getVehicleHandling(vehicle) local velocityVec = Vector3(getElementVelocity(vehicle)) local velocity = velocityVec.length * 180 local controller = getVehicleController(vehicle) local upgrades = getElementData(vehicle, "vehicle:upgrades") or {} -- dane o silniku engine.gear = engine.gear or 1 engine.turbo = upgrades.turbo engine.turbo_shifts = upgrades.turbo engine.volMult = engine.volMult or 1 engine.shiftUpRPM = engine.shiftUpRPM or engine.maxRPM*0.91 engine.shiftDownRPM = engine.shiftDownRPM or (engine.idleRPM+engine.maxRPM)/2.5 -- dodatkowe dane indywidualne dla kazdego klienta data.prevThrottle = data.throttle data.throttle = controller and (getPedControlState(controller, "accelerate")) if not data.reverse and velocity < 10 then data.reverse = controller and (getPedAnalogControlState(controller, "brake_reverse") > 0.5)or false elseif data.throttle and velocity < 50 then data.reverse = false end local isSkidding = controller and ( ( getPedControlState(controller, "accelerate") and getPedControlState(controller, "brake_reverse") or getPedControlState(controller, "handbrake") ) and velocity < 40 ) or false data.forceNeutral = isSkidding -- jeśli trzymamy w i s lub ręczny stojąc w miejscu odpalamy neutrala or (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x, y, z-(getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(vehicle)*1.25), true, false, false, true, true, false, false, vehicle) and data.throttle) -- jeśli auto jest w powietrzu odpalamy neutrala or isElementFrozen(vehicle) or isElementInWater(vehicle) -- jeśli zamrożony albo w wodzie odpalamy neutrala or (( rx > 110 ) and ( rx < 250 )) -- jeśli pojazd jest obrócony odpalamy neutrala data.groundRPM = data.groundRPM or 0 data.throttlingRPM = data.throttlingRPM or 0 data.previousGear = data.previousGear or engine.gear data.gear = data.gear or 1 data.currentGear = data.currentGear or 1 data.changingGear = type(data.changingGear) == "number" and data.changingGear or false data.changingRPM = data.changingRPM or 0 data.changingTargetRPM = data.changingTargetRPM or 0 data.turboValue = data.turboValue or 0 data.prevTurboValue = data.turboValue data.als = upgrades.als or false data.effects = data.effects or {} local changedGear = false local gearRatios = calculateGearRatios(vehicle, engine.maxRPM, engine.startRatio or 1) local soundPack = engine.soundPack local wheel_rpm = velocity*100 local rpm = wheel_rpm -- rpmy silnika --if data.reverse then --data.currentGear = -1 --end -- liczenie rpm + neutral if getVehicleController(vehicle) then rpm = rpm*gearRatios[data.gear] else rpm = engine.idleRPM end if not data.forceNeutral then data.throttlingRPM = math.max(0, data.throttlingRPM - (engine.maxRPM*0.0012)*dt) else if data.throttle then data.throttlingRPM = data.throttlingRPM + (engine.maxRPM*0.0012)*dt else data.throttlingRPM = math.max(0, data.throttlingRPM - (engine.maxRPM*0.0012)*dt) end data.throttlingRPM = math.min(data.throttlingRPM, engine.maxRPM) end rpm = rpm+data.throttlingRPM -- płynna zmiana obrotów rpm = rpm+data.changingRPM if data.changingGear then local progress = (now-data.changingTargetRPM.time) / 300 -- czas płynnej zmiany obrotów data.changingRPM = interpolateBetween(, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, progress, "InQuad") if progress >= 1 then data.changingGear = false data.changingGearDirection = false data.changingRPM = 0 data.changingTargetRPM = false end end if data.previousGear ~= data.currentGear then changedGear = (data.currentGear < data.previousGear) and "down" or "up" data.changingGear = data.currentGear data.changingGearDirection = changedGear local nextrpm = engine.maxRPM if gearRatios[data.changingGear] then nextrpm = wheel_rpm*gearRatios[data.changingGear] end data.changingRPM = rpm-nextrpm data.changingTargetRPM = {target=data.changingRPM, time=now} data.gear = data.currentGear data.turboValue = 0 end -- aktualizacja poprzedniego biegu data.previousGear = data.currentGear -- zmiana biegów if not data.changingGear and data.throttlingRPM == 0 and wheel_rpm > 200 then if rpm > engine.shiftUpRPM and data.throttle then data.currentGear = math.min(data.currentGear+1, math.max(4, getVehicleHandling(vehicle).numberOfGears)) elseif rpm < engine.shiftDownRPM then data.currentGear = math.max(1, data.currentGear-1) end end -- limitowanie rpm if rpm < engine.idleRPM then rpm = engine.idleRPM+math.random(0,100) elseif rpm > engine.maxRPM then rpm = engine.maxRPM-math.random(0,100) data.wasRevLimited = true end -- ALS if data.wasRevLimited then -- jeśli gazujemy if (data.rpm or 0) < engine.maxRPM*0.98 then data.wasRevLimited = false if data.als then data.activeALS = true end end else if changedGear == "up" and math.random(1, 4) == 1 then -- losowo przy zmianie biegów if data.als then data.activeALS = true end elseif data.prevThrottle and not data.throttle and data.rpm > engine.maxRPM*0.5 and math.random(1, 2) == 1 then if data.als then data.activeALS = true end end end -- zapisujemy rpmy data.rpm = rpm -- turbo if engine.turbo then if data.throttle and rpm > engine.maxRPM/2 then data.turboValue = math.min(0.5, data.turboValue+ 0.0008*dt) else data.turboValue = math.max(0, data.turboValue - 0.0005*dt) end end -- dźwięki local svol = {} if not data.sounds then data.sounds = {} data.sounds[1] = playSound3D("sounds/"..soundPack.."/1.wav", x, y, z, true) data.sounds[2] = playSound3D("sounds/"..soundPack.."/2.wav", x, y, z, true) data.sounds[3] = playSound3D("sounds/"..soundPack.."/3.wav", x, y, z, true) data.sounds[4] = playSound3D("sounds/turbo.wav", x, y, z, true) for i=1, 3 do setSoundEffectEnabled(data.sounds, "compressor", true) end else -- silnik local minMidProgress = math.min(1, (rpm+500)/(engine.maxRPM/2)) local maxMidProgress = minMidProgress - ((engine.maxRPM/2)/rpm) local highProgress = (rpm-(engine.maxRPM/2.2))/(engine.maxRPM/2.2) svol[1] = 1 - 2^(rpm/(engine.idleRPM*1.5) - 2) svol[2] = minMidProgress < 1 and interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, minMidProgress, "InQuad") or interpolateBetween(0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, maxMidProgress, "OutQuad") svol[3] = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, highProgress, "OutQuad") local vol = svol[1] vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER*engine.volMult if data.throttle then vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_THROTTLE_BOOST end setSoundVolume(data.sounds[1], math.max(0, vol)) setSoundSpeed(data.sounds[2], rpm/(engine.idleRPM*2)) local vol = svol[2] vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER*engine.volMult if data.throttle then vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_THROTTLE_BOOST end if data.changingGearDirection == "up" and vol > 0.1 then vol = vol/2 end setSoundVolume(data.sounds[2], math.max(0, vol)) setSoundSpeed(data.sounds[2], rpm/(engine.maxRPM*0.6)) local vol = svol[3] vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER*engine.volMult if data.throttle then vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_THROTTLE_BOOST end if data.changingGearDirection == "up" and vol > 0.1 then vol = vol/2 end setSoundVolume(data.sounds[3], math.max(0, vol)) setSoundSpeed(data.sounds[3], rpm/(engine.maxRPM*0.925)) svol[4] = data.turboValue local vol = svol[4]*ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER if data.throttle then vol = vol*ENGINE_VOLUME_THROTTLE_BOOST end setSoundVolume(data.sounds[4], math.max(0, vol*0.9)) setSoundSpeed(data.sounds[4], svol[4]+0.8) if ((changedGear == "up" and data.prevTurboValue > 0.2) or (not data.throttle and data.prevTurboValue > 0.2)) and engine.turbo_shifts then local sound = 1 if changedGear then sound = changedGear and changedGear == "up" and tostring(2) or tostring(1) end data.sounds[5] = playSound3D("sounds/turbo_shift"..sound..".wav", x, y, z, false) setSoundVolume(data.sounds[5], 0.6*ENGINE_VOLUME_MASTER) if not data.throttle then data.turboValue = 0 end end if data.activeALS and not isElement(data.sounds[6]) then data.sounds[6] = playSound3D("sounds/als"..math.random(1, 13)..".wav", x, y, z, false) setSoundVolume(data.sounds[6], 0.8) setSoundSpeed(data.sounds[6], 1.1) --setSoundEffectEnabled(data.sounds[6], "reverb", true) setSoundEffectEnabled(data.sounds[6], "echo", true) setSoundEffectEnabled(data.sounds[6], "compressor", true) for _, offset in ipairs((als[model] or {})) do local ef = createEffect("gunflash", x, y, z, 0, 0, 0) setEffectSpeed(ef, 0.25) setEffectDensity(ef, 2) data.effects[ef] = {offset[1], offset[2], offset[3], 90, 0, 180} setTimer(function() data.effects[ef] = nil destroyElement(ef) end, 1000, 1) end data.activeALS = false end for i=1, #data.sounds do local v = data.sounds if isElement(v) then setElementPosition(v, x, y, z) setElementDimension(v, (svol or 1) > 0 and getElementDimension(vehicle) or ENGINE_SOUND_FADE_DIMENSION) if vehicle == getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then setSoundMaxDistance(v, ENGINE_SOUND_DISTANCE*2) else setSoundMaxDistance(v, ENGINE_SOUND_DISTANCE) end end end local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) for ef, offset in pairs(data.effects) do if isElement(ef) then local ox, oy, oz = getPositionFromElementOffset(vehicle, offset[1], offset[2], offset[3]) setElementPosition(ef, ox, oy, oz) setElementRotation(ef, offset[4]-rx, offset[5]-ry, offset[6]-rz) end end end -- prowadzimy pojazd: możemy go aktualizować if DEBUG and vehicle == myVehicle then dxDrawText("Silnik\nTyp: "..tostring("\nRPM: "..tostring(rpm).."\nVol1: "..tostring(svol[1]).."\nVol2: "..tostring(svol[2]).."\nVol3: "..tostring(svol[3]).."\nTurboVol: "..tostring(svol[4]), 300, 300) local t = "Biegi\nBieg: "..tostring(data.gear).."/"..tostring(#gearRatios).."\n" for k, v in ipairs(gearRatios) do t = t.."Ratio "..tostring(k)..": "..v.."\n" end dxDrawText(t, 300, 440) end else if data.sounds then for k, v in ipairs(data.sounds) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) end end data.sounds = false end data.rpm = 0 data.gear = 1 data.previousGear = 0 end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateEngines) function streamInVehicle(vehicle) if not streamedVehicles[vehicle] then if isElement(vehicle) and getElementData(vehicle, "vehicle:engine") then streamedVehicles[vehicle] = {} addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", vehicle, function() streamOutVehicle(source) end) end end end function streamOutVehicle(vehicle) if streamedVehicles[vehicle] then if streamedVehicles[vehicle].sounds then for k, v in ipairs(streamedVehicles[vehicle].sounds) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) end end end streamedVehicles[vehicle] = nil end end function toggleGTAEngineSounds(bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(7, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(8, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(9, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(10, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(11, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(12, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(13, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(14, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(15, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(16, bool) setWorldSoundEnabled(40, bool) end function getGTARPM(vehicle) if (vehicle) then local velocityVec = Vector3(getElementVelocity(vehicle)) local velocity = velocityVec.length * 180 if (isVehicleOnGround(vehicle)) then if (getVehicleEngineState(vehicle) == true) then if(getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle) > 0) then vehicleRPM = math.floor(((velocity/getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle))*150) + 0.5) if (vehicleRPM < 650) then vehicleRPM = math.random(650, 750) elseif (vehicleRPM >= 8000) then vehicleRPM = 8000 end else vehicleRPM = math.floor(((velocity/1)*220) + 0.5) if (vehicleRPM < 650) then vehicleRPM = math.random(650, 750) elseif (vehicleRPM >= 8000) then vehicleRPM = 8000 end end else vehicleRPM = 0 end else if (getVehicleEngineState(vehicle) == true) then vehicleRPM = vehicleRPM - 150 if (vehicleRPM < 650) then vehicleRPM = math.random(650, 750) elseif (vehicleRPM >= 8000) then vehicleRPM = 8000 end else vehicleRPM = 0 end end return tonumber(vehicleRPM) else return 0 end end -- EKSPORT function getVehicleRPM(vehicle) if streamedVehicles[vehicle] then return streamedVehicles[vehicle].rpm or getGTARPM(vehicle) else return getGTARPM(vehicle) end end function getVehicleGear(vehicle) if streamedVehicles[vehicle] then return streamedVehicles[vehicle].gear or getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle) else return getVehicleCurrentGear(vehicle) end end function toggleEngines(bool) ENGINE_ENABLED = bool toggleGTAEngineSounds(not ENGINE_ENABLED) if bool == true then -- wczytanie zestreamowanych aut w pobliżu for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle", root, true)) do streamInVehicle(v) end else for vehicle, data in pairs(streamedVehicles) do streamOutVehicle(vehicle) end streamedVehicles = {} end end -- eventy addEvent("onClientRefreshEngineSounds", true) addEventHandler("onClientRefreshEngineSounds", root, function() for _, v in pairs(streamedVehicles) do for _, sound in pairs(v.sounds or {}) do if isElement(sound) then stopSound(sound) end end v.sounds = nil end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then streamInVehicle(source) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", root, function() streamOutVehicle(source) end ) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root, function(player, seat) if seat == 0 then setTimer(streamInVehicle, 200, 1, source) end end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() toggleEngines(true) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in pairs(streamedVehicles) do if v.sounds and #v.sounds > 0 then for _, sound in pairs(v.sounds) do if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) end end end end toggleGTAEngineSounds(true) end) function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ) local m = getElementMatrix ( element ) -- Get the matrix local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1] -- Apply transform local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2] local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3] return x, y, z -- Return the transformed point end Edited June 15, 2021 by FrancoNicolas Link to comment
alex17" Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 si te falta el server.lua me das a pensar que dicho script es robado y acá nadie te ayudará con algo que no es tuyo Link to comment
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