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Duplicate a message

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function duty(thePlayer)
	local jobs = getElementsByType("marker")
	for index, jobs in pairs(jobs) do
	local checkjob = getElementByID("1")
	local checkjob2 = getElementByID("2")
    if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, jobs) then
		if jobs == checkjob then
        outputChatBox("1 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
		elseif jobs == checkjob2 then
        outputChatBox("2 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
	outputChatBox("not marker", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)

Everything works as I want, but there is one nuance.

If the player is outside the markers, then the message is duplicated. I guess this is because 2 markers were created, so 2 message. How to fix it? What would be one message


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You don't need to use loop since you already got the elements (markers) by ID. So you just check if the player is within them.

function duty(thePlayer)
	local checkjob = getElementByID("1")
	local checkjob2 = getElementByID("2")

   	if type(checkjob) == "marker" and type(checkjob) == "marker" then -- just to be sure they are markers
   		if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob) then
			outputChatBox("1 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
		elseif isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob2) then
			outputChatBox("2 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
			outputChatBox("not marker", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)


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On 15/06/2021 at 09:05, SpecT said:

You don't need to use loop since you already got the elements (markers) by ID. So you just check if the player is within them.

function duty(thePlayer)
	local checkjob = getElementByID("1")
	local checkjob2 = getElementByID("2")

   	if type(checkjob) == "marker" and type(checkjob) == "marker" then -- just to be sure they are markers
   		if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob) then
			outputChatBox("1 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
		elseif isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob2) then
			outputChatBox("2 job", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
			outputChatBox("not marker", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)


Okay, but how to convert this code if adding "setElementID" without code

I mean, no code editing like this:

local checkjob = getElementByID("1")
local checkjob2 = getElementByID("2")
local checkjob3 = getElementByID("3")
local checkjob4 = getElementByID("4")
local checkjob5 = getElementByID("5")
local checkjob6 = getElementByID("6")
local checkjob7 = getElementByID("7")
local checkjob8 = getElementByID("8")
local checkjob9 = getElementByID("9")

I made the creation of these objects through the game, but how can I make the correct check for this.

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or let's do it differently

function duty(thePlayer)
local marker = getElementsByType("marker")
for i, marx in pairs(marker) do
local id = getElementID(marx)
outputChatBox(id, thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)

Let's say we have 2 markers with ElementID


1) ElementID("1")

2) ElementID("2")

How can I correctly implement a check for an element id ?

use this:

-- or

There should be something similar to the code above, but without using(if there are more objects):

local checkjob = getElementByID("1")
local checkjob2 = getElementByID("2")
local checkjob3 = getElementByID("3")
local checkjob4 = getElementByID("4")
local checkjob5 = getElementByID("5")
local checkjob6 = getElementByID("6")
local checkjob7 = getElementByID("7")
local checkjob8 = getElementByID("8")
local checkjob9 = getElementByID("9")


The idea is that when a player steps on a marker and writes a command, a message appears with a element ID

Edited by oggygod
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Well, you will need to use tables when it comes to more elements (jobs).

I don't know maybe something like this ?

function duty(thePlayer)
	local jobsCount = 10
	local foundJob = false

	for i=1, jobsCount do
		local checkjob = getElementByID(tostring(i))

   		if type(checkjob) == "marker" then
   			if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob) then
				outputChatBox("this marker is for job number "..i, thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
				foundJob = true
				break -- if it finds the marker the player is in => stop the loop
	if not foundJob then
		outputChatBox("not within a marker", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)


Edited by SpecT
removed the duplicated "type" check;
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42 minutes ago, SpecT said:

Well, you will need to use tables when it comes to more elements (jobs).

I don't know maybe something like this ?

function duty(thePlayer)
	local jobsCount = 10
	local foundJob = false

	for i=1, jobsCount do
		local checkjob = getElementByID(tostring(i))

   		if type(checkjob) == "marker" and type(checkjob) == "marker" then
   			if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, checkjob) then
				outputChatBox("this marker is for job number "..i, thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 
				foundJob = true
				break -- if it finds the marker the player is in => stop the loop
	if not foundJob then
		outputChatBox("not within a marker", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("duty", duty)


Exactly what is needed. This will help me. Thank you so much

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