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How to press a button with using a command?

I mean, not an ordinary click on the gui (onClientGUIClick) when the player presses the button.

I mean how to do with 


to make the button click



addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function()
	if source == button1 then
	outputChatBox ("HI", 231,217,176,false )

function zxcs()
-- text for using button 
addEvent("zxcs", true)
addEventHandler( "zxcs", localPlayer, zxcs )
addCommandHandler ( "z", zxcs )

I want when the player writes in the chat /z 

the button must be pressed

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local myButton = -- your button code
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", myButton, myFunction, false) -- this event call the function when the button is clicked

function myFunction()
  -- what to do when the button is clicked

addCommandHandler ( "z", myFunction )


Edited by Spakye
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14 minutes ago, Spakye said:

local myButton = -- your button code
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", myButton, myFunction, false) -- this event call the function when the button is clicked

function myFunction()
  -- what to do when the button is clicked

addCommandHandler ( "z", myFunction )


local mybutton = guiCreateButton(1000, 200, 75, 30, "ACC", false) 

function myFunction()
outputChatBox ("test", 231,217,176,false )

I misunderstood something?

Using the command /z I get the text in the chat (test)

but when I press the button. Nothing happens

I just wrote a button click differently in the code(1 post in this topic), and now I don't know how to write it correctly.

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2 minutes ago, Spakye said:

I tried the code and i have an error, the problem is the function comes after the handler, place the function before.

OK, thank you. Everything works with your code.

But I'm trying to use my button, which is in another window, and I can't get it to work.

function window()
		window = guiCreateWindow((sW - 406) / 2, (sH - 461) / 2, 455, 465, "Window", false)
        windowbutton1 = guiCreateButton(330, 432, 118, 22, "butt", false, window)

function myFunction()
outputChatBox ("test", 231,217,176,false )

I press the button and nothing happens

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5 minutes ago, Spakye said:

Do you call the function window() at some point?

Yes of course. How can I open a window differently if I don't call it

Maybe I misunderstand something, but I do it like this:

function window()
		window = guiCreateWindow((sW - 406) / 2, (sH - 461) / 2, 455, 465, "Window", false)
        windowbutton1 = guiCreateButton(330, 432, 118, 22, "butt", false, window)

function start()
addCommandHandler ( "w", start )

function myFunction()
outputChatBox ("test", 231,217,176,false )


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Ok so the problem is the event handler for the button is out of the function, wich means when the ressource start it can't find the button as it was not created yet so it fails.

I recommend you to do something like this :

function createGuis()
  --in this function you place all the guis and event handler attached to guis element
  window = guiCreateWindow((sW - 406) / 2, (sH - 461) / 2, 455, 465, "Window", false)
  windowbutton1 = guiCreateButton(330, 432, 118, 22, "butt", false, window)
  guiSetVisible(window, false) -- we hide the window for now, so you can decide when its gonna be visible

function showWindow()
	guiSetvisible(window, true)  
addCommandHandler ( "w", showWindow )

function myFunction()
	outputChatBox ("test", 231,217,176,false )

function ressourceStarted()
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), resourceStarted) -- this event is triggered when the resource start client side

The guis elements are created when the resource start and we hide them, then you show them when needed with showWindow()

Edited by Spakye
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